What can we do about disability and welfare fraud?

Why should the government pay out OUR tax dollars for lazy ignorant freeloaders?

Because those lazy, ignorant freeloaders will be qualified for a job. Do you want them working or sitting at home?

As a friend of mine used to say the country needs a good two-bit beer. Get the unemployed and bums off the street and back in the bar where they belong. :)
Specific to welfare, if there was no welfare, there would be no welfare fraud.

End welfare.


Like most liberals.
Specific to welfare, if there was no welfare, there would be no welfare fraud.

End welfare.


Yes, that is the obvious goal of the 1% ruling class of this country. That ignorant proles like you agree with them is the reason they haven't all been slaughtered like the pigs they are.
Someday, however, even you and Rocket turd might wake up.
Men Find Careers in Collecting Disability

In 1960, some 455,000 workers were receiving disability payments. In 2011, the number was 8,600,000. In 1960, the percentage of the economically active 18-to-64 population receiving disability benefits was 0.65 percent. In 2010, it was 5.6 percent.

Things have changed. Americans have grown healthier, and significantly lower numbers die before 65 than was the case a half-century ago. Nevertheless, the disability rolls have ballooned.

One reason is that the government seems to have gotten more openhanded with those claiming vague ailments. Eberstadt points out that in 1960, only one-fifth of disability benefits went to those with "mood disorders" and "muscoskeletal" problems. In 2011, nearly half of those on disability voiced such complaints.

"It is exceptionally difficult -- for all practical purposes, impossible," writes Eberstadt, "for a medical professional to disprove a patient's claim that he or she is suffering from sad feelings or back pain."

In other words, many people are gaming or defrauding the system. This includes not only disability recipients but health care professionals, lawyers and others who run ads promising to get you disability benefits.

Between 1996 and 2011, the private sector generated 8.8 million new jobs, and 4.1 million people entered the disability rolls.

The ratio of disability cases to new jobs has been even worse during the sluggish recovery from the 2007-09 recession. Between January 2010 and December 2011, there were 1,730,000 new jobs and 790,000 new people collecting disability.

This is not just a matter of laid-off workers in their 50s or early 60s qualifying for disability in the years before they become eligible for Social Security old age benefits.

In 2011, 15 percent of disability recipients were in their 30s or early 40s. Concludes Eberstadt, "Collecting disability is an increasingly important profession in America these says."

Disability insurance is no longer a small program. The government transfers some $130 billion obtained from taxpayers or borrowed from purchasers of Treasury bonds to disability beneficiaries every year.

But there is also a human cost. Consider the plight of someone who at some level knows he can work but decides to collect disability payments instead.
That person is not likely to ever seek work again, especially if the sluggish recovery turns out to be the new normal. He may be gleeful that he was able to game the system or just grimly determined to get what he can in a tough situation. But he will not be able to get the satisfaction of earned success from honest work that contributes something to society and the economy.

I use the masculine pronoun intentionally, because an increasing number of American men have dropped out of the workforce altogether. In 1948, 89 percent of men age 20 and over were in the workforce.

In 2011, 73 percent were. Only a small amount of that change results from an aging population. Jobs have become physically less grueling and economically more rewarding than they were in 1948.

The Americans With Disabilities Act helped many people move forward and contribute to society. The explosive growth of disability insurance has had an opposite effect.

I was a 57 yr old man with a bad back looking for a job.
For a while there. My job had gone to India.

Almost no one wants you. Too old and too much burden on their coprorate group health insurance.
They can hise a youngster for lots less that will even decline the insurance.
What I keep hearing from the lefty idiots is, if you are 50-something and can't find a job, it's acceptable to go draw disability, because hey... you can't find a job! The thing is, disability is not a solution to chronic unemployment, and will eventually collapse us financially. Disability is supposed to be for people who are rarely and exceptionally so physically disabled they can't perform the functions of a daily job. I'm not sure where we draw the line on that, but there certainly needs to be some line. We just can't possibly keep adding people to the roles of disability. The left apparently thinks otherwise, and is determined to see if such a system will work. Can we have every American on disability and not working for a living? That's their Utopian dream!
Dixie I think your "ears" are working fine it is the translation algorythms in your brain that are messed up.
Yes, that is the obvious goal of the 1% ruling class of this country. That ignorant proles like you agree with them is the reason they haven't all been slaughtered like the pigs they are.
Someday, however, even you and Rocket turd might wake up.
Apply the liberal method for ending gun crime to welfare.
You want to ban guns to end gun crime?
I want to ban welfare to end welfare crime.

I thought it would follow your logic?
Most factory jobs are task specific. A guy who manufactures fridges is not going to walk into a job manufacturing wind turbines. He needs training. If the government does not want to train him they can pay him to sit in the coffee shop and this is precisely the Repub mistake when they talk about cutting entitlement programs. The less help offered the more people will simply go down the line to the next program.

It's like unemployment. North Carolina just realized a year or so ago that it makes a lot more sense for someone to be permitted to attend school while collecting UI instead of forbidding them to do so and paying them to sit at home. In the end the UI guy who attended school has increased his knowledge and is in a better position to find a job. The one who sat at home will continue to do so on welfare.

Talking about school the Repubs must have been absent the day the good Lord discussed logic.

A true manufacturing supervisor can learn the product anywhere, it is more about problem solving with people and equipment. That is the problem with liberals, they think one should only have to take a job in their "chosen" field, god forbid they may have to change careers.
I was a 57 yr old man with a bad back looking for a job.
For a while there. My job had gone to India.

Almost no one wants you. Too old and too much burden on their coprorate group health insurance.
They can hise a youngster for lots less that will even decline the insurance.

That is the liberal way, excuses, excuses
But then, Schwinn riders are like that.
I found a picture of yours.

And I yours:

What I keep hearing from the lefty idiots is, if you are 50-something and can't find a job, it's acceptable to go draw disability, because hey... you can't find a job! The thing is, disability is not a solution to chronic unemployment, and will eventually collapse us financially. Disability is supposed to be for people who are rarely and exceptionally so physically disabled they can't perform the functions of a daily job. I'm not sure where we draw the line on that, but there certainly needs to be some line. We just can't possibly keep adding people to the roles of disability. The left apparently thinks otherwise, and is determined to see if such a system will work. Can we have every American on disability and not working for a living? That's their Utopian dream!

It's like this Dixie. A 57 year old guy who has worked in a factory for the past 25 years knows as little about any other profession as a young man coming out of college. However, the young guy will learn any job quicker and will move quicker. He is physically healthier. The chances of a young guy coming down with an illness is considerably less. Which individual will an employer hire?

So, while the 57 year old may not be disabled, technically speaking, he can't perform the job as well as the younger guy. So, what is he supposed to do to be able to buy beer and ride a bike?
A true manufacturing supervisor can learn the product anywhere, it is more about problem solving with people and equipment. That is the problem with liberals, they think one should only have to take a job in their "chosen" field, god forbid they may have to change careers.

They have to know the equipment in order to solve a problem. As for changing careers employers will hire a young guy before they hire an older worker for any entry level position.
Apply the liberal method for ending gun crime to welfare.
You want to ban guns to end gun crime?
I want to ban welfare to end welfare crime.

I thought it would follow your logic?

I don't want to ban guns. You have no logic.
It's like this Dixie. A 57 year old guy who has worked in a factory for the past 25 years knows as little about any other profession as a young man coming out of college. However, the young guy will learn any job quicker and will move quicker. He is physically healthier. The chances of a young guy coming down with an illness is considerably less. Which individual will an employer hire?

the one with the most experience and proven track record, it sure won't be that kid. Very few graduates add to the bottom line of a company the first 4 years there.