Werewolf Lounge Thread

Mkay, Bob is a shitty blacksmith.

Why does Idiot say such mean things about Bob?
Bob always let you take nap in pile of straw and Bob makes you shiny things to play with.
Bob also only one who not throw things like rotten food at you.
Bob always treat you nice and now you hurt Bob's feelings.
Who make you say such bad things about Bob?
Well dip my balls in sweet cream and squat me in a kitchen full of kittens. I wuz beginnin to think that me and tha missus wuz the only ones. That slimy varmint sold me a bum horse shoe and my best horse Bessy came up lame. sonofabitch

You accuse Bob of making bad item again and you will have no balls to dip in cream.
Your horse go lame; because you are a bad owner.
You come work in shop with Bob and Bob will show you what real work is.
Who would give a name to a horse anyway.
When horse die, you make many meals from it and no one wants to call meal Bessy!
Bob intended to vote for Serendipity, when it hit 4; but two of the villagers were into so much weeping and gnashing of teeth that Bob stopped to watch.
Next time maybe villagers should try talking, instead of yelling and insulting.
Bob intended to vote for Serendipity, when it hit 4; but two of the villagers were into so much weeping and gnashing of teeth that Bob stopped to watch.
Next time maybe villagers should try talking, instead of yelling and insulting.

do not talk about what you might have done or what you would have done or after the fact justifications. we can't have that in this thread. this is just for general chit chat.
do not talk about what you might have done or what you would have done or after the fact justifications. we can't have that in this thread. this is just for general chit chat.

Bob speaking of what Bob would have done, has no bearing on the game or the ability to change anyone's vote; because this isn't about strategy or suspicions.
Cornelius sure likes to boss other villagers around.