Well, it happened to us too. / Sound of Freedom movie

Yep, which is why they try to make the term "nationalist" into an epithet. They have no love of nor loyalty to this nation. The PNAC fuckers are not much better than the Nazis, the democrats. The PNAC vermin trade the lives of America's bravest and finest to line their filthy little pockets. That's all Mitt and Mitch ever gave a fuck about - forever war so they can keep raking in blood money.

When the filth REALLY turned on Trump is when he refused to start a war in Syria, as he was ordered to do.

More telling anyone who disputes the Regime is tarred with the label "Alt Right" and must be somewhere on the spectrum of ignored and subjected to sustained beatings.
As soon as we said 2 for Sound of Freedom she sort of smirked and turned to her friend with a sly little grin.

For the record,.....the second we told the young attendant our movie choice she turned to ice. No smile,...dead eyes ,..Complete with the I could care less if you live or die FUCK YOU face .

She smirked, grinned, had no smile, dead eyes, sly eyes, was 12 feet tall, and a midget?

We only have your word on this story, and your word is all over the place.

Theaters make money off repeat business. Your story does not pass the laugh test.