‘We’ve all broken the Ten Commandments’: Evangelical Christians on why they’re still backing Trump

Lawmakers outraged at Landry's decision to reject millions of dollars to feed children​

and that leads you to believe there are really 600k children in LA that can't eat?.......I think it's more likely you another rabid LW troll than that you are really that stupid,,,,,,
I've never voted for a candidate who I align with perfectly.

Did you vote for Romney or Obama?
Me neither. OTOH, when they are mostly not aligned, I have to ask myself "WTF?"

Has anyone written a paper on the fact this could be the end of the great American Experiment should Trump win in November?
Another meandering thread. The point that most people have broken the 10 commandments is irrelevant when it comes to Trump. Trump has been corrupt and a crook his whole life, He broke contracts and cheated companies and workers. He broke his marriage vows as a sport.
Posting the 10 commandments will require teachers to explain adultery to children. They will have to explain Trump's stealing. They will have to explain coveting thy neighbor's wife.
Another meandering thread. The point that most people have broken the 10 commandments is irrelevant when it comes to Trump. Trump has been corrupt and a crook his whole life, He broke contracts and cheated companies and workers. He broke his marriage vows as a sport.
Posting the 10 commandments will require teachers to explain adultery to children. They will have to explain Trump's stealing. They will have to explain coveting thy neighbor's wife.
at least you've proved one thing.........you lie with the best of them......
"Fewer Republicans are likely to say now that it is important for the president to provide moral leadership than they were under the Clinton administration, according to a Gallup poll released Tuesday."


I have no doubt that in 1998, you were vigorously nodding your head in agreement every time you heard a rightwing pundit announce that morality matters in the presidency.
was the felony of perjury a moral issue?......