What can we do about disability and welfare fraud?

The Government should not care for the poor and sick, the Church does that, and nobody has to be poor in America any way unless they are too LAZY to work
Went to my local coffee shop this morning. In walks the perfect example this thread is dedicated to. The gentleman has worker 25+ years at a local company only to be laid off because of the economy. He basically told us he had suffered some "back pain" for the last 10 years and this was the thanks he gets, so he filed for disability and it was approved Thursday of last week. I asked him why he did not look for other work and his response was amazing:

"I am too old (57) to start out all over again". I ask him when "what the hell does that mean", he never responded and he didn't stay long afterwards. These people are part of the problem.
Went to my local coffee shop this morning. In walks the perfect example this thread is dedicated to. The gentleman has worker 25+ years at a local company only to be laid off because of the economy. He basically told us he had suffered some "back pain" for the last 10 years and this was the thanks he gets, so he filed for disability and it was approved Thursday of last week. I asked him why he did not look for other work and his response was amazing:

"I am too old (57) to start out all over again". I ask him when "what the hell does that mean", he never responded and he didn't stay long afterwards. These people are part of the problem.

How many 57 year old laborers with bad backs were hired in your town that day, witless wonder? Why don't you raise his retirement age a few years too. That should pay for some bombs for killing some muslems in the ME.
Some of the blood sucking freeloaders will get kicked of the gravy train if this is right

After more than a decade of discussion and often heated debate, the Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association voted Saturday in Arlington, Va., to approve the fifth edition of the group's "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders" or DSM-5, the official guide to classifying psychiatric illnesses.

The changes – the first major revisions since 1994 -- could affect millions of adults and children and billions of health-care dollars, determining who qualifies for subsidized services, treatment programs and insurance reimbursements. An estimated 30% of Americans are diagnosed with at least one mental illness in their lifetimes, and several conditions face major revisions in the DMS-5.


About 30% of Americans are Republicans. Coincidence?
Went to my local coffee shop this morning. In walks the perfect example this thread is dedicated to. The gentleman has worker 25+ years at a local company only to be laid off because of the economy. He basically told us he had suffered some "back pain" for the last 10 years and this was the thanks he gets, so he filed for disability and it was approved Thursday of last week. I asked him why he did not look for other work and his response was amazing:

"I am too old (57) to start out all over again". I ask him when "what the hell does that mean", he never responded and he didn't stay long afterwards. These people are part of the problem.

So what job do you suggest he apply for? His computer knowledge is probably negligible which is equivalent to being illiterate 25 years ago. Now, if the government offered training courses and, say, paid him to go to school for two years he'd be 59 and employed. But noooooo. Can't just give someone free education and pay them to go to school. That idea is crazy. It's better for tax payers to pay him to stay home for eight years on disability until he qualifies for pension.

That, Rocketman, is the problem. Not just in his case but in many other various cases, be it unemployment, welfare, etc. There is no comprehensive plan to help the people so they end up on some government plan as they need money to live. Because of the selfish idea someone may get something for nothing ( financial help, education) in the end the taxpayer pays more.
How many 57 year old laborers with bad backs were hired in your town that day, witless wonder? Why don't you raise his retirement age a few years too. That should pay for some bombs for killing some muslems in the ME.

Earth to dumbfuck, he was a Supervisor of Manufacturing, he could probably get a job anywhere with a little effort, but thanks to Democratic leadership he too has chosen the easy way out. This response is good enought for Apple as well
Went to my local coffee shop this morning. In walks the perfect example this thread is dedicated to. The gentleman has worker 25+ years at a local company only to be laid off because of the economy. He basically told us he had suffered some "back pain" for the last 10 years and this was the thanks he gets, so he filed for disability and it was approved Thursday of last week. I asked him why he did not look for other work and his response was amazing:

"I am too old (57) to start out all over again". I ask him when "what the hell does that mean", he never responded and he didn't stay long afterwards. These people are part of the problem.
I saw someone on a Hog in front of me in traffic today, and thought about your sig. :rofl2:
Earth to dumbfuck, he was a Supervisor of Manufacturing, he could probably get a job anywhere with a little effort, but thanks to Democratic leadership he too has chosen the easy way out. This response is good enought for Apple as well

Reality to shit fer brains, hello, shit fer brains, this is reality. How many 57 year olds were hired in your town that day, retard? Jobs in short supply, in case you hadn't noticed.
Reality to shit fer brains, hello, shit fer brains, this is reality. How many 57 year olds were hired in your town that day, retard? Jobs in short supply, in case you hadn't noticed.

My neighbor is unemployed again. She had finally found a job and was laid off six months later - this was after being unemployed for over a year. She is a teacher. She doesn't fit the two-dimensional, simplistic 'lazy fuck' meme used by the double-digit IQ'd right-wing shit heads here. This downturn has been brutal and those who've managed to keep their jobs ought to consider themselves fortunate - and some simply lucky - rather than assuming they're exceptional.
Reality to shit fer brains, hello, shit fer brains, this is reality. How many 57 year olds were hired in your town that day, retard? Jobs in short supply, in case you hadn't noticed.

Anybody that wants to work today is working dumbfuck. The workforce is in reduction every day thanks to the enablers now running Washington.
My neighbor is unemployed again. She had finally found a job and was laid off six months later - this was after being unemployed for over a year. She is a teacher. She doesn't fit the two-dimensional, simplistic 'lazy fuck' meme used by the double-digit IQ'd right-wing shit heads here. This downturn has been brutal and those who've managed to keep their jobs ought to consider themselves fortunate - and some simply lucky - rather than assuming they're exceptional.

She must be the stupidest woman on the face of the earth as there are communities everywhere looking for teachers.:palm:
Earth to dumbfuck, he was a Supervisor of Manufacturing, he could probably get a job anywhere with a little effort, but thanks to Democratic leadership he too has chosen the easy way out. This response is good enought for Apple as well

Most factory jobs are task specific. A guy who manufactures fridges is not going to walk into a job manufacturing wind turbines. He needs training. If the government does not want to train him they can pay him to sit in the coffee shop and this is precisely the Repub mistake when they talk about cutting entitlement programs. The less help offered the more people will simply go down the line to the next program.

It's like unemployment. North Carolina just realized a year or so ago that it makes a lot more sense for someone to be permitted to attend school while collecting UI instead of forbidding them to do so and paying them to sit at home. In the end the UI guy who attended school has increased his knowledge and is in a better position to find a job. The one who sat at home will continue to do so on welfare.

Talking about school the Repubs must have been absent the day the good Lord discussed logic.
So what job do you suggest he apply for? His computer knowledge is probably negligible which is equivalent to being illiterate 25 years ago. Now, if the government offered training courses and, say, paid him to go to school for two years he'd be 59 and employed. But noooooo. Can't just give someone free education and pay them to go to school. That idea is crazy. It's better for tax payers to pay him to stay home for eight years on disability until he qualifies for pension.

That, Rocketman, is the problem. Not just in his case but in many other various cases, be it unemployment, welfare, etc. There is no comprehensive plan to help the people so they end up on some government plan as they need money to live. Because of the selfish idea someone may get something for nothing ( financial help, education) in the end the taxpayer pays more.

Whenever you hear a libtardiot say the word "comprehensive" you know the American people are about to get fucked
Most factory jobs are task specific. A guy who manufactures fridges is not going to walk into a job manufacturing wind turbines. He needs training. If the government does not want to train him they can pay him to sit in the coffee shop and this is precisely the Repub mistake when they talk about cutting entitlement programs. The less help offered the more people will simply go down the line to the next program.

So without government programs, people would just be on more government programs?

I am not sure where you ever worked, or IF you haver worked for that matter, but in any job I have ever had, the employer trained me.

This gubmint training ruse is just another excuse to waste taxpayer money.
So without government programs, people would just be on more government programs?

There will always be some type of program for the destitute. Otherwise, society would crumble. That fact is obvious in countries that have limited social programs. That's why when one vacations in those countries they are advised to stay close to the resort. Desperate people do desperate things. The cutting of social programs will result in further crime and further crime results in further involvement of government/law enforcement, the exact thing the opponents of social programs don't want. It's referred to as thinking it through, something the typical Repub abhors.

I am not sure where you ever worked, or IF you haver worked for that matter, but in any job I have ever had, the employer trained me.

You're lucky. I was hired because I knew what to do. The knowledge I gained from any job was under my own initiative.

This gubmint training ruse is just another excuse to waste taxpayer money.

If it gets the person off welfare/UI and paying payroll taxes it's an investment.