We should make this the prize for the millionth post

I attacked you? lmao

Reread the thread. There were plenty of jokes about the pictures. If you see that as a personal attack, you might consider professional help for your paranoia issues.

And if this is what you call defense, you might not want to rely on it too much.

Look at it this way...at least now everyone knows what SM's rules pertaining to humor are. Now everyone knows how to judge exactly what is and isn't "funny".

For someone to mean it as a joke, it has to be funny to SM, and there has to be an element of truth.

Glad we cleared that up!
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I got a game she and I could play.

It's called "sit on my face and I'll guess your weight"!

There wouldn't be enough money in the world to entice this girl to vomit all over your face, much less sit on it. The very thought is almost as repulsive as your body, but you keep yanking on that lil thang Zappy. You'll get there yet....

In your dreams.
Why else would he post a picture of her? But hey, whatever floats his boat.

He wanted you to feel more at home with a gal about your size, Zappy.

Remember when we discovered on the other board that you had written this question to Dr. Ruth?

Q: Does My Weight Affect The Length of My Penis?

And she answered:

A: One piece of good news is that it is true that under normal circumstances about one third of the penis is buried within the body, but in a fat man, a greater proportion lies covered under the fat, so if you were to lose weight (not a bad idea to begin with) then your penis will appear longer as less of it will be buried.

Does it still protrude out your backside when you blow your nose, Zappy?

GAWD that must be a sight!!!!
There wouldn't be enough money in the world to entice this girl to vomit all over your face, much less sit on it. The very thought is almost as repulsive as your body, but you keep yanking on that lil thang Zappy. You'll get there yet....

In your dreams.

What did you expect from a mentally ill creep like zippy.
What did you expect from a mentally ill creep like zippy.

Every woman in the country are heaving collectively into their handbags at the mere thought of this blob in a sexual act of any kind, anywhere, and with anyone...

even female barnyard animals!

He wanted you to feel more at home with a gal about your size, Zappy.

Remember when we discovered on the other board that you had written this question to Dr. Ruth?

Q: Does My Weight Affect The Length of My Penis?

And she answered:

A: One piece of good news is that it is true that under normal circumstances about one third of the penis is buried within the body, but in a fat man, a greater proportion lies covered under the fat, so if you were to lose weight (not a bad idea to begin with) then your penis will appear longer as less of it will be buried.

Does it still protrude out your backside when you blow your nose, Zappy?

GAWD that must be a sight!!!!


Ah yes, there's nothing like a hearty belly laugh, especially if one's belly is as large as mine!

I tell ya, you just gotta love "Christians" like disloyal. Having discovered that her pitiful fat jokes just don't affect the object of her attention, disloyal begins to make up ridiculous lies. Oddly enough, she still seems fixated on my weight.

Wait a minute, I think I get it now...

DISLOYAL HAS THE HOTS FOR ME! She's a Chubby Chaser!

Thanks prunepuss, but no thanks, I got a beautiful wife of 20 years at home, and no pitiful message board skank is going to get me to give up the good thing I got for an unknown, no matter how dirty you talk to me.
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Yeah zap the carrion eaters have followed SM's smell. Time to give the thread back to Grind I think.

What are all those things in the bears belly anyway?
Kinda looks like a smugglers teddy.
usaloyal is a woman?

weird O_O

in other news how you guys find out about zappas writing to dr. ruth? that seems weird to me.

Ah yes, there's nothing like a hearty belly laugh, especially if one's belly is as large as mine!

I tell ya, you just gotta love "Christians" like disloyal. Having discovered that her pitiful fat jokes just don't affect the object of her attention, disloyal begins to make up ridiculous lies. Oddly enough, she still seems fixated on my weight.

Wait a minute, I think I get it now...

DISLOYAL HAS THE HOTS FOR ME! She's a Chubby Chaser!

Thanks prunepuss, but no thanks, I got a beautiful wife of 20 years at home, and no pitiful message board skank is going to get me to give up the good thing I got for an unknown, no matter how dirty you talk to me.

Now calm down Zappy. All that movement has got the rolls a rolling and you even had to edit your work. Got a little shaky replying to this did you BIG BOY?

Guess we'll just have to take your word on your wife, thimble dick.

Now I give you permission to neg rep me again you little Fat Boy Sissy girl. You look so cute when you get all puckered up and cry!
€ r ı π ∂;510258 said:
usaloyal is a woman?

weird O_O

in other news how you guys find out about zappas writing to dr. ruth? that seems weird to me.

Because Zappa confessed all his sins on the AOL boards, Grindette. Pink looks strange on you. :p

Weird 0_0
€ r ı π ∂;510258 said:
usaloyal is a woman?

weird O_O

in other news how you guys find out about zappas writing to dr. ruth? that seems weird to me.

Despite all the evidence to the contrary, she/he/it (delete as appropriate) is a woman.
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I guess now that we know she's a woman, it means we'll have to start holding her to a higher standard than we did before. Thanks, Tom.
I guess now that we know she's a woman, it means we'll have to start holding her to a higher standard than we did before. Thanks, Tom.

I understand how you might want to place her on a pedestal, however she has an unerring knack of hoisting herself on her own petard.
I would need a TomTom to find your inner being, however I suspect that I would end up in a cul de sac.

Hee-hee-hee *shaking head and rolling eyes toward the sky* :rolleyes:

That was just plain stupid. You suck major air at insults Tomasina, but any time you want to pull your inner being from the vast, dark intersection between your cheeks we'll wait here for you until you arrive.

Do clean up first.