We can all agree on 1 thing!

Deshy, reports are that Assad is moving assets to civilian areas. Do you still support attacking brown people who don't look like you

Not in Our Name
see how you can NOT have an adult conversation with the right in this country?

they don't care about reality they just want to stroke their own idiot egos instead
Desh, did you know that the marines are strapping up and training for a Syrian incursion right this moment? I swear!
based upon the current situation, I believe Obama when he says he has no plans to put boots on the ground. The situation may change, however, and, at that point, Obama could say something else.
you people don't trust Obama because Bush destroyed what confidence this country had left in its government.

the result is being seen right now.

Bush so wounded this country with his fucking lies that now you all think every president is a liar.

is that what the republican party had planned?

Is this how you were going to KILL this country?

You may be on to something here. If it weren't for Bush people like Darla and BAC would definitely be supporting war and fighting in the Middle East.
they would support not allowing a string of citizen attacks by dictators with indiscriminate weapons that kill EVERYONE and not just the targets
remember when you fucks used decades old chem attacks on citizens by Sadam as a reason to bomb him and his people?

shock and awe muther fucker
they would support not allowing a string of citizen attacks by dictators with indiscriminate weapons that kill EVERYONE and not just the targets

Hmmm, I actually agree with you. BAC and Darla are really war mongers themselves using Bush as an excuse to put up an anti-war façade.
remember when your side cheered people singing Bomb bomb bomb Iran for Nothing

Desh we posted polls yesterday that showed more Republicans than Democrats (though not by a lot) support bombing Syria yet you keep making it an us vs. them type deal. Are you not aware of the many anti-war people in the Democratic Party?
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Desh couldn't wait to shed the Arab blood as soon as Obama was at the tiller. I expect she is singin' "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Assad" in that whiny voice of hers right now.
Desh couldn't wait to shed the blood of Arabs as soon as Obama was at the tiller. I expect she is singin' "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Assad" in that whiny voice of hers right now.

which arabs?

the ones who killed children with gas