Werewolf resurrected / May 2018

No one can ever be sure who the Seer is, until after they've been lynched, eaten, or revealed themselves later in the game.

Show me where Billy was "cleared". [emoji3]

You won’t get it and don’t want to get it. We are going to have to agree to disagree. Please don’t take offense to what I am saying because in general you are my boy and we agree on just about everything.

But when it comes to this game you can be a closed minded, snobbish insufferable prick.

I say that with all the lice possible.
You won’t get it and don’t want to get it. We are going to have to agree to disagree. Please don’t take offense to what I am saying because in general you are my boy and we agree on just about everything.

But when it comes to this game you can’t be a closed minded, snobbish insufferable prick.

I say that with all the lice possible.

And to think, all you have to do is show me and everyone else where Billy was "cleared". :D
you are talking about another game?

I mean I am usually always read to go.

I can't do june though, I will be busy the entire month and have almost zero downtime. others can play though

I'll even MOD it, if we can get enough signed up.
Yeah, I was talking about having another one.

This one had a better post game meltdown, then the one where Darla was killed and she blamed it on Damo and the "Misogyny" of the board.

The next one could very well be EPIC, beyond anyone's anticipation. :D

Just something for you to think about but maybe the post game bullshit might be a turnoff for some

You seem to live more for the post game meltdown than the game itself. Just an observation.

If you are Tsuke or Jade do you want to put up with the heat I am getting? Now I can take it. I live for heat. But others may not be so keen.
And to think, all you have to do is show me and everyone else where Billy was "cleared". :D

Grind and I have done so numerous times.

I made a guess. A very educated guess.

Here is the bottom line. You and I both read Billy’s posts (71 and 82). We both made different assumptions.

YOU assumed it meant Billy and I were wolves

I assumed Billy knew I was the Seer

You acted on your assumption by voting to lynch me and get bandwagon going against me.

I acted on my assumption and outed me and Billy.

Who ended up being right? You or me?

Who was right after D1?

I am done playing games. But if you wonder why it may be hard for Grind to find people to play, this might be it. Just sayin. But you probably won’t get that either
sadly it's all deleted now.

i'm not lying. both of you were talking about how sick you were and were 2 morose motherfuckers. I almost contemplated cheering you guys up but thought that was beyond my reach as game mod.

That is total bullshit.

I take back the PM

Your love affair with IHA is causing you to lose your chill. He has none and it is obviously rubbing off on you.
Just something for you to think about but maybe the post game bullshit might be a turnoff for some

You seem to live more for the post game meltdown than the game itself. Just an observation.

If you are Tsuke or Jade do you want to put up with the heat I am getting? Now I can take it. I live for heat. But others may not be so keen.

If it's "bullshit" and might be a turnoff, then why are you participating in it?? :dunno:

And of course you would be wrong, because most of the games post discussions are usually well mannered; but once in a while players go apocalyptic and it's hilarious.
Grind and I have done so numerous times.

I made a guess. A very educated guess.

Here is the bottom line. You and I both read Billy’s posts (71 and 82). We both made different assumptions.

YOU assumed it meant Billy and I were wolves

I assumed Billy knew I was the Seer

You acted on your assumption by voting to lynch me and get bandwagon going against me.

I acted on my assumption and outed me and Billy.

Who ended up being right? You or me?

Who was right after D1?

I am done playing games. But if you wonder why it may be hard for Grind to find people to play, this might be it. Just sayin. But you probably won’t get that either

You also guessed that:

D1 - Top Three Wolf Candidates


D1 - Updating my potential wolf list

#1 Yaya - can't keep his story straight on day one
#2 Tsuke - exhibiting same wolf behavior I watched first hand last week
#3 LibearlAvenger - no where near as active as he was last week
#4 Jade - Same as LiberalAvenger

D1 - Potential Wolfs

1 - Tsuke is playing the exact same way he played last week
2 - LiberalAvenger very low activity compared to last week
3 - Rune very defensive posts and seemed very quick to jump on the ILA bandwagon with Tsuke
4 - Jade same read as LiberalAvenger
5 - Mott not much to go on
6 - Threedee not much to go on
7 - USF not much to go on
8 - Superfreak not much to go on
9 - Yaya; he was reading initially as wolfy but I think he is just being a spa
10 - Billy coming across as village right now just a gut feel

D1 - Good logic there.


The coordination between these three is interesting.

D1 - Potential Wolfs

1 - Tsuke is playing the exact same way he played last week
2 - LiberalAvenger very low activity compared to last week
3 - Rune very defensive posts and seemed very quick to jump on the ILA bandwagon with Tsuke
4 - USF low activity, random vote
5 - Yaya
6 - Jade
7 - Threedee
8 - Mott
9 - Superfreak
10 - Billy

D1 - Tsuke

Least likely are ILA, 3D, and Rune.

D1 - Potential Wolfs

1 - Tsuke - is playing the exact same way he played last week
2 - USF - extremely suspicious behavior, unhelpful wolf
3 - Mott - inconsistent stories
4 - Rune
5 - Threedee
8 - Liberalavenger

S1 - Pming you would be against the rules. So I'd say peek Jade, or should the wolves kill Jade, USF.

D1 - That works for me. USF was number one on my list to peek tonight anyway

D1 - I think Liberal is fucking with us playing Leon

I think Tsuke, Mott and Yaya

Mott has gotten very quiet

D1 - The fact that you are still making this about you tells me you are a villager and still a spaz.

I only know for sure who three villagers are Superfreak, Billy and Me.

Right now Tsuke, Mott and USF are top of my list

D1 - USF and Tsuke are top of my list. They were both wolves last week.

D1 - I think it needs to be Tsuke.

And who ended up being the Wolves??

Did you ever consider that if you hadn't brought your Yaya hate with you, that things might have turned out differently??
i don't really focus on personal bullshit. when I am being game mod I am scanning threads, doing vote counts, and I can't really tell if someone is being personal or game arguing.

the primary cause of the village loss was a single tsuke wagon where he was getting deadair/dead villagered/ all day long making it easy for you guys to hide, and the inattention to the rules on day 3 allowing rune to be modkilled. If rune isn't modkilled mott is probably being lynched day4 and we are going to final 3 at the end

Yup and I liked Yurts chances.
maybe you just need to accept you don't always know what you are talking about. I SAW you and mott basically mentally over with the game on d2. LOL. you were both talking about how sick and fragile you were and how you would give it the old college try but not to expect much. ILA FUCKING RUINED you guys for day2. ILA did not play bad, there isn't much to criticize. deal with it.
No I agree. We were demoralized beginning of D2 and ILA coming out too soon when it clearly appeared to us that LA was going to get lynched was our only little ray of sunshine. Things sure got better as D2 went on. :)
show me another game where 3 villagers are cleared on day 1 and the village has a 70% opportunity to force a decision on wolves completely readless.

You’re both right actually. ILA coming out early did help the villagers. However, had he had stuck D1 out im pretty sure LA would have been lynched. Then he would have had a second peek and he probably would peeked Yurt feeling more confident I was a wolf and it would of been game over. ILA would have single handedly won the game.

So no ILA did not play badly at all. Had he played a little better he’d have won the game for the villagers. I played with ILA and Yurt as wolves and they are both far better than they get credit for. Behind the scenes I’m pretty good at strategy but kinda meh on tactics. I think both ILA and Yurt will vouch for that.
sadly it's all deleted now.

i'm not lying. both of you were talking about how sick you were and were 2 morose motherfuckers. I almost contemplated cheering you guys up but thought that was beyond my reach as game mod.
As it turned out you didn’t need to. Things got better as D2 went on.
Yes ANYTHING is possible. But we weren’t playing OTHER games

Have you played other games where another Villager knows who the Seer is? Is that in your “file”?

For the record AGAIN

I am not saying that this now means a Seer should out themselves on D1

The way you and SF are talking the only use for the Seer is AFTER they are dead and THEN you will go back and play Columbo

The fact is a bandwagon started on me. Billy did his level best to stop it. SF didn’t. YOU didn’t pick up on Billy’s hints and you piled on the bandwagon. In fact YOU believed that Billy and my exchanges were proof we were both wolves.

That is what I was facing on D1. According to you my best play was to try and “convince” you not to vote for me. Like that wouldn’t have caused someone to say it was PROOF I was a wolf.

The bottom line is this. Whether you agree with what I did or not. My intention was to leave the Village with THREE cleared Villagers and if we got lucky maybe a dead wolf on D1. I accomplished that goal. Don’t be pissed at me because you didn’t take advantage of it.

Tell me if expert Werewolf player. In all of your experience have you ever had a dead wolf and THREE cleared Villagers after D1? Ever?

I agree with you. You didn’t know what we wolves knew, that LA was a wolf and we had no choice but to jump on that bandwagon. However had you gutted it out you would have won the game. Don’t take that as second guessing. You had a tough decision to make. I don’t know what I would have done in your shoes.
Just something for you to think about but maybe the post game bullshit might be a turnoff for some

You seem to live more for the post game meltdown than the game itself. Just an observation.

If you are Tsuke or Jade do you want to put up with the heat I am getting? Now I can take it. I live for heat. But others may not be so keen.

Shit son...you don’t get half the shit I do. My team just won and I’m still the worst player at this game. LOL
You’re both right actually. ILA coming out early did help the villagers. However, had he had stuck D1 out im pretty sure LA would have been lynched. Then he would have had a second peek and he probably would peeked Yurt feeling more confident I was a wolf and it would of been game over. ILA would have single handedly won the game.

So no ILA did not play badly at all. Had he played a little better he’d have won the game for the villagers. I played with ILA and Yurt as wolves and they are both far better than they get credit for. Behind the scenes I’m pretty good at strategy but kinda meh on tactics. I think both ILA and Yurt will vouch for that.

thank you. this is all I have been saying. I never said ILA did the best play ever. All I have said is it wasn't as bad as people were saying, and that it had a lot of merit. people are way to quick to criticize in this game.