Werewolf Lounge Thread

Yes it does, your defending yourself, trying to take some of the credit for the wolf kill for yourself. Sorry, the rules of the game cut off discussion and voting after a majority lynch, that is that. Any statement that you would've voted one way or the other is heresay, in light of that fact. Giving yourself more credibility can have an effect on futre voting in the village.

Please, defend yourself in the thread, and leave that out of here. I am going to have to agree with Cornelius, and issue a warning for violating the rules of the game.

Bob apologizes and did not want to cause any problems.
Bob will take the time to think twice about what he may be saying.
Bob sorry.
can one explain to me why we want two specific wagons as opposed to one person or three?

I know I am dead, but I would say that yours is a question best asked within the game thread. Additionally, Cornelius expressed his rationale in the game.

I will go back to being dead now