We can all agree on 1 thing!

Even Obama has only "high probability" that it was Assad's government. In the US we don't convict on "high probability". What will you do if you find out that the gas was disbursed by the rebels?

Desh thirsts for Arab blood, any Arab blood will do. The Warlord Obamas Red Line has been crossed, so Arabs must die.
Source for the bold? Haven't seen that particular poll.

Woops, sorry 81%...


Some 56 percent of those surveyed said the United States should not intervene in Syria, while only 19 percent supported action, the online poll found.

The only reason Obama even brought this before Congress is because he knows it is overwhelmingly unpopular with the American people and he hopes that the stink will be spread around as Congress gives the go ahead to bomb in a place where the bombing will have no relative effect to any US interest.

There is zero chance we're going to stop this from happening, and all because he couldn't keep on script and had to mention his "red line" where we'd "do something"...
why did ronny sell him the gas and then turn a blind eye when he gassed people with what ronny sold him?
why did it only make you mad decades later when you wanted his oil?

I'm not mad, Desh.

Should America only bomb Arabs who gas children when a Democrat is giving the order to attack?
Honestly, everything on this board is now about the imminent Syrian military action, screwing drunk women, and men bragging about all the women they've screwed, drunk or otherwise, and why those women will never be the same (hahahha).

Now, I admit that the Syrian situation is surely topical, and also very important, but every single thread on it is filled with the same people saying the exact same things.

I know, I know, nothing is stopping me from putting up other threads. I'm too busy though.

So 56% are against action, then.

The only reason Obama even brought this before Congress is because he knows it is overwhelmingly unpopular with the American people and he hopes that the stink will be spread around as Congress gives the go ahead to bomb in a place where the bombing will have no relative affect to any US interest.

There is zero chance we're going to stop this from happening, and all because he couldn't keep on script and had to mention his "red line" where we'd "do something"...

Seems to me he brought it to Congress because Congress asked him to. You have a problem with that?
Honestly, everything on this board is now about the imminent Syrian military action, screwing drunk women, and men bragging about all the women they've screwed, drunk or otherwise, and why those women will never be the same (hahahha).

Now, I admit that the Syrian situation is surely topical, and also very important, but every single thread on it is filled with the same people saying the exact same things.

I know, I know, nothing is stopping me from putting up other threads. I'm too busy though.

Kind of the way the board works thought right? After Newton almost every thread for two weeks was about guns. Zimmerman-Martin trial same thing. Now Syria.

Don't get me wrong because I agree with you. I mean how many different ways can we say the same thing once we've stated where we stand?
Kind of the way the board works thought right? After Newton almost every thread for two weeks was about guns. Zimmerman-Martin trial same thing. Now Syria.

Don't get me wrong because I agree with you. I mean how many different ways can we say the same thing once we've stated where we stand?

Yes, and I avoided the board for a bit during the Newtown thing.

I can say the same thing in many different ways, but not too may are as talented. I used to have this character, "grateful iraqi" that i did on netscape. Man, that was some funny shit. I was thinking of doing that here with syria, but you know, too soon.
Kind of the way the board works thought right? After Newton almost every thread for two weeks was about guns. Zimmerman-Martin trial same thing. Now Syria.

Don't get me wrong because I agree with you. I mean how many different ways can we say the same thing once we've stated where we stand?

Regarding the bold, how ever many times you can say the same thing, SF can say the opposing thing three more times.
I have no idea.

Me neither although based on his comment before going to Congress of essentially saying 'I don't need to go to Congress but I will' that had Britain said yes I surmise he would have not have gone to Congress.
Honestly, everything on this board is now about the imminent Syrian military action, screwing drunk women, and men bragging about all the women they've screwed, drunk or otherwise, and why those women will never be the same (hahahha).

Now, I admit that the Syrian situation is surely topical, and also very important, but every single thread on it is filled with the same people saying the exact same things.

I know, I know, nothing is stopping me from putting up other threads. I'm too busy though.

Again you are wrong. Just yesterday I started a thread about a bullying union in CA. But unfortunately it got lost among the 3000 threads on Syria (mostly started by Garud). That said, it clearly demonstrates you are wrong to claim that everything on the board is about the things above.
Me neither although based on his comment before going to Congress of essentially saying 'I don't need to go to Congress but I will' that had Britain said yes I surmise he would have not have gone to Congress.

Britain forced his hand. He really had no choice once they voted it down.

I don't think he would have gone to Congress if they had been on board.
Me neither although based on his comment before going to Congress of essentially saying 'I don't need to go to Congress but I will' that had Britain said yes I surmise he would have not have gone to Congress.

I think he got a lot of pushback on that within his administration though, particularly from Biden, Kerry and Hagel (for obvious reasons).
Honestly, everything on this board is now about the imminent Syrian military action

Yet you didn't castigate Gerud yesterday when you had the chance, did you? Too busy ironing?

I think the only real question we should ask is How many threads on Syria will Gerud start?

And the answer is, as many as I choose!

Guess SF is against freedom of speech. There are a lot of dud threads being created but not by you.

Jarod is so retarded he creates 10-25 threads on teh same topic, posting the same retarded statements over and over and over again. Life is so much better with him on ignore.