We can all agree on 1 thing!

How many brown people must Obama kill to satisfy Desh lust for Arab blood? Why is she so hateful of those with a different skin color and religion than her? Why does she call for the death of children?

who is the one who hates kids and doesn't care if they are gassed?

I really regret ever being friendly with you
how many times will I have to explain it to you while you pretend you have not had it explained to you?

If we allow this to pass unobstructed there will be lots of dictators who will now attack their own people to retain or gain power.

those deaths will be in part your responsibility

So what we should attack every dictator now? Are we under threat? Where is the imminent attack on America?

You just want to kill brown people don't you you fucking racist?
the babies who died in their homes were brown you fucking piece of human trash who hates children
who is the one who hates kids and doesn't care if they are gassed?

I really regret ever being friendly with you

You don't care if kids are gassed. You care about supporting Obama.

Can you honestly say that if it were a President Romney you would be supporting this? You are a fucking liar if you say yes

You are good little neocon. You learned well at Uncle Bill Kristols knee
took a shit load from all sides for jtalking about white phosphereous in fallughia.

Turned out I was right.

I talked of a coming economic collapse due to the sub prime and took a lot of abuse for it.

I was right.

I talked about the election cheating with machines by the republicans and was told to shut up about it by nearly everyone.

I was proven correct.

and on and on and on.

you people just don't care about reality
so you call any foreign policy guts by Obama as evil.

then after wards you talk about how whimpy dems are.

Its an old tactic and it doesn't serve the country, it serves only your party.

Party over country its what the right is good at
remember all the jokes about how Clinton was just wagging the dog with the OBL chasing ?

how right did you assholes turn out to be on sept 11 2001
Bush refused to listen to the top terror expert because he had his head filled with your sides propaganda about it being a wag the dog.

then we got hit because of your stupid party first lies
LOL, most excellent thread.

It released a veritable torrent of hilarious Desharrhea.

yeah which is why I want planes bombed so no more babies will be gassed in their sleep.

fucking lying to yourself and everyone else is not viable political position.

Go get the mental help you so need billy