What can we do about disability and welfare fraud?

With disability, it's not just that fraud is rampant, it's that we've allowed so many things to be declared disability. It's not fraudulent to collect a check for your ADHD if we've defined ADHD as a disability. That's the point I was making to Rana, there is nothing to "turn these people in" for, they've not broken any law. My sister is a prime example, she worked for 20 years, she was obviously able to work, but as soon as she was diagnosed as "bi-polar" she hasn't hit a lick at anything, she just collects her check each month and complains. We've created the system that allows this, it's not the fault of those who are capitalizing on it.

So how did it occur your sister was diagnosed as being bi-polar? I suspect she had a reason to go to the doctor in the first place so maybe she recently developed it or the illness has worsened.
Dixie, maybe you remember the case of John Demjanjuk the former Nazi (Ivan the Terrible) who was deported a few years ago. His lawyers made the argument he was disabled and slack-jawed and couldn't get out of bed without help. Yet once he was in Europe, film showed him walking and talking normally. This is how you get evidence people are scamming the system, so I don't believe nothing can be done about the man and your sis.


Nothing can be done about people who are collecting disability for "bi-polar" or "chronic back pain" because those have been deemed legitimate disabilities. I'm making the argument those shouldn't be considered disabilities. If you're missing a limb, or mentally retarded, THAT is a disability. I don't really give two fucks what you think of my opinion, I am still entitled to it. I never claimed these people were "scamming the system" those are your words, I simply said they shouldn't be entitled to a free ride, and what they have is not a disability in my opinion. We're paying out billions of dollars to people like this every year, and it shouldn't be that way. It's that way because of nitwits like you, who think it's 'cool' to spend taxpayer money on such things as a way to punish "the wealthy." The problem is, there is going to come a day and time where we can't afford to pay out 'disability' for everybody, and we're going to let you explain to the kid with cancer or the vet with no legs, exactly why they can't be helped anymore... because you spent all the money paying people to be lazy unproductive members of society for all those years.
The problem is, there is going to come a day and time where we can't afford to pay out 'disability' for everybody, and we're going to let you explain to the kid with cancer or the vet with no legs, exactly why they can't be helped anymore... because you spent all the money paying people to be lazy unproductive members of society for all those years.
Some of the blood sucking freeloaders will get kicked of the gravy train if this is right

After more than a decade of discussion and often heated debate, the Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association voted Saturday in Arlington, Va., to approve the fifth edition of the group's "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders" or DSM-5, the official guide to classifying psychiatric illnesses.

The changes – the first major revisions since 1994 -- could affect millions of adults and children and billions of health-care dollars, determining who qualifies for subsidized services, treatment programs and insurance reimbursements. An estimated 30% of Americans are diagnosed with at least one mental illness in their lifetimes, and several conditions face major revisions in the DMS-5.

Nothing can be done about people who are collecting disability for "bi-polar" or "chronic back pain" because those have been deemed legitimate disabilities. I'm making the argument those shouldn't be considered disabilities. If you're missing a limb, or mentally retarded, THAT is a disability. I don't really give two fucks what you think of my opinion, I am still entitled to it. I never claimed these people were "scamming the system" those are your words, I simply said they shouldn't be entitled to a free ride, and what they have is not a disability in my opinion. We're paying out billions of dollars to people like this every year, and it shouldn't be that way. It's that way because of nitwits like you, who think it's 'cool' to spend taxpayer money on such things as a way to punish "the wealthy." The problem is, there is going to come a day and time where we can't afford to pay out 'disability' for everybody, and we're going to let you explain to the kid with cancer or the vet with no legs, exactly why they can't be helped anymore... because you spent all the money paying people to be lazy unproductive members of society for all those years.

I'm happy to spend the money on people who come by it honestly, not so happy when someone cheats the system and a potential whistle blower lets it slide. And cheaters include doctors and hospitals as well as individuals.

And I sure don't understand how you can differentiate between "scamming the system" and getting a "free ride." Doesn't free ride imply dishonesty?
So how did it occur your sister was diagnosed as being bi-polar? I suspect she had a reason to go to the doctor in the first place so maybe she recently developed it or the illness has worsened.

Oh, I tell you how it occurred. She watched Oprah or some other such show on TV, and discovered that people are sometimes diagnosed as bi-polar, and this can be debilitating. She then went to the doctor and complained of the same symptoms, and the doc agreed she was "bi-polar" and put her on meds. Because of the meds and all of this, she was qualified to file for short-term disability, which eventually evolved into long-term disability. Now she gets a nice little check every month, free drugs, and doesn't have to do anything but stay at home and watch more Oprah.

You know, I don't know what kind of naive world you live in, where everyone is completely honest and filled with integrity, and would never mislead or lie about things such as this, to a doctor or to government, but I assure you, that's not the real world. People take advantage of things, exploit them for their own good, and don't basically give a fuck. It's like, when you try and offer free health care to 350 million people, you can't possibly afford to pay for it because of how much it will be exploited and abused. It would be like a grocery store implementing a policy to give "free food" to anyone who was hungry. Nice idea, but it won't work. Pretty soon, the grocer isn't selling anything, and everyone (surprise, surprise) shows up to get their freebies!
You know, I don't know what kind of naive world you live in, where everyone is completely honest and filled with integrity, and would never mislead or lie about things such as this, to a doctor or to government, but I assure you, that's not the real world. People take advantage of things, exploit them for their own good, and don't basically give a fuck. It's like, when you try and offer free health care to 350 million people, you can't possibly afford to pay for it because of how much it will be exploited and abused. It would be like a grocery store implementing a policy to give "free food" to anyone who was hungry. Nice idea, but it won't work. Pretty soon, the grocer isn't selling anything, and everyone (surprise, surprise) shows up to get their freebies!
I'm happy to spend the money on people who come by it honestly, not so happy when someone cheats the system and a potential whistle blower lets it slide. And cheaters include doctors and hospitals as well as individuals.

And I sure don't understand how you can differentiate between "scamming the system" and getting a "free ride." Doesn't free ride imply dishonesty?

It's dishonest for us as a society to claim "bi-polar" is a disability, or that "chronic pain" is a disability. These are "conditions" people have had to cope with for years, and still had to hold down jobs and work. I don't understand how it's suddenly something that we must pay them for to sit at home on their ass. My father was burned severely in his younger days, and lived with chronic pain his whole life, he never missed a day of work, or collected one penny of disability.

And let's be clear here... You are "happy to spend money" because you're a fucking liberal who is spending someone else's money and not your own. I guarantee you, if YOU were having to fork over half your paycheck to pay for someone to sit at home hopped up on anti-depressants, you wouldn't like that. But it's more than likely, you are one of the leeches yourself, and so you "don't mind spending the money" that isn't yours to spend. We can always shake down some rich person, right?
How about we stop the corporate welfare as well?

What IS "corporate welfare?" Do you have some examples for us?

Allow me to explain this to your dumb ass... Through the years, our country has faced a myriad of problems, and each time, our Congress has convened to find a solution, in many cases, it involves some kind of tax incentive or credit, which is intended to help alleviate the problem. THOSE have become known by the lefties as "corporate welfare" and it's dishonest to the core, because it refuses to acknowledge the problem it was implemented to address in the first place. Now we can certainly "undo" the things we've done to solve problems through the years, but what do you suppose is going to happen when you "undo" something that is designed to solve a certain problem? Well, logic says, you'll once again have that problem to deal with. We don't live in a fantasy world, we live in reality. Therefore, it would be prudent for us to examine each instance of "corporate welfare" and evaluate what problem it is addressing and whether there is a better way to address it than what we're currently doing. Just bowing up and claiming it's all got to go, is not a solution, it's a platitude.
Nothing can be done about people who are collecting disability for "bi-polar" or "chronic back pain" because those have been deemed legitimate disabilities. I'm making the argument those shouldn't be considered disabilities. If you're missing a limb, or mentally retarded, THAT is a disability. I don't really give two fucks what you think of my opinion, I am still entitled to it. I never claimed these people were "scamming the system" those are your words, I simply said they shouldn't be entitled to a free ride, and what they have is not a disability in my opinion. We're paying out billions of dollars to people like this every year, and it shouldn't be that way. It's that way because of nitwits like you, who think it's 'cool' to spend taxpayer money on such things as a way to punish "the wealthy." The problem is, there is going to come a day and time where we can't afford to pay out 'disability' for everybody, and we're going to let you explain to the kid with cancer or the vet with no legs, exactly why they can't be helped anymore... because you spent all the money paying people to be lazy unproductive members of society for all those years.

If that day should ever come no explanation will be necessary. The child with cancer will see the huge homes and the yachts docked nearby and the Vet who can't afford either a wheelchair or a prosthesis will see the guy whose freedom he fought for getting into a foreign, hundred thousand dollar car and realize neither wealthy individual felt the child nor the Vet's life was worth a boat or a car. They may even learn both wealthy individuals claim to be pro-life Conservatives.

I wonder for how long a society like that would operate. Any idea?
It's dishonest for us as a society to claim "bi-polar" is a disability, or that "chronic pain" is a disability. These are "conditions" people have had to cope with for years, and still had to hold down jobs and work. I don't understand how it's suddenly something that we must pay them for to sit at home on their ass. My father was burned severely in his younger days, and lived with chronic pain his whole life, he never missed a day of work, or collected one penny of disability.

And let's be clear here... You are "happy to spend money" because you're a fucking liberal who is spending someone else's money and not your own. I guarantee you, if YOU were having to fork over half your paycheck to pay for someone to sit at home hopped up on anti-depressants, you wouldn't like that. But it's more than likely, you are one of the leeches yourself, and so you "don't mind spending the money" that isn't yours to spend. We can always shake down some rich person, right?

Typical. Attack the writer when you can't defend your argument on facts. You're trying to play this both ways and failing at it. You think we "must pay them for to sit at home on their ass." Does that mean I'm paying for your sis and your neighbor? If they're truly disabled, they're welcome to it. There for the grace of God go I.

And sorry to bust your bubble but neither I nor anyone in my family is sucking at the public teat. I know Rmoney told you different but you'll just have to take my word for it.