Werewolf Lounge Thread

More guesses from Bob that I forgot about:

I bet nobody suspected me of being Vlad.

Yeh they did. After I was lynched Christie and me worked you all out pretty much. Truth to say, it was mostly Christie she is one smart cookie.

Blacksmith - USF
Sponge Bob - Superfreak
Msanna - Dionaea
Cornelius - Grind
Clem - ILA
Wear Wolves - Essence
Vlad the Impaler - Jarod
Earl Buttz - Mott

Ivan - may be Threedee
Village Idiot - may be Threedee
One of the wolves contacted me and criticized me for putting weak people on the wolf team. There were a lot of weak players on the team, and we did get an extremely experienced seer, but I did not hand select the team, everyone's position was wholly random. That's the only fair way, if I interfere "balance" the teams it introduces an entirely new element to the game - trying to guess who the game mod was most likely to put where. On the other hand, with random selection, each person had exactly 7/11 chance to be a villager, 3/11 to be a wolf, and 1/11 to be a seer.

To describe exactly what I did, I compiled a list of each alt, in the order that you guys sent me PM's telling me your alts. This would've been fairly random as it is, as no one knows that order but me, but I also threw any extra randomness just to be sure. Starting with the first person on the list, I went to random.org and asked for a random number from 1 to 11, and compared it against a list of available roles - if the roll was 1, they were the seer, if it were 2-4, they were a wolf, and if it were any higher, they were a villager. Then I crossed the role they had taken off from the list, and reassigned role numbers appropriately (only really relevant if they got a special role, for instance, if they got seer the wolf role numbers were moved up to 1-3, no point in doing this for village roles because they were all last, and so could be simplified to any number > than the number of remaining special roles). Then, for the second person, I rolled from 1 to 10, and assigned them their appropriate roll. I incremented like this through the list until through the list until everyone had been assigned a role.

i don't think the wolf team was that bad really, they just were put in a tough spot because a) one of them was peeked d1, and B) a lot of the villagers were able to clear themselves. msanna for example for me was 85% process of elimination combined with some sketchy end of days.
Eh, is it OK to reveal the unencrypted roster, mods? It seems kind of obvious that everyone identity would be revealed at the end, but they were divulged in PM's, and I don't want to break any rules... not sure if consent is implicit enough or I absolutely need explicit permission.

I don't think anyone would have a problem with that. I say do it. blame me if anyone gets mad. :p
yesss i knew i was right about you being sponge

After I realized who you were and saw you trying to help the village I was pretty sure it would be better to be as obvious as possible who I was. Poor wolves never stood a chance after that. Not shocked you peeked me anyway... had I been seer I would have wanted to know for sure on you as well.
Yeh they did. After I was lynched Christie and me worked you all out pretty much. Truth to say, it was mostly Christie she is one smart cookie.

Blacksmith - USF
Sponge Bob - Superfreak
Msanna - Dionaea
Cornelius - Grind
Clem - ILA
Wear Wolves - Essence
Vlad the Impaler - Jarod
Earl Buttz - Mott

Ivan - may be Threedee
Village Idiot - may be Threedee

Not bad... if USF was bob... worst player ever... sorry Mutt, your title may be going to someone else.
i don't think the wolf team was that bad really, they just were put in a tough spot because a) one of them was peeked d1, and B) a lot of the villagers were able to clear themselves. msanna for example for me was 85% process of elimination combined with some sketchy end of days.

Yeh and on that first night everyone was starting to jump on Bob until that boob Ivan changed his vote. Oh that and msanna voted for me, infamy infamy... they had all got it infamy!!
Yeh and on that first night everyone was starting to jump on Bob until that boob Ivan changed his vote. Oh that and msanna voted for me, infamy infamy... they had all got it infamy!!

Your first post screwed you in my opinion. It screamed 'oh shit, they asked where I was, I don't know how to respond because I AM A WOLF' = 'I am here'

LMAO... silly Brit.
it's actually really funny how after a while you can sort of peg certain posters just on the way they communicate.
Unencrypted roster:

msanna = Dionaea
Spongebob = superfreak
Vlad the Impaler = Jarod
Cornelius = Grind
Bob the Brawny Blacksmith = USF
clem = I Love America
Village Idiot = Threedee
Serendipity = Tom
Earl Buttz = Mott
Wear Wolves = Essence (Essence hasn't posted in 10 days, no surprises here)
i don't think the wolf team was that bad really, they just were put in a tough spot because a) one of them was peeked d1, and B) a lot of the villagers were able to clear themselves. msanna for example for me was 85% process of elimination combined with some sketchy end of days.
I don't think they did. I spotted Ivan and Msanna as wolves on day one. I mean what the hell was Ivan thinking on his firt post he votes to lynch? Pretty dumb move for a wolf. Msanna blew it by voting to lynch to early then hiding in the background.

Poort Tom never stood a chance so I can't fault his play.