Well (shaking head), I see 'Oneuli' got popped for a 12b.

Brad talked about his young sexual exploits as a teenager. Legion’s comments are borderline, if he’s smart he’ll drop the topic before he slips and gets a ban for it. It’s happened to others who thought themselves clever.

I thought calling him Brad was like calling someone Nancy. :cof1:
12 b is getting ridiculous, especially with the discussions Legion gets away with.

I think, and this is just a Theory in the making, but I think Grind, Alpha Dog of Red Team, uses Legina as 'bait' for Blue Team to take a swing at ... then claims ------> "12b Violation" ... to remove Leaders of Blue Team.

All you have to do is ignore Legion and not respond to him.

Works like a charm.
The point of this thread, is why Jack did not get off.

Perhaps Jaded could give him a hand.
What's making it ridiculous? Don't like that one of your own violated the rule?

I asked Jade the Coward to show what Legion is supposedly "getting away with"; but as of now he's been unable to find support for his "guess".

Don't you find it strange that Nomad put me on ignore the moment I accepted his challenge to come to Orlando? I don't. Honest people would call it a cowardly act.

Lying-ass perma-banned POS.

You are the one who chickened out and never showed.

All you can do is hide behind your computer and spew 12b violations at people.

Ignorant peckerwood hick.