What can we do about disability and welfare fraud?

Why didn't you turn in the old fraudster, if you knew for sure what he was doing?

Why haven't you turned in both the quack doctor and your sis?

Why doesn't he turn in his sister, also?

Turn them in for what? They legitimately claimed disability and filled out all the proper forms. They aren't "cheating" the system, they are exploiting it, as are many out there who claim to have a disability.
Turn them in for what? They legitimately claimed disability and filled out all the proper forms. They aren't "cheating" the system, they are exploiting it, as are many out there who claim to have a disability.

Oh, sorry master salad maker, they are lying, they are committing a crime, no matter what words you use, it is criminal they didn't do anything legitimate. They were not legitimately disabled. They are frauds.
Oh, sorry master salad maker, they are lying, they are committing a crime, no matter what words you use, it is criminal they didn't do anything legitimate. They were not legitimately disabled. They are frauds.

Uhm, no... Perhaps you missed it, they went to a doctor and complained, filed necessary paperwork for disability, and it was approved. There is no crime being committed. I'm sure my sister thinks she is legitimately disabled with her 'bi-polar' condition, and I am sure the other individual I mentioned, believes they have back pain. I have no evidence they are lying.

So what "CRIME" are they committing? What can I "turn them in" for?
But then, you have such a narrow view and just ignore everything that doesn't fit into your bias.

But then, Hitler didn't like disabiled people either.

Are you sitting on your trike while you type on this board? I mean, your words, everything causes you pain but riding the motorcycle.
And of course you have some basis for your claim that they are "faux illnesses"?
Not being about to concentrate is not an illness. Having mood swings is not an illness. Of course, it comes in awfully handy when someone is filing disability though. There is no medical test, so all they have to do is convince a doctor they have the 'symptoms', just like 'back pain'.
There are actual and measureable differences in brain chemistry in some of these illnesses. I am sure you could Dr shop and find some.

What medical training have you had? (p.s. that CPR class you had in high school doesn't count)
But that isn't how the 'illnesses' are diagnosed, is it????
My personal experiences are far more valid than your bogus claims. Unless you have some valid medical degree you have been hiding.
Your personal experiences are no more valid than mine. Any personal experiences or degrees you claim to have are worthless compared to actual facts. The fact is fraud is rampant with any giveaway govt program. To deny this is mind-numbingly stupid.
Your personal experiences are no more valid than mine. Any personal experiences or degrees you claim to have are worthless compared to actual facts. The fact is fraud is rampant with any giveaway govt program. To deny this is mind-numbingly stupid.

With disability, it's not just that fraud is rampant, it's that we've allowed so many things to be declared disability. It's not fraudulent to collect a check for your ADHD if we've defined ADHD as a disability. That's the point I was making to Rana, there is nothing to "turn these people in" for, they've not broken any law. My sister is a prime example, she worked for 20 years, she was obviously able to work, but as soon as she was diagnosed as "bi-polar" she hasn't hit a lick at anything, she just collects her check each month and complains. We've created the system that allows this, it's not the fault of those who are capitalizing on it.
Your personal experiences are no more valid than mine. Any personal experiences or degrees you claim to have are worthless compared to actual facts. The fact is fraud is rampant with any giveaway govt program. To deny this is mind-numbingly stupid.

I expect that I have many more years of personal experiences than you to gain a bit more wisdom from.
With disability, it's not just that fraud is rampant, it's that we've allowed so many things to be declared disability. It's not fraudulent to collect a check for your ADHD if we've defined ADHD as a disability. That's the point I was making to Rana, there is nothing to "turn these people in" for, they've not broken any law. My sister is a prime example, she worked for 20 years, she was obviously able to work, but as soon as she was diagnosed as "bi-polar" she hasn't hit a lick at anything, she just collects her check each month and complains. We've created the system that allows this, it's not the fault of those who are capitalizing on it.
You make an excellent point. It's the ridiculous parameters that disability has been expanded to. I have no problem with someone truly disabled, blind, etc. having a safety net. It's the absolutely ridiculous things that irk me. It should be limited to TRUE disability.
I expect that I have many more years of personal experiences than you to gain a bit more wisdom from.
You know nothing about me. I have plenty of personal experiences which solidify my opinion on this. I am not mentioning them because anecdotal evidence is weak.
Not being about to concentrate is not an illness. Having mood swings is not an illness. Of course, it comes in awfully handy when someone is filing disability though. There is no medical test, so all they have to do is convince a doctor they have the 'symptoms', just like 'back pain'.

Oversimplification is not a medical diagnosis either, but you seem perfectly willing to try. If you think ADHD is simply not being able to concentrate or that being bipolar means just mood swings, you need to do a little research and get back to us.