'We have broken speed of light'

What is the saying? Try harder to be information rich and relevant.
And here you keep claiming to be so smart and knowing what people mean without them saying it

it starts out "IT TAKES ONE------="

(then go back and check out that to which I responded.)
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And here you keep claiming to be so smart and knowing what people mean without them saying it

it starts out "IT TAKES ONE------="

(then go back and check out that to which I responded.)

I know what people men when they say it, like you on the other thread, about not seeing a rearending in a parking lot and using that nonscientific sample to extrapolate about parking lot accidents in general.

"It takes one to know one" is the response of a five year old.
I know what people men when they say it, like you on the other thread, about not seeing a rearending in a parking lot and using that nonscientific sample to extrapolate about parking lot accidents in general.

"It takes one to know one" is the response of a five year old.
Nah, FOR a five year old

and the upper part of your response is simply more or you arrogant opinion that you know what a person means better that the person him or herself. and you seem to think you know what a person means even if the DON'T say it.

making you an absolute asshole.
Nah, FOR a five year old

and the upper part of your response is simply more or you arrogant opinion thst you know what a person means better that the person him or herslf. making you an absolute asshole.

You still refuse to give a believable alternate interpretation of your comments. In lieu of that, I will go with my interpretation.
You still refuse to give a believable alternate interpretation of your comments. In lieu of that, I will go with my interpretation.
Notice what you just said, I refuse to give you (what you call a reasonable alternative,) soyou go with your made-up opinion, rather than accept what is actually said. That is NUTS. I am not about to Lie to you about what I mean.
Notice what you just said, I refuse to give you (what you call a reasonable alternative,) soyou go with your made-up opinion, rather than accept what is actually said. That is NUTS. I am not about to Lie to you about what I mean.

I accept what you said, what's not clear is your intent. You say you intended your personal experience to not be extrapolated to a position on the question at hand. In that case, you were just sharing.

You want to make implications then be able to deny them when it suits you.
I accept what you said, what's not clear is your intent. You say you intended your personal experience to not be extrapolated to a position on the question at hand. In that case, you were just sharing.

You want to make implications then be able to deny them when it suits you.
I never said, meant, or intended any such thing. that is your imagination. if not, prove it, and not just your imterpetation of what you think I meant.
I never said, meant, or intended any such thing. that is your imagination. if not, prove it, and not just your interpetation of what you think I meant.

What did you say, mean or intend? If you WEREN'T attempting to make a statement about the prevalance of that type of accident, then you were just merely sharing date for fun and togetherness.
What did you say, mean or intend? If you WEREN'T attempting to make a statement about the prevalance of that type of accident, then you were just merely sharing date for fun and togetherness.
So now you are switchin the terms of your allegation. If you can't prove the first, just change to another lie. RIGHT?

your ASSumtions are simply JackASSHATsumpltions, with no validity what-so-ever.
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What did you say, mean or intend? If you WEREN'T attempting to make a statement about the prevalance of that type of accident, then you were just merely sharing date for fun and togetherness.
So now you are switchin the terms of your allegation. If you can't prove the first, just change to another lie. RIGHT?

Your ASSumptions are simply JackASSHATsumptions with no validity what-so-ever.

I would suggest you stop right there. You can't possibly make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

Even YOU should know you can't improve on nature.
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'We have broken speed of light'

By Nic Fleming, Science Correspondent
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 16/08/2007

A pair of German physicists claim to have broken the speed of light - an achievement that would undermine our entire understanding of space and time.

According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, it would require an infinite amount of energy to propel an object at more than 186,000 miles per second.

However, Dr Gunter Nimtz and Dr Alfons Stahlhofen, of the University of Koblenz, say they may have breached a key tenet of that theory.
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The pair say they have conducted an experiment in which microwave photons - energetic packets of light - travelled "instantaneously" between a pair of prisms that had been moved up to 3ft apart.

Being able to travel faster than the speed of light would lead to a wide variety of bizarre consequences.

For instance, an astronaut moving faster than it would theoretically arrive at a destination before leaving.


How'd they do that?
That is theoretical, not actual. and it doesn't make the least bit of sense to me. The speed of light is mearly a measurement of time, like a minute, hour, etc. it is not a real wall.

The speed of light is a measurement of speed, rate of movement. It's not a measurement of time. It's distance per time unit.