Well (shaking head), I see 'Oneuli' got popped for a 12b.

Hmm, I'd say that it doesn't matter if "Brad" talked about it or not, constantly bringing it up as an insult is not much different than what Jack said about Havana's wife's age. And that's what Lesion does.... brings it up as an insult.

Doesn't come even close to violating Rule 12b.
Not to mention that even if you happen to know some posters real name, it is bad form, and just creepy, to constantly be using it. Being on a first name basis with someone is reserved for friends, cyber-buddies, and close acquaintances - and even then only in private. Basic social etiquette 101.
I do not make society's rules, I just follow them!

If "Brad" revealed it, then it's "Brad's" stupidity.
I saw that when she posted it and was surprised that she said it. Thankfully we have Lesion to keep things safe for us around here. I do wonder though why Jack got banned for something-something about Havana's wife's age, but Lesion posts about "Brad" (real name of a JPP person? It's what he calls Jarod) having sex with a 14 yo, and gets away with it. Interesting, eh?

I outed Gayrod as Brad when he gave away way too much information, then he denied being Brad. Therefore we can call him Brad all day long and point to that as "proof" that we are not doxing him.

Brad talked about his young sexual exploits as a teenager. Legion’s comments are borderline, if he’s smart he’ll drop the topic before he slips and gets a ban for it. It’s happened to others who thought themselves clever.

I don't see how Legions disgusting sexual comments about a 13 year old Anne Frank were ''borderline"!
The racist white wing nut jobs take pleasure in baiting folks into their silly rules.

It's like....don't move, put your hands up, I said don't move, I said put your hands up...….bang your dead!

It's they only way they can claim a victory whilst getting their rocks off.

Then stop being a fish, biting the bait, and swallowing the hook. :laugh:
I don't see how Legions disgusting sexual comments about a 13 year old Anne Frank were ''borderline"!

Then quote them, with the link to the post, or are you just a lying bitch, like Owl!!

'Tradesman'? DS claims he's an 'Engineer'. (No, not a Train Engineer, an Engineer with some kind of real engineering 'Degree')
In fact, he has proven that by calling the Kitchen soffits that the Cabinets hang from, ... ''Chases'. Chases that mice run through. (I'm guessing DS got his 'Degree' from Trump University)

As usual, you don't know anything, but feel compelled to make up some shit.
Owl's just trying to find a loophole when can use to try and defend he fellow liberals, seeing as how they are the ones who tend to violate Rule 12b the most.

Liberals violate 12b because their arguments are devoid of facts, so instead have to resort to logical fallacies. One of their most frequent tactics is the simple ad hom, calling someone something that they see, and think that society as a whole sees, as reprehensible. Examples, on order of frequency used:
1. Gay
2. Racist
3. Pedophile

Liberals violate 12b because their arguments are devoid of facts, so instead have to resort to logical fallacies. One of their most frequent tactics is the simple ad hom, calling someone something that they see, and think that society as a whole sees, as reprehensible. Examples, on order of frequency used:
1. Gay
2. Racist
3. Pedophile


I find it extremely amusing that liberals, who are supposed to be so compassionate, tend to use "gay insults" against their opposition.

??PROJECTION?? :dunno:
I am a you of most trades, master of one.

You sound like my Dad. Of course he'd never say it, but he was pretty much a wiz at this, and that. My Dad, and uncle, built our old house back in Ohio, from the ground up. Up in Michigan he had so many odds, and ends that he kept from his electrician job site.
Liberals violate 12b because their arguments are devoid of facts, so instead have to resort to logical fallacies. One of their most frequent tactics is the simple ad hom, calling someone something that they see, and think that society as a whole sees, as reprehensible. Examples, on order of frequency used:
1. Gay
2. Racist
3. Pedophile


Legion is a liberal?