Whoever decided it was a good idea to fuck up perfectly good cookies by putting fucking raisins in then should be drawn and fucking quartered. And there can be no dispute about this. I don't give a good goddamn how wonderful your oatmeal fucking raisin cookies are; they'd be better without the fucking raisins and with chocolate fucking chips in their stead.

So, you don't care for raisins, huh?
You're a pathetic idiotic sexist. The ENTIRE game is based on "guile". Not feminine guile, not masculine guile, guile. You fucking throwback. If Grind had done it, it would have been "brilliant strategy". If SF had misread Billy, it would have been fine. But he misread a girl so his manhood is in question and of course the girl is using "guile" in a game where EVERYONE is using guile. Mott thought it was SF and Billy, and the only reason you thought i was a wolf was because I lynched you. And even then, your first crybaby claim was that I was "sacrificing a fellow villager for personal reasons". Yeah I have a good memory. You got yourself lynched. Man up.


Stop being such a drama queen.
The comment had nothing to do with what you did; but instead for what SF fell for and you even admitted to what you were attempting.

Now I get into trouble for refering to what you already admitted to.

Yes, because you so often see Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Never Oatmeal Raisin. Oatmeal Raisin is the best combination of cookie EVER. Only a neanderthal would be retarded enough to not appreciate the awesomeness that are Oatmeal Raisin cookies. Which means you likely have Mutt in agreement with you.

Blasphemer! What the hell do you know? You couldn't find your ass with both hands in your back pockets.
They're not rotten, they're sundried. Don't tell me you don't like sundried tomatoes? The best food ever?

Not pucker sweet, awesome to include as an ingredient, doesn't overpower other foods, comes packed in liquid. Sun dried tomatoes are fine. Rotten grapes are not. Also rotten plums suck wind. Other foods that should be banned: dessicated bananas, dessicated apples...

There's this thing called canning that can preserve these things without destroying totally their consistency and flavor, although fresh is always preferred.

That is all.
Imagine that, Mutt comes back on here and fails to address his grand strategy and how it worked. I wonder why.
You give your self to much credit. I'm not that interested in you. I'm not sure what your question was but if it's about my game strategy I really didn't have one. I was only trying to provoke you into a response to see if you'd completely spazz out and provide some much needed comedy. It did and you did so it must have worked. Go figure? :)

Dude....I have to tell you...go back and re-read some of your rants. Fucking unbelievably hillareous! I'm telling you, no one on JPP can rant like you and Dixie! :)
You give your self to much credit. I'm not that interested in you. I'm not sure what your question was but if it's about my game strategy I really didn't have one. I was only trying to provoke you into a response to see if you'd completely spazz out and provide some much needed comedy. It did and you did so it must have worked. Go figure? :)

Dude....I have to tell you...go back and re-read some of your rants. Fucking unbelievably hillareous! I'm telling you, no one on JPP can rant like you and Dixie! :)

so in the future we should just ignore you and then lynch you the first night. Fair enough.

Also moron... I was not the only one trying to talk you out of blowing up the village like you did. Now please, I am turning my back now, don't come at me with a bat you fucking coward.
so in the future we should just ignore you and then lynch you the first night. Fair enough.

Also moron... I was not the only one trying to talk you out of blowing up the village like you did. Now please, I am turning my back now, don't come at me with a bat you fucking coward.
See Tinkerbell....I told you that you wouldn't like my answer! :)
Not pucker sweet, awesome to include as an ingredient, doesn't overpower other foods, comes packed in liquid. Sun dried tomatoes are fine. Rotten grapes are not. Also rotten plums suck wind. Other foods that should be banned: dessicated bananas, dessicated apples...

There's this thing called canning that can preserve these things without destroying totally their consistency and flavor, although fresh is always preferred.

That is all.

Frozen is actually best for the retention of nutrients, you must know these things to be Sec. Of Agriculture.