Hello Dutch Uncle,
They started out the way you proposed but, since power corrupts, that’s not the way it ended up. It’s part of human nature at this stage of our evolution. We are simply too weak as a species to have access to unlimited power.
You and I both grew up under the threat of global annihilation from nuclear war. Many thought we had outgrown that stage but Putin’s actions in Ukraine have proved we have not. While I hope a full nuclear exchange can be avoided, the use of nukes cannot be ruled out. The reason I bring this up is because you want to empower an elite group human beings with the full power to wipe out any group of other human beings at will.
IMHO, our species is not ready for that step.
That already exists. I want to ensure that the people who have this power are the best possible choice that humanity can make.
What we got going on now ain't getting it.
Sure, we got this pest Putin drunk on power. He could push the button if backed into a corner.
And who is to say that some extremist group somewhere in the world is not going to get their hands on a nuke?
Sooner or later.
Our only chance is to have a powerful world government.
And yes, that is a scary idea.
So before we go there we have to make sure we set up a system that has so many checks and balances that nobody is going to have the opportunity to get power-drunk and get away with some nefarious plan that violates the World Constitution.
We need the ultimate document. The kind of Constitution that makes the US Constitution look like child-play.
The world has advanced so much since 1789, don't you think? We know so much more. We have seen so many ways that corruption seeps in. Such a document could be written and proposed in draft form without making any commitments. We could get all the wisest people in the world to make their suggestions if they wish to. And let everybody have a chance to comment on it.
Then, let an international team of Nobel Prize winners contemplate all the best suggestions, from the popular to the well-regarded, and by the most scholarly, and they shall produce a final version for ratification by all the nations of the world.
That way, everybody can consider it and decide for themselves.