## WEREWOLF: RED EDITION (Start date: 11/14)

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Mkay, they're probably the ones who wait until nightfall before they chuck tomatoes at me when the village puts me in the stalks.
[tr=center][th]Player[/th][th]Count[/th][th]Voted For[/th][/tr][tr=center][td]Bob the Brawny Blacksmith[/td][td]1[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Clem[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Cornelius[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Earl Buttz[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]IVAN CHESNOKOV[/td][td]1[/td][td]Bob the Brawny Blacksmith[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Msanna[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Village Idiot[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Vlad the Impaler[/td][td]0[/td][td]IVAN CHENOKOV[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Wear Wolves[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Serendipity[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Sponge Bob[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][/table]
There sure are some awfully quiet folk in this glorious village.
Yessiree Spooge Bob. There sure are. Wear Wolves and Village Idiot might tas well have HANG ME signs on their chest. I guesss that's be be expected from the village idiot. Wear Wolves on the other hand worries me.

But lets not get in all fired hurry to hang someone lest we hang a villager. Let's see if'n we can get us one of them thar wolves.

I do have to admit that thar Ivan Jerkoff feller sure is suspicious. Comes in claiming to be village leader, votes to Lynch good ole Bob and then just dissapears.

Pretty wolfy behavior to me. What do ya'll think?

Buttz out.
I's knowd Ivan was no good last year when the Missus caught him taking a leak in ma wheat fields. Be wary of Ivan. He is slicker than a harpooned hippo on a banana tree.

Bob does not understand.
What is hippo?
And Bob has never seen a tree called banana!
Why does Clem talk like he has speech problem?
Was Clem dropped on head, while still a child?
yeeeee haw

I'm haven more fun than a tornada in a trailer park

Clem makes odd comments.
First about hippo and then tree called banana and now some kind of tornado that is in trailer park.
Bob beginning to get suspicious of Clem and is beginning to think that Clem and Ivan are "friends", if everyone know what I mean.
Clem don't knows nuttin bout no band wagons. I's just knows that dang varmint Ivan done pissed in ma wheat fields and me an da Missus ain't forgot. I was madder than a bobcat caught in a piss fire.

Clem not making sense.
First he say he mad about Ivan taking a piss in wheat field and now he want to catch a cat and piss in fire.
Pissing in fire is worse then pissing in wheat field.
When in wheat field, where else you supposed to take a piss?
There sure are some awfully quiet folk in this glorious village.

Bob notice that early this morning, when Bob go to work at forge.
Bob notice something else.
Clem claim to have wife; but there only 11 people in this village.
Which one is wife to Clem?

Bob has seen some villagers; but they all seem to be men.
Other names sound like men, except for maybe msanna and maybe Wear Wolves or Serendipity.
But why would woman want to wear a wolf?
Maybe Clem calls another man his wife!!
This confusing Bob and giving Bob an ache in head.
Mkay, wearing that dang sign and my dunce hat have kept me alive in this village for years. Don't knock it till you try it, mkay?
Yessiree Spooge Bob. There sure are. Wear Wolves and Village Idiot might tas well have HANG ME signs on their chest. I guesss that's be be expected from the village idiot. Wear Wolves on the other hand worries me.

But lets not get in all fired hurry to hang someone lest we hang a villager. Let's see if'n we can get us one of them thar wolves.

I do have to admit that thar Ivan Jerkoff feller sure is suspicious. Comes in claiming to be village leader, votes to Lynch good ole Bob and then just dissapears.

Pretty wolfy behavior to me. What do ya'll think?

Buttz out.

You sure do talk fast, when you want to say something.
Hard for Bob to understand, unless Bob pay close attention.
Mkay, I was talking too butthole.
Yessiree Spooge Bob. There sure are. Wear Wolves and Village Idiot might tas well have HANG ME signs on their chest. I guesss that's be be expected from the village idiot. Wear Wolves on the other hand worries me.

But lets not get in all fired hurry to hang someone lest we hang a villager. Let's see if'n we can get us one of them thar wolves.

I do have to admit that thar Ivan Jerkoff feller sure is suspicious. Comes in claiming to be village leader, votes to Lynch good ole Bob and then just dissapears.

Pretty wolfy behavior to me. What do ya'll think?

Buttz out.
Bob notice that early this morning, when Bob go to work at forge.
Bob notice something else.
Clem claim to have wife; but there only 11 people in this village.
Which one is wife to Clem?

Bob has seen some villagers; but they all seem to be men.
Other names sound like men, except for maybe msanna and maybe Wear Wolves or Serendipity.
But why would woman want to wear a wolf?
Maybe Clem calls another man his wife!!
This confusing Bob and giving Bob an ache in head.

awww shucks, Clem is mighty flattered that Bob is worried about the missus, but she is at her maw's right now so she isn't in the village.

you are beginnin to sweat like a whore in church

and seem to be tryin to stir up sum shit. kinda wolfish behavior if you ask Clem.

Nows I gots to gets back to the fields. Thanksgiving is comin up and the village is relyin on ole Clem to make sure we have a proper feast
You know what makes me sick. You know what makes me so angry I could steel a banana from Koko the Gorilla?

It's ya'll just want to lynch someone without thinking bout it. It'd be a durn shame to kill us a Villager. So right now, who do ya'll think are the most likely to be Villagers.

Earls top three most likely villagers (other than Earl) are.

#1. Clem
#2. Village Idjit
#3. Spooge Bob
awww shucks, Clem is mighty flattered that Bob is worried about the missus, but she is at her maw's right now so she isn't in the village.

you are beginnin to sweat like a whore in church

and seem to be tryin to stir up sum shit. kinda wolfish behavior if you ask Clem.

Nows I gots to gets back to the fields. Thanksgiving is comin up and the village is relyin on ole Clem to make sure we have a proper feast

Why you wife leave, just when we have problem with night wolves?
Is she maybe hiding from you and your friend Ivan?

Bob no stir shit.
That job for farmer.

Why wouldn't whore sweat in Church?
Church is hot and everyone sweat!

What do you intend to have for feast?
Another villager, like last night?
Are you and Ivan feasting together?
You know what makes me sick. You know what makes me so angry I could steel a banana from Koko the Gorilla?

It's ya'll just want to lynch someone without thinking bout it. It'd be a durn shame to kill us a Villager. So right now, who do ya'll think are the most likely to be Villagers.

Earls top three most likely villagers (other than Earl) are.

#1. Clem
#2. Village Idjit
#3. Spooge Bob

Bob think name of Buttz is funny.
Again someone mention banana.
What is banana?
Is Koko the Gorilla a new villager?

Bob think Ivan and Clem are possible night wolves.
Only because they make personal attack on Bob, for no reason.
Bob think name of Buttz is funny.
Again someone mention banana.
What is banana?
Is Koko the Gorilla a new villager?

Bob think Ivan and Clem are possible night wolves.
Only because they make personal attack on Bob, for no reason.
Well Bob..Earl has a policy not to be disagreable with big brawny fellers like you...buttz I have to ask yous. How did Clem and Ivan personally attack you?
Vlad is concerned with all the yapping, someone here sees the wolves... And does not tell us. Two here are wolves.

No more talky talk, lets figure it out and lynch a wolf. Vlad voted but is flexable and does not like to lynch villagers, even if they are named Ivan. Vlad just has a bad feeling.
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