
I think we can squeeze one more in. We have a lot of fence sitters right now. Wanna still put it off till tuesday? I feel we are sooooo close to getting one more :X

everybody go here, we are creating a new roster:


Just in case capt doesn't mod.
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and if anyone is wondering why I have a pin system instead of letting you use your own passwords, it has something to do with when I first threw this together I did it as quick as possible and didn't want to waste time encrypting your passwords, comparing entered data against encrypted data, worrying that one of you toolboxes would forget the password you always use for everything and I would have to bother resetting your password or building a system to automatically mail you a new one etc. tldr I was lazy. deal with it. it's 3 fucking digits O_O

I wasn't sure if you were merely acknowledging that I wanted you to play, or agreeing to play. Glad it was the latter. WELCOME ABOARD. AS promised to several other members you have your choice of prizes. They range from candy, to booze, to friendship, to sexual favors from me (men only).

NOW I get the bribe, after throwing you a freebie. :(

I want Thorn! She was an awesome teammate. Did you PM her?
unless we have a willing mod for the game I am readying the automatic web interface. been tweaking a few things.

2 wolves is the best bet

What do people think about seer getting a night zero peek? (i.e. they have a peek at the very start of the game)

My gut impulse is to say no, but am open to arguments.
Your site's blocked at work, so I will get to it later. Since my home desktop is busted, I will either have to mooch of someone else or get to the library to play while not at work...
nigel is playing? I just got apple O_O

but 12 might be alright even though it's an even number, as we can have an odd number of teams now (3 wolves and 9 villa) so it should work better