I knew Grind was Cornelius. I wasn't surprised I got whacked the first night because I assumed I fingered Bob and Ivan and they were my two wolves. Had suspicions about Msanna but didn't verbalize them.
I was surprised when Grind didn't get whacked the second night. If I were a wolf I would have taken him out on day one. Not because I thought he was a Seer but because he definitely came across as an experienced player and could sway the village.
That is why I was convinced that Bob was a wolf. He was either dumb as dog shit or a wolf. Unless Bob was Mott which would cover the dumb as dog shot angle, it had to be wolf.
So when do we play again?
Three reasons
1) I had a blast
2) I would like to play longer than one day
3) it pisses off Zappa and Desh