Werewolf resurrected / May 2018

You’re both right actually. ILA coming out early did help the villagers. However, had he had stuck D1 out im pretty sure LA would have been lynched. Then he would have had a second peek and he probably would peeked Yurt feeling more confident I was a wolf and it would of been game over. ILA would have single handedly won the game.

So no ILA did not play badly at all. Had he played a little better he’d have won the game for the villagers. I played with ILA and Yurt as wolves and they are both far better than they get credit for. Behind the scenes I’m pretty good at strategy but kinda meh on tactics. I think both ILA and Yurt will vouch for that.

So here is the thing

At the time I had three votes. Even though LA wasn’t helping you guys I am sure you wouldn’t have been sad to see me get lynched D1.

Also, one question I have been wondering. Who was going to be your N1 kill had I not outed? Can you honestly say I wasn’t at the top?
You also guessed that:

D1 - Top Three Wolf Candidates


D1 - Updating my potential wolf list

#1 Yaya - can't keep his story straight on day one
#2 Tsuke - exhibiting same wolf behavior I watched first hand last week
#3 LibearlAvenger - no where near as active as he was last week
#4 Jade - Same as LiberalAvenger

D1 - Potential Wolfs

1 - Tsuke is playing the exact same way he played last week
2 - LiberalAvenger very low activity compared to last week
3 - Rune very defensive posts and seemed very quick to jump on the ILA bandwagon with Tsuke
4 - Jade same read as LiberalAvenger
5 - Mott not much to go on
6 - Threedee not much to go on
7 - USF not much to go on
8 - Superfreak not much to go on
9 - Yaya; he was reading initially as wolfy but I think he is just being a spa
10 - Billy coming across as village right now just a gut feel

D1 - Good logic there.


The coordination between these three is interesting.

D1 - Potential Wolfs

1 - Tsuke is playing the exact same way he played last week
2 - LiberalAvenger very low activity compared to last week
3 - Rune very defensive posts and seemed very quick to jump on the ILA bandwagon with Tsuke
4 - USF low activity, random vote
5 - Yaya
6 - Jade
7 - Threedee
8 - Mott
9 - Superfreak
10 - Billy

D1 - Tsuke

Least likely are ILA, 3D, and Rune.

D1 - Potential Wolfs

1 - Tsuke - is playing the exact same way he played last week
2 - USF - extremely suspicious behavior, unhelpful wolf
3 - Mott - inconsistent stories
4 - Rune
5 - Threedee
8 - Liberalavenger

S1 - Pming you would be against the rules. So I'd say peek Jade, or should the wolves kill Jade, USF.

D1 - That works for me. USF was number one on my list to peek tonight anyway

D1 - I think Liberal is fucking with us playing Leon

I think Tsuke, Mott and Yaya

Mott has gotten very quiet

D1 - The fact that you are still making this about you tells me you are a villager and still a spaz.

I only know for sure who three villagers are Superfreak, Billy and Me.

Right now Tsuke, Mott and USF are top of my list

D1 - USF and Tsuke are top of my list. They were both wolves last week.

D1 - I think it needs to be Tsuke.

And who ended up being the Wolves??

Did you ever consider that if you hadn't brought your Yaya hate with you, that things might have turned out differently??

Wall of text dude. No one reads it. Try the readers digest condensed version next time. Do your analysis next time but just give us your basic reasoning and conclusion. That is more helpful.
thank you. this is all I have been saying. I never said ILA did the best play ever. All I have said is it wasn't as bad as people were saying, and that it had a lot of merit. people are way to quick to criticize in this game.
Ain’t that the truth and you really can’t judge how well the wolves are playing unless you can see them behind the scenes.
So here is the thing

At the time I had three votes. Even though LA wasn’t helping you guys I am sure you wouldn’t have been sad to see me get lynched D1.

Also, one question I have been wondering. Who was going to be your N1 kill had I not outed? Can you honestly say I wasn’t at the top?
I honestly don’t remember.
I honestly don’t remember.

So how did you like Wolf Chat? Beats PMs doesn’t it? Makes being a wolf much easier.

Being a Villager is by far the easiest role

Wolfs and Seers have every move scrutinized. You have the blessing and curse of knowing information yet trying to pretend you don’t.
So how did you like Wolf Chat? Beats PMs doesn’t it? Makes being a wolf much easier.

Being a Villager is by far the easiest role

Wolfs and Seers have every move scrutinized. You have the blessing and curse of knowing information yet trying to pretend you don’t.
I think it's like politics. Hold your enemies close and your friends closer.
My post was in response to ILA questioning me as to who ended up being right.

I think what he is trying to say is that like the game you offered up yet another incomplete and worthless analysis

In the end I was right about Billy. You were wrong about both me and Billy

You may want to brush up on your super secret skills partner

It’s ok. I harbor no ill will
I think what he is trying to say is that like the game you offered up yet another incomplete and worthless analysis

In the end I was right about Billy. You were wrong about both me and Billy

You may want to brush up on your super secret skills partner

It’s ok. I harbor no ill will

I wasn't aware that you had been hired to speak for others. :whoa:

Do you need me to relist everyone you were wrong about or are you hoping that those go away and save you from being exposed, just as human as the rest of us; because there are about 23 "guesses" on you part, that were erroneous??
I wasn't aware that you had been hired to speak for others. :whoa:

Do you need me to relist everyone you were wrong about or are you hoping that those go away and save you from being exposed, just as human as the rest of us; because there are about 23 "guesses" on you part, that were erroneous??

Awwww how cute. You don’t want to let it go. I don’t recall saying I got EVERY guess right. I said I was 100% right about Billy. It wasn’t a wild guess. I correctly read his clues. You incorrectly read his clues. I notice you are afraid to post Billy’s clues and are afraid to somment on them. Hey, if I were you I would run from them too.

I would have done the same analysis of your posts but they were hard to find since you didn’t make many.

It is good to see you involved in the post game though. Maybe next time try to be a little more engaged in the actual game though? ok buddy? Thanks
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I wasn't aware that you had been hired to speak for others. :whoa:

Do you need me to relist everyone you were wrong about or are you hoping that those go away and save you from being exposed, just as human as the rest of us; because there are about 23 "guesses" on you part, that were erroneous??

Just a couple of clarifying points that hopefully you can read in between surprise visits from NY

Regarding this supposed “petty personal feud” you have sided with Yurt on

Post #35 - Yaya replying to Threedee about me

“Unlike the spazz IHA, I am not going to vote his lynch just because I don't like him. That isn't good villager strategy.”

Post #71 - Billy replying to Tsuke

“Let's not be so hasty. ILA has a good track record in this game.”

Post #82 - Billy replying to Threedee

“Did he? I forgot that part.

Anyways in this game so far I have faith. Which I hate saying but it's the truth.”

In Post #35 Yayayurt flat out admits he hates me. Can you find any corresponding post from me in the game saying I hate Yaya? Or that I am voting for him because of any personal animus? Every response was predicated on his game play.

In Posts 71 and 82, if Billy isn’t sending a signal that he knows I am Seer, then what is he saying? Do you really think it is logical that he is a fellow wolf giving me cover? Do you really think Billy is that inexperienced a player that he would make that kind of mistake? I am sure you can AND will create some crazy scenario to keep from seeing the truth. But in the end. These were the signals he was sending. He has admitted it. I correctly interpreted them. And you interpreted them incorrectly.

Look I can forgive you for not seeing it as you were busy with your impromptu barbecue.

I suspect you are feeling guilty about failing the Village with not only your inactivity but your “super secret” analysis that you refused to share and then when you did ended up being worthless and of no help.

Now if you are a Mod next game can we expect a higher level of participation from you? I mean I would hate for everyone to be waiting on a vote count and good ole USFREEDOM is too busy with some “surprise” guests from San Francisco or maybe not wanting to share the information because “people might change their behavior”

I really am done talking about this now

It’s ok buddy. You are still my boy. Just come better prepared next time [emoji6]
My post was in response to ILA questioning me as to who ended up being right.
You're missing my point. You posted that form of analysis during the game too. It's what we call data mining at work. In a game situation posting your data mining doesn't help us. We just need the conclusion you've drawn from your data analysis and your basic reasoning. We don't need all the data. The reaction to most people to data mining, as it is with a wall of text in the threads, is to simply not read it. That's something you may want to consider.
Awwww how cute. You don’t want to let it go. I don’t recall saying I got EVERY guess right. I said I was 100% right about Billy. It wasn’t a wild guess. I correctly read his clues. You incorrectly read his clues. I notice you are afraid to post Billy’s clues and are afraid to somment on them. Hey, if I were you I would run from them too.

I would have done the same analysis of your posts but they were hard to find since you didn’t make many.

It is good to see you involved in the post game though. Maybe next time try to be a little more engaged in the actual game though? ok buddy? Thanks

And yet you keep responding and suggesting that all of my guesses had to be correct.
What purpose would it serve to post Billy's comments?

Maybe next time you'll leave your petty squabbles out of the game and survive longer then D1. :good4u:
Just a couple of clarifying points that hopefully you can read in between surprise visits from NY

Regarding this supposed “petty personal feud” you have sided with Yurt on

Post #35 - Yaya replying to Threedee about me

“Unlike the spazz IHA, I am not going to vote his lynch just because I don't like him. That isn't good villager strategy.”

Post #71 - Billy replying to Tsuke

“Let's not be so hasty. ILA has a good track record in this game.”

Post #82 - Billy replying to Threedee

“Did he? I forgot that part.

Anyways in this game so far I have faith. Which I hate saying but it's the truth.”

In Post #35 Yayayurt flat out admits he hates me. Can you find any corresponding post from me in the game saying I hate Yaya? Or that I am voting for him because of any personal animus? Every response was predicated on his game play.

In Posts 71 and 82, if Billy isn’t sending a signal that he knows I am Seer, then what is he saying? Do you really think it is logical that he is a fellow wolf giving me cover? Do you really think Billy is that inexperienced a player that he would make that kind of mistake? I am sure you can AND will create some crazy scenario to keep from seeing the truth. But in the end. These were the signals he was sending. He has admitted it. I correctly interpreted them. And you interpreted them incorrectly.

Look I can forgive you for not seeing it as you were busy with your impromptu barbecue.

I suspect you are feeling guilty about failing the Village with not only your inactivity but your “super secret” analysis that you refused to share and then when you did ended up being worthless and of no help.

Now if you are a Mod next game can we expect a higher level of participation from you? I mean I would hate for everyone to be waiting on a vote count and good ole USFREEDOM is too busy with some “surprise” guests from San Francisco or maybe not wanting to share the information because “people might change their behavior”

I really am done talking about this now

It’s ok buddy. You are still my boy. Just come better prepared next time [emoji6]

I haven't mentioned Yaya, so your purpose of bringing it up is.....................................?? :dunno:

As to you now wanting to hide behind Billy's comments, are you suggesting that any comment Billy makes, in any game, is to be believed??

Why in the world would I be feeling guilty about "a game", especially since I was able to survive until the end, unless you're attempting to project your dismal failure onto me??

I never said I had a visit from San Francisco; but it does appear that you got this wrong, along with your "decision" to commit suicide. :palm:

OH-You're not done and you know it. :D

No preparation needed, when it's just dealing with someone who NEEDS to whine. (:
You're missing my point. You posted that form of analysis during the game too. It's what we call data mining at work. In a game situation posting your data mining doesn't help us. We just need the conclusion you've drawn from your data analysis and your basic reasoning. We don't need all the data. The reaction to most people to data mining, as it is with a wall of text in the threads, is to simply not read it. That's something you may want to consider.

And you seem to be suggesting that they way players vote, has nothing to do with the game??
I can't seem to find the game thread, and didn't follow it much after some of D1, but what was the # of wolves and villagers? I recall thinking when I saw the intro that the game seemed a little wolf-heavy for the number of players with no more village powers than a seer and 1 person knowing who the seer was.