Werewolf Lounge Thread

it's actually really funny how after a while you can sort of peg certain posters just on the way they communicate.

yeah... though to be honest you were really the only one I recognized right away. ILA, USF, Mutt, Jarod, Tom just all blended in... which was good and bad... good because I didn't fall into too many preconceived notions (though I admit I thought Bob was Mutt by the way he played and was quite ready to kill him... in the game of course... just to get rid of him... but I wanted the sweep more)
so what was the official reason for the clem night kill? was it because they thought clem peeked ivan?

or was it because they thought clem peeked vlad?

Superfreak kind of thought Bob was Mott.

just a little bit... fucking retard... :derp:
Your first post screwed you in my opinion. It screamed 'oh shit, they asked where I was, I don't know how to respond because I AM A WOLF' = 'I am here'

LMAO... silly Brit.

That was only the second time I played and the first time as a wolf. Who was I going to ask anyway? Ivan was fucking useless deciding that he was just going to do his own thing and msanna was a Werewolf virgin as well. If not completely a virgin, then only slightly shop soiled.
so what was the official reason for the clem night kill? was it because they thought clem peeked ivan?

or was it because they thought clem peeked vlad?

I would like to know the reasoning behind both... Clem and Vlad... made little sense unless they saw something that made them think 'Seer'... I probably would have killed you first based on day one... definitely would have killed you day two at the latest.
Unencrypted roster:

msanna = Dionaea
Spongebob = superfreak
Vlad the Impaler = Jarod
Cornelius = Grind
Bob the Brawny Blacksmith = USF
clem = I Love America
Village Idiot = Threedee
Serendipity = Tom
Earl Buttz = Mott
Wear Wolves = Essence (Essence hasn't posted in 10 days, no surprises here)

Bingo, full house!!

Blacksmith - USF
Sponge Bob - Superfreak
Msanna - Dionaea
Cornelius - Grind
Clem - ILA
Wear Wolves - Essence
Vlad the Impaler - Jarod
Earl Buttz - Mott

Ivan - may be Threedee
Village Idiot - may be Threedee
i'm glad you enjoyed it. it's always awesome to get new players and it's even more awesome to get new players that actually play and enjoy themselves. thanks jarod :)

It was a fun game and there was definitely some luck involved, what with a wolf kill on Day 1.
I don't think they did. I spotted Ivan and Msanna as wolves on day one. I mean what the hell was Ivan thinking on his firt post he votes to lynch? Pretty dumb move for a wolf. Msanna blew it by voting to lynch to early then hiding in the background.

Poort Tom never stood a chance so I can't fault his play.

sometimes people will throw out votes to get reactions, that wasn't really what made me think he was a wolf, just the fact that he stayed silent allllll day long until the last hour. if IRL we has actually legit busy it might just be bad luck for him. Then after he came back and was being non-committal (and I noticed seren give some throwaway answer about ivan, AND seren jumped to bob to lynch) it all kinda added up for me. then when you combine that with the fact that I saw village idiot get on the lead early, vlad was pretty villagery to me on d1, sponge being villagery, bob being kinda spazzy, wear wolves inactive, it doens't leave many more people to suspect.
That was only the second time I played and the first time as a wolf. Who was I going to ask anyway? Ivan was fucking useless deciding that he was just going to do his own thing and msanna was a Werewolf virgin as well. If not completely a virgin, then only slightly shop soiled.

yeah... kind of figured it was a bad draw like that.
Eh, is it OK to reveal the unencrypted roster, mods? It seems kind of obvious that everyone identity would be revealed at the end, but they were divulged in PM's, and I don't want to break any rules... not sure if consent is implicit enough or I absolutely need explicit permission.

No problem on my part. :)
Not bad... if USF was bob... worst player ever... sorry Mutt, your title may be going to someone else.

I am a rookie at this but I was convinced that

A) Bob was Mott; I didn't think anyone else could be that stupid. Sorry USF
B) I was convinced after Ivan was busted that Bob was last wolf because of his behavior. Of course I didn't have luxury of being Seer.
I don't think they did. I spotted Ivan and Msanna as wolves on day one. I mean what the hell was Ivan thinking on his firt post he votes to lynch? Pretty dumb move for a wolf. Msanna blew it by voting to lynch to early then hiding in the background.

Poort Tom never stood a chance so I can't fault his play.

Msanna even threw me to the wolves...er villagers to throw the scent off him.
sometimes people will throw out votes to get reactions, that wasn't really what made me think he was a wolf, just the fact that he stayed silent allllll day long until the last hour. if IRL we has actually legit busy it might just be bad luck for him. Then after he came back and was being non-committal (and I noticed seren give some throwaway answer about ivan, AND seren jumped to bob to lynch) it all kinda added up for me. then when you combine that with the fact that I saw village idiot get on the lead early, vlad was pretty villagery to me on d1, sponge being villagery, bob being kinda spazzy, wear wolves inactive, it doens't leave many more people to suspect.

I was out all day and didn't get back to after 6pm GMT. Anyway I decided that if I signed in too early then my real ID would be worked out too easily by virtue of the five hour time difference.
B) I was convinced after Ivan was busted that Bob was last wolf because of his behavior. Of course I didn't have luxury of being Seer.

here is the thing, when you know your wolf partner is going down in flames, it's usually a bad idea to say things like "GUYS I AM REALLY SURE IVAN ISN'T A WOLF" and "i have a bad feeling about this"

at some point if you are a wolf you will want credit and village points. So in a vacuum bobs d2 was pretty villagery, even though he was wrong on some things.

villagers are allowed to be wrong, they have incomplete information. In fact, a lot of times when people seem to know too much it can be kinda wolfy.

now of course, once people play more games and they could bank on the interpretation I gave above, they can start going all meta game. Then they can be "so obvious there is no way he is a wolf because a wolf would NEVER act like that"

I knew Grind was Cornelius. I wasn't surprised I got whacked the first night because I assumed I fingered Bob and Ivan and they were my two wolves. Had suspicions about Msanna but didn't verbalize them.

I was surprised when Grind didn't get whacked the second night. If I were a wolf I would have taken him out on day one. Not because I thought he was a Seer but because he definitely came across as an experienced player and could sway the village.

That is why I was convinced that Bob was a wolf. He was either dumb as dog shit or a wolf. Unless Bob was Mott which would cover the dumb as dog shot angle, it had to be wolf.

So when do we play again?

Three reasons

1) I had a blast
2) I would like to play longer than one day
3) it pisses off Zappa and Desh
Msanna even threw me to the wolves...er villagers to throw the scent off him.

if he was the third vote on you, it might have been given more credit. at it stood, it read more like "welp I guess seren is fucked now, better just hop on board. "
I thought both Bob and Earl are the kind of characterizations Mott would pull off. I had settled in him being Earl. Once SF thought he was Bob, I started looking for Ear to appear dumber than Bob.
I am a rookie at this but I was convinced that

A) Bob was Mott; I didn't think anyone else could be that stupid. Sorry USF
B) I was convinced after Ivan was busted that Bob was last wolf because of his behavior. Of course I didn't have luxury of being Seer.

All the other games, I've been really active and trying to convince others on what direction to go; but this time, I wanted to do something different.
I was literally LMAO over Grind and Super going into total meltdown mode.
Sorry guys - I couldn't help myself and just kept pushing your buttons. :)