Well, it happened to us too. / Sound of Freedom movie

Doesn't sound too bad. Perhaps somebody is watching over the bicycles in that area.

I'll suggest the same thing to you as I have to "leaning right" over in [shudder] Oklahoma.
We're probably both living where we best belong!
You're right I think they do...plus we have some bold thieves here... but they're not that bold... and yes I think we're both happy where we live... you'd probably actually like it here it's a big town little town kind of atmosphere...
And it's a dog City...lol
Still a few reports of glitches but they have become far fewer. Overall, this flick gets great reviews.
I will continue to walk in love and truth and continue to point out that this makes me the better person.

I credit education and a good heart.

I have a vast amount of education, and a vengeful heart. Those who destroyed the great experiment in self-governance, the land where anyone could be anything with enough hard work, will pay dearly if I have any say in the matter.

What the democrats have done is a crime against humanity, and genocide through a biological attack, Covid-19 was the catalyst for ending the Constitutional Republic. They must suffer for what they have done.
I have a vast amount of education, and a vengeful heart. Those who destroyed the great experiment in self-governance, the land where anyone could be anything with enough hard work, will pay dearly if I have any say in the matter.

What the democrats have done is a crime against humanity, and genocide through a biological attack, Covid-19 was the catalyst for ending the Constitutional Republic. They must suffer for what they have done.

The CuckServatives spent decades assisting, lying to the American people the whole way.

Well, AAA said it would be three hours, the MAGA got to them also... So I had a patch kit in my car and took care of it, but if I hadn't been prepared MAGA would have won.

Right, you patched a car tire on the roadside...

Well, that's about as true as all the other shit you posted.

Oh, and the nail probably fell out of one of the IED's you had built for BLM to "peacefully protest" with.
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Trump screamed at you that dark forces had stolen the election and that the republic was in grave danger, but you didn't heed the call to show up ready to rumble on J6.

The Republic is gone. The Reich under Quid Pro rules now.

I said that the Reich would do anything it takes to prevent a free and fair election - including throwing the opposition in prison.

And here we are.
Portland isn't in the US Capital!

Both "U" and "S" are capitals.

Oh, when democrat Brown Shirts used the force of arms to invade and occupy downtown Seattle, and hold it through force of arms for 10 days, that was an actual insurrection. Unlike the 3 hour protest at the Capitol.
The CuckServatives spent decades assisting, lying to the American people the whole way.


The Republican party is filled with trash.

For every Ron DeSantis there is a Mitch McConnell. For every Kari Lake, a Mitt Romney.

But the foul vermin that infest the GOP are not "conservative" nor are the Kiddie Diddlers at the Bullwark. "True Conservatives Inc™" are the epitome of irony - they are nothing but international war mongers.

Still, the democrats are an evil that makes Hitler look tame and must face the same response as Hitler's Nazis did.

It's true, Republicans are about like a bad case of the clap - where democrats are full blown AIDS.
The Republican party is filled with trash.

For every Ron DeSantis there is a Mitch McConnell. For every Kari Lake, a Mitt Romney.

But the foul vermin that infest the GOP are not "conservative" nor are the Kiddie Diddlers at the Bullwark. "True Conservatives Inc™" are the epitome of irony - they are nothing but international war mongers.

Still, the democrats are an evil that makes Hitler look tame and must face the same response as Hitler's Nazis did.

It's true, Republicans are about like a bad case of the clap - where democrats are full blown AIDS.

They are also globalists who have sold me down the river.
Both "U" and "S" are capitals.

Oh, when democrat Brown Shirts used the force of arms to invade and occupy downtown Seattle, and hold it through force of arms for 10 days, that was an actual insurrection. Unlike the 3 hour protest at the Capitol.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it! You're full of Shit
I'm not going to sugarcoat it! You're full of Shit

About what?

Your inability to spell? Or the actual insurrection that was CHAZ/CHOP?


Don't worry about Raz Simone - he's never been arrested or charged by the FBI or any federal agency.

I mean come on, he was acting on behalf of the democrat Reich.
They are also globalists who have sold me down the river.

Yep, which is why they try to make the term "nationalist" into an epithet. They have no love of nor loyalty to this nation. The PNAC fuckers are not much better than the Nazis, the democrats. The PNAC vermin trade the lives of America's bravest and finest to line their filthy little pockets. That's all Mitt and Mitch ever gave a fuck about - forever war so they can keep raking in blood money.

When the filth REALLY turned on Trump is when he refused to start a war in Syria, as he was ordered to do.