We should make this the prize for the millionth post

Do you think that I literally expected you to treat a woman as if she were a whale? Did any of my comments sound serious at all?
If you mean something as a joke it should be funny, and to be funny it should have an element of truth to it. That, and your history, tell me that it was a baseless insult, and the Southern Man will always take you to task for that. :pke:
If you mean something as a joke it should be funny, and to be funny it should have an element of truth to it. That, and your history, tell me that it was a baseless insult, and the Southern Man will always take you to task for that. :pke:

LMAO!!! Where in the hell did you get the idea that a joke must have an element of truth?

I said: "I can just picture SM yelling as he dove into her bed, "Capt Ahab was right she's as white as can be!"

What the hell else would it be but a joke. Was it an insult? If you are going to bed with someone that looks like the pic you posted, it could be an insult.

But if not, well.........

And since my post was directly related to a prior post about her being a whale, your singular attack on my post, while ignoring the other, sounds like a personal vendetta to me.

Taking me to task? YOu provided more entertainment on a slow day. Nothing more.
LMAO!!! Where in the hell did you get the idea that a joke must have an element of truth?

I said: "I can just picture SM yelling as he dove into her bed, "Capt Ahab was right she's as white as can be!"

What the hell else would it be but a joke. Was it an insult? If you are going to bed with someone that looks like the pic you posted, it could be an insult.

But if not, well.........

And since my post was directly related to a prior post about her being a whale, your singular attack on my post, while ignoring the other, sounds like a personal vendetta to me.

Taking me to task? YOu provided more entertainment on a slow day. Nothing more.

I didn't attack you; you attacked me and I defended myself.
I didn't attack you; you attacked me and I defended myself.

I attacked you? lmao

Reread the thread. There were plenty of jokes about the pictures. If you see that as a personal attack, you might consider professional help for your paranoia issues.

And if this is what you call defense, you might not want to rely on it too much.
I attacked you? lmao

Reread the thread. There were plenty of jokes about the pictures. If you see that as a personal attack, you might consider professional help for your paranoia issues.

And if this is what you call defense, you might not want to rely on it too much.
I see jokes as jokes, and attacks as attacks. Its really rather simple.

In this case I got you to whine, spin, and make pitiful excuses for your actions.
I see jokes as jokes, and attacks as attacks. Its really rather simple.

In this case I got you to whine, spin, and make pitiful excuses for your actions.

LMAO!! You did nothing of the kind. You spent a portion of your morning trying to argue some mundane point and got no where with it.

What you see is not really my concern. I saw a funny line and I added to it with a funny line of my own.

Try acting like a man and dealing with it rather than trying to make it into some huge personal attack.
I see jokes as jokes, and attacks as attacks. Its really rather simple.

In this case I got you to whine, spin, and make pitiful excuses for your actions.

There were 6 posts teasing you about the fat lady before I posted mine.

Soc posted "To chase that Chubby you would need a ship and a harpoon gun." to which mine was an amusing addition.

And yet you spend the morning trying to make me answer a question (supposedly in the name of "intellectual honesty). But now you say it was you "taking me to task" for my insults.

LMAO!!! Too damn funny for words.
There were 6 posts teasing you about the fat lady before I posted mine.

Soc posted "To chase that Chubby you would need a ship and a harpoon gun." to which mine was an amusing addition.

And yet you spend the morning trying to make me answer a question (supposedly in the name of "intellectual honesty). But now you say it was you "taking me to task" for my insults.

LMAO!!! Too damn funny for words.

Actually, there were three direct attackers, USC, Zappa, and Grind, and I addressed each one in a post or two. Yours was indirect, typical for a wussie, and you've made every excuse not to answer my pointed question for almost three pages, finally making a piss poor excuse that it was a joke.

It is I who am amused. :)
Actually, there were three direct attackers, USC, Zappa, and Grind, and I addressed each one in a post or two. Yours was indirect, typical for a wussie, and you've made every excuse not to answer my pointed question for almost three pages, finally making a piss poor excuse that it was a joke.

It is I who am amused. :)

Did you not think it was a joke from the beginning? Are you actually going to claim that you are stupid enough to think that "I can just picture SM yelling as he dove into her bed, "Capt Ahab was right she's as white as can be!" was serious?

YOur question, as I said before was not about my individual post but an attempt to create a future jab at me. I did not answer it for very good reasons.

If you are amused you certainly didn't think my post was a personal attack.
The basic chronology goes like this:

SM posted a picture of a fat woman
USC: “Like those fried chicken fed women huh SM?”
SM: (answering USC) Nope
USC: “I posted a pic of a lady I thought attractive and you posted a pic of one you thought attractive?

I really did not want to get personal and say she was your wife.”

SM: (answering USC) “So... that means that you see yourself as a frog and like to eat flies?

You're being illogical, typical for a liberal.” (notice the addition of an insult)

Zappa: “Why else would he post a picture of her? But hey, whatever floats his boat.”

SM: (answering Zappa) “Your logic continues to fail you.”

Zappa: (answering SM) “Hey, don't be ashamed. You like em big, there's nothing wrong with that.

So you're a chubby chaser, so what? Embrace your true feelings. “

USC: (adding to Zappa) “Yep chubby gals need love too.
And some of them don't sweat too bad.”

Soc: “To chase that Chubby you would need a ship and a harpoon gun.”

Winterborn: “I can just picture SM yelling as he dove into her bed, "Capt Ahab was right she's as white as can be!"

And now you maintain that mine was a personal attack on you?

YOu say mine was indirect? I directly stated the mental image that the pic you posted and Soc's post put into my head. Nothing indirect about it.

What I see is an online bully, who loves to pick on people (especially as part of a group of bullies) gets very upset over a little fun at his expense. Its one of those "you can dish it out but you can't take it" situations.

YOu want to appear the victim. But you also want to appear the badass.

And you are throwing a hissy fit that I won't answer your question. lol
The basic chronology goes like this:

SM posted a picture of a fat woman
USC: “Like those fried chicken fed women huh SM?”
SM: (answering USC) Nope
USC: “I posted a pic of a lady I thought attractive and you posted a pic of one you thought attractive?

I really did not want to get personal and say she was your wife.”

SM: (answering USC) “So... that means that you see yourself as a frog and like to eat flies?

You're being illogical, typical for a liberal.” (notice the addition of an insult)

Zappa: “Why else would he post a picture of her? But hey, whatever floats his boat.”

SM: (answering Zappa) “Your logic continues to fail you.”

Zappa: (answering SM) “Hey, don't be ashamed. You like em big, there's nothing wrong with that.

So you're a chubby chaser, so what? Embrace your true feelings. “

USC: (adding to Zappa) “Yep chubby gals need love too.
And some of them don't sweat too bad.”

Soc: “To chase that Chubby you would need a ship and a harpoon gun.”

Winterborn: “I can just picture SM yelling as he dove into her bed, "Capt Ahab was right she's as white as can be!"

And now you maintain that mine was a personal attack on you?

YOu say mine was indirect? I directly stated the mental image that the pic you posted and Soc's post put into my head. Nothing indirect about it.

What I see is an online bully, who loves to pick on people (especially as part of a group of bullies) gets very upset over a little fun at his expense. Its one of those "you can dish it out but you can't take it" situations.

YOu want to appear the victim. But you also want to appear the badass.

And you are throwing a hissy fit that I won't answer your question. lol

LOL Now you're going beyond hissy.
€ r ı π ∂;510079 said:

Awww, where is the love in that?

At least you lost the thread BEFORE we started bickering.
The big gal is probably more like the Great White Hope for Southern Guy.
He hopes he can get in her size 40's.