T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
What A World Government Could Do For Us
Fuck world government.
Fucking you, and me, would be the purpose of a world government...
What A World Government Could Do For Us
Fuck world government.
Sorry, Ms. Poli, but as previously noted, I strongly doubt human beings are capable of handling such power without devolving into corruption like the USSR and PRC. Look at our own nation where we freely elected an adulterous lying pedophile who attempted a coup and was supported by thousands in his efforts. This doesn’t even address his desire to start a war with Mexico and commit mass murder in the streets of Washington, DC.Hello Dutch Uncle,
That already exists. I want to ensure that the people who have this power are the best possible choice that humanity can make.
What we got going on now ain't getting it.
Sure, we got this pest Putin drunk on power. He could push the button if backed into a corner.
And who is to say that some extremist group somewhere in the world is not going to get their hands on a nuke?
Sooner or later.
Our only chance is to have a powerful world government.
And yes, that is a scary
So before we go there we have to make sure we set up a system that has so many checks and balances that nobody is going to have the opportunity to get power-drunk and get away with some nefarious plan that violates the World Constitution.
We need the ultimate document. The kind of Constitution that makes the US Constitution look like child-play.
The world has advanced so much since 1789, don't you think? We know so much more. We have seen so many ways that corruption seeps in. Such a document could be written and proposed in draft form without making any commitments. We could get all the wisest people in the world to make their suggestions if they wish to. And let everybody have a chance to comment on it.
Then, let an international team of Nobel Prize winners contemplate all the best suggestions, from the popular to the well-regarded, and by the most scholarly, and they shall produce a final version for ratification by all the nations of the world.
That way, everybody can consider it and decide for themselves.
What Pollyanna refuses to recognize is the extent to which devolved sub-human mutants impede the progression of civilization.
Until he/she/it recognizes the urgent need for a purge of all trumpanzee-like mutants, he/she/it will continue with the Pollyanna pipedreams.
What would be the purpose of nations in a one-world government?
Your solution is a one-world woke government?
What a different world it could be if humans really had their stuff together.
What we really need is one wholesome and well managed efficient powerful world government, made up of good altruistic people dedicated to doing the best job they can for the people, for society. Take away all the biggest and most lethal guns and weapons from general society. Let people have guns for hunting and target shooting competitions, collectors, stuff like that. Have amazing programs to deal with any aggression, treating it as a threat to others and world peace. Let there be a huge worldwide mental health counseling program designed to compassionately deal with aggressive people.
Let policing be extensively studied, perfected, and regulated on the world scale.
Let Monarchs be for symbolic example-setting purposes only.
Let there be complete freedom of religion, but make it illegal for churches or religions to get into politics. Belief should be a personal decision, and no religion-oriented organization would be allowed to have any influence into politics. Parts of some religions would be deemed illegal. Tough luck. Humanity is better off without religions trying to control people. Religions need to stick to attempting to provide answers to the great unanswered questions. That's it. There would be no need to provide social services because ultimately efficient and logical governments eliminate such needs.
Let there be a World Constitution that says all economies will be a combination of capitalism and socialism.
Socialism for the basic needs of every individual, taking from the rich and giving to the poor, but only in amounts enough to sustain the poor comfortably, allowing the rich to keep whatever is left after the level of taxation needed to provide for everyone. The basic needs would include a home, ample food, clothing, energy, transportation, utility services, local arts and shows, municipal services such as libraries, parks, etc, some entertainment, activities, healthcare and retirement.
Capitalism for everything else. All the wants and desires above and beyond the basic comfortable life.
Let there be no destitution, and let that be guaranteed by the World Government. We have the capability within our means.
It would be the embodiment of Roosevelt's 2nd Bill Of Rights.
Let those lofty goals be included in the World Constitution. Let the World Government have all the greatest weapons. Those nations with that technology ALL agree to give it up and put it under the control of the World Government.
Let the most powerful positions in the World Government have unbelievably complex restrictions over who can hold them. Let that be a long list of requirements. Certain age, education, glowing record of leadership. I am thinking minimum age for the highest positions to be 60?
Let there be no corruption. Have every possible avenue of corruption prevented by law. Complex law. Make sure there is oversight and enforcement for every law. Both for the World Government, and all national governments.
Let nations have only small military forces. Let most military service be in service to the world. Able to easily overcome that of any nation which assumed an aggressive stance. Able to maintain borders, (which would actually become rather irrelevant and symbolic.) Also able to defend Earth in a coordinated way, should that need ever arise.
Tax all nations in accordance with their GDP to pay for all of this.
An immense number of jobs would be created to run the World Government. People could work if they wanted to and could qualify for it, but they would not have to if they didn't aspire to it. Working would be rewarded with increased wealth, but since there would be no poverty, everyone would have the chance to be happy.
What a different world it could be.
Our species is too immature. Maybe in another 100 to 200 years.
In this day and age, agreed. Just like Trump and his cocksuckers are trying to impose on America.
The Pedo Party which also supports the WSEs are no better and, IMO, are worse.
You care.
Did anybody really read the OP? That’s some scary stuff…
Hello leaningright,
Yes, it would be scary to think about giving up control over our own nation, particularly the nukes. But when you look at the world today, it's not very safe. The risk of some goofball launching a nuke attack is as great as ever. If we want our own nukes we have to let others have theirs.
It would be better if we created the most secure organization possible to have control of them and then make sure anybody with the power to use them is so well vetted that it creates the most secure situation possible.
That's why I proposed age 60 or so to become world leader, along with a lot of other very stringent requirements. Demonstration of values in leadership, extensive leadership experience, the utmost in anti-corruption laws and enforcement.
We need people to identify as world citizens primarily and citizens of a nation, secondarily.
No such thing.
It is typical of his naivete. Like many Marxists, he is simply trying for that 'perfect Marxism' concept. It brings misery every time.
You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy. Hallucinations. TDS.Two steps forward and one step back is par for the human race. We’re doing okay as a species. The US itself is going through transition, but I’m sure we’ll be fine in the long run.
Anyone who remembers the 60s, Vietnam, the protests, the riots and Nixon should remember that our times are much better than those times, even with Pedo Don, the WSEs and the COVID/Ukraine economy.
Tyranny is not safety.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy. Hallucinations. TDS.
Neither the USSR or the PRC have done what I propose.
Plus, we get to learn from what went wrong with each system. The World Constitution could be written in such a way to address every known way for things to go wrong.
Lie. TDS.