I think it makes the game better. That way a wolf can't hide among the inactive players and simply not post or vote. It should not be 'up to the village' it should be a set rule. You either have mod-kill and everyone knows the rules or you do not.

Part of my reasoning is because we're spread all over the country side and simple as simple as a power outage will probably result in someone being mod-killed.
Power outages can occur from snow, wind, downed lines, equipment failure at the servers end, etc.
considering how you two got yourselves killed ... it is quite amusing to hear how the two retards were 'laughing'

Yeah, I agree.
When someone else says something, to get a reaction and possibly a read, it's smart; but if I do it, it's retarded.

Nice to see that your reasoning is so simple. :)
if you were a wolf you wouldn't go to the trouble of killing DH? LOL That's not a compliment Rana!

Ahaha, no looking up the information! As a wolf, I will not kill anyone, I will be the bait and let the other wolves dothe killing...
Curious... in this game, what would you have done with regards to Granule on day 2? Would you have lynched the most likely wolf subject at the time or lynched the guy that was going to get modkilled?

Well, two things

The logic for lynching granule was sound. I am already on record for saying that. It's very important to avoid that worse case scenario, and you don't want to lynch a villager and have another villager modkilled.

That said, there is something that everyone in the village overlooked, but that I had stated on the opening of d2 and d3. (I thought it would be logically implied on d1 but clarified it anyway before this whole mott vs. granule thing started up. That thing was that in the event of an auto-night, there would be no modkill of those that didn't get a chance to vote. I mean, that's pretty obvious as to why, it's not really fair if a super active player goes to make a sandwich, and then autonight is declared. Also an auto-night can happen really quickly, when 4-5 people may not even be on at the exact moment it happens (hell at f11 only 3 villagers need to vote for someone before wolves can swoop in and majority night it). I'm obviously not going to modkill 5 people in that situation.

So that's a big thing a lot of village missed. You guys could have majority-nighted mott before official end of day, and granule wouldn't have been modkilled.

I was debating re clarifying this in the thread when that debate was going on, but ultimately decided against it. I had already very clearly wrote it out in black and white at the beginning of the day, and deemed my interference at that point would be too heavy handed, would likely have completely swayed the village in a particular direction, may not have been fair to mott to basically sentence him to death, etc. At some point village has to be responsible for their own actions with regards to having read the opening rules etc.

So yeah, logically, the case for lynching granule was sound. Mechanically, you guys probably should have auto-nighted mott.
Well, two things

The logic for lynching granule was sound. I am already on record for saying that. It's very important to avoid that worse case scenario, and you don't want to lynch a villager and have another villager modkilled.

That said, there is something that everyone in the village overlooked, but that I had stated on the opening of d2 and d3. (I thought it would be logically implied on d1 but clarified it anyway before this whole mott vs. granule thing started up. That thing was that in the event of an auto-night, there would be no modkill of those that didn't get a chance to vote. I mean, that's pretty obvious as to why, it's not really fair if a super active player goes to make a sandwich, and then autonight is declared. Also an auto-night can happen really quickly, when 4-5 people may not even be on at the exact moment it happens (hell at f11 only 3 villagers need to vote for someone before wolves can swoop in and majority night it). I'm obviously not going to modkill 5 people in that situation.

So that's a big thing a lot of village missed. You guys could have majority-nighted mott before official end of day, and granule wouldn't have been modkilled.

I was debating re clarifying this in the thread when that debate was going on, but ultimately decided against it. I had already very clearly wrote it out in black and white at the beginning of the day, and deemed my interference at that point would be too heavy handed, would likely have completely swayed the village in a particular direction, may not have been fair to mott to basically sentence him to death, etc. At some point village has to be responsible for their own actions with regards to having read the opening rules etc.

So yeah, logically, the case for lynching granule was sound. Mechanically, you guys probably should have auto-nighted mott.

Oh that's a technicality that slipped by me, good point. Not that I would have said anything about it. But it's good to know for next time.
I need to go back and look; but I think that the two times that this has been used, it seriously upset the game balance and resulted in a loss by the side the person killed was on.

Hopefully this peer pressures people that know they can't commit to a five second vote each day into not playing. That is the fault of the player, they let their team down. Not the mod in charge.

The alternative is multiple pople signing up and cluttering up the roster while not contributing anything. They are just wasting space, and making the game boring by stretching it out unnecessarily. A 9 man game is easily functional. Having 4 players that are dead weight doesn't accomplish anything accept make it more boring for everybody involved.

Lastly, correlation does not imply causation. It's more likely the inactive will be a villager. Village has been losing with an active roster as well.
Well, two things

The logic for lynching granule was sound. I am already on record for saying that. It's very important to avoid that worse case scenario, and you don't want to lynch a villager and have another villager modkilled.

That said, there is something that everyone in the village overlooked, but that I had stated on the opening of d2 and d3. (I thought it would be logically implied on d1 but clarified it anyway before this whole mott vs. granule thing started up. That thing was that in the event of an auto-night, there would be no modkill of those that didn't get a chance to vote. I mean, that's pretty obvious as to why, it's not really fair if a super active player goes to make a sandwich, and then autonight is declared. Also an auto-night can happen really quickly, when 4-5 people may not even be on at the exact moment it happens (hell at f11 only 3 villagers need to vote for someone before wolves can swoop in and majority night it). I'm obviously not going to modkill 5 people in that situation.

So that's a big thing a lot of village missed. You guys could have majority-nighted mott before official end of day, and granule wouldn't have been modkilled.

I was debating re clarifying this in the thread when that debate was going on, but ultimately decided against it. I had already very clearly wrote it out in black and white at the beginning of the day, and deemed my interference at that point would be too heavy handed, would likely have completely swayed the village in a particular direction, may not have been fair to mott to basically sentence him to death, etc. At some point village has to be responsible for their own actions with regards to having read the opening rules etc.

So yeah, logically, the case for lynching granule was sound. Mechanically, you guys probably should have auto-nighted mott.

Future strategy noted, thanks.
Part of my reasoning is because we're spread all over the country side and simple as simple as a power outage will probably result in someone being mod-killed.
Power outages can occur from snow, wind, downed lines, equipment failure at the servers end, etc.

ok but honestly, how often is a power outage going to happen every time we have a werewolf going in the span of 3 days 5 months apart?

And then that power outage has to last ~14 hours.

And even then, in the worst case scenario, you've been kicked out of an internet messageboard game.

There really is almost no excuse to not be able to vote. zero. Every single person that plays werewolf is super active on JPP every day. And they know what the game is like before signing up.
Future strategy noted, thanks.

well, it's only applicable if the rules for the specific game is based around the same modkill rules. Which, if I am to ever be involved as a player again, will be demanded. I wont play with 3 days of dead air and thumb twiddlers.
Well, two things

The logic for lynching granule was sound. I am already on record for saying that. It's very important to avoid that worse case scenario, and you don't want to lynch a villager and have another villager modkilled.

That said, there is something that everyone in the village overlooked, but that I had stated on the opening of d2 and d3. (I thought it would be logically implied on d1 but clarified it anyway before this whole mott vs. granule thing started up. That thing was that in the event of an auto-night, there would be no modkill of those that didn't get a chance to vote. I mean, that's pretty obvious as to why, it's not really fair if a super active player goes to make a sandwich, and then autonight is declared. Also an auto-night can happen really quickly, when 4-5 people may not even be on at the exact moment it happens (hell at f11 only 3 villagers need to vote for someone before wolves can swoop in and majority night it). I'm obviously not going to modkill 5 people in that situation.

So that's a big thing a lot of village missed. You guys could have majority-nighted mott before official end of day, and granule wouldn't have been modkilled.

I was debating re clarifying this in the thread when that debate was going on, but ultimately decided against it. I had already very clearly wrote it out in black and white at the beginning of the day, and deemed my interference at that point would be too heavy handed, would likely have completely swayed the village in a particular direction, may not have been fair to mott to basically sentence him to death, etc. At some point village has to be responsible for their own actions with regards to having read the opening rules etc.

So yeah, logically, the case for lynching granule was sound. Mechanically, you guys probably should have auto-nighted mott.

Fair enough. I didn't notice the part that said the mod kill did not apply in that case. Live and learn on that. I just wanted Mutt to hear it from yet ANOTHER source that it was the correct play vs. lynching someone else and letting the modkill happen too.
ok but honestly, how often is a power outage going to happen every time we have a werewolf going in the span of 3 days 5 months apart?

And then that power outage has to last ~14 hours.

And even then, in the worst case scenario, you've been kicked out of an internet messageboard game.

There really is almost no excuse to not be able to vote. zero. Every single person that plays werewolf is super active on JPP every day. And they know what the game is like before signing up.

Should the players then have the option for removing the mod, if he's not available by nightfall?? :)
If they are Oatmeal Raisin, I want some :)

If they are thin mints... the evil girl scouts already ambushed me and I have a freezer full. Damn drug pushers. It should be illegal for them to sell to addicts.

Note to self, ninja night raid on SF freezer!

Oatmeal raisin are one of my best cookie, chewy or cake like recipe. The cake like uses coffee in the recipe it is one of my favorites!
Note to self, ninja night raid on SF freezer!

Oatmeal raisin are one of my best cookie, chewy or cake like recipe. The cake like uses coffee in the recipe it is one of my favorites!

word of caution: My freezer is protected by a kung fu panda, an airbender and harry potter.
Note to self, ninja night raid on SF freezer!

Oatmeal raisin are one of my best cookie, chewy or cake like recipe. The cake like uses coffee in the recipe it is one of my favorites!

Whoever decided it was a good idea to fuck up perfectly good cookies by putting fucking raisins in then should be drawn and fucking quartered. And there can be no dispute about this. I don't give a good goddamn how wonderful your oatmeal fucking raisin cookies are; they'd be better without the fucking raisins and with chocolate fucking chips in their stead.
Whoever decided it was a good idea to fuck up perfectly good cookies by putting fucking raisins in then should be drawn and fucking quartered. And there can be no dispute about this. I don't give a good goddamn how wonderful your oatmeal fucking raisin cookies are; they'd be better without the fucking raisins and with chocolate fucking chips in their stead.

Yes, because you so often see Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Never Oatmeal Raisin. Oatmeal Raisin is the best combination of cookie EVER. Only a neanderthal would be retarded enough to not appreciate the awesomeness that are Oatmeal Raisin cookies. Which means you likely have Mutt in agreement with you.