What can we do about disability and welfare fraud?

Your personal experiences are no more valid than mine. Any personal experiences or degrees you claim to have are worthless compared to actual facts. The fact is fraud is rampant with any giveaway govt program. To deny this is mind-numbingly stupid.

Rampant? Now that we have established that anecdotal evidence are worthless, do you have any facts with which to back your claim?
Oversimplification is not a medical diagnosis either, but you seem perfectly willing to try. If you think ADHD is simply not being able to concentrate or that being bipolar means just mood swings, you need to do a little research and get back to us.
Neither one is a disability. They are both great excuses for lazy fucks to collect disability.
Turn them in for what? They legitimately claimed disability and filled out all the proper forms. They aren't "cheating" the system, they are exploiting it, as are many out there who claim to have a disability.

If they don't have a disability, according to you, then their claims aren't legitimate. If they're lying to doctors in order to get benefits, then they're cheating the system.
Uhm, no... Perhaps you missed it, they went to a doctor and complained, filed necessary paperwork for disability, and it was approved. There is no crime being committed. I'm sure my sister thinks she is legitimately disabled with her 'bi-polar' condition, and I am sure the other individual I mentioned, believes they have back pain. I have no evidence they are lying.

So what "CRIME" are they committing? What can I "turn them in" for?

If the doctor sent her medical records along with the paperwork, and a determination was made that she's indeed bi-polar, who are you to say she's not?

If the other individual believes he has back pain, who are you to say he doesn't?

Can't have it both ways, bub. If you have hard evidence they're cheating the system, then you have to turn them in. Hard evidence meaning not your opinion only.
Dixie, maybe you remember the case of John Demjanjuk the former Nazi (Ivan the Terrible) who was deported a few years ago. His lawyers made the argument he was disabled and slack-jawed and couldn't get out of bed without help. Yet once he was in Europe, film showed him walking and talking normally. This is how you get evidence people are scamming the system, so I don't believe nothing can be done about the man and your sis.

Dixie, maybe you remember the case of John Demjanjuk the former Nazi (Ivan the Terrible) who was deported a few years ago. His lawyers made the argument he was disabled and slack-jawed and couldn't get out of bed without help. Yet once he was in Europe, film showed him walking and talking normally. This is how you get evidence people are scamming the system, so I don't believe nothing can be done about the man and your sis.

Not many people have the time to be private investigators. The entity called the govt has no oversight because it operates on an endless pool of taxpayer money. That's why it turns anything it touches to shit.
Not many people have the time to be private investigators. The entity called the govt has no oversight because it operates on an endless pool of taxpayer money. That's why it turns anything it touches to shit.

They don't need to investigate everybody, just take care of the ones they *know* are scamming the system. What could be easier than to pass on info, dates, pictures etc. to the agencies being used?

Truthfully Stargazer I don't expect that people will turn in their families or neighbors. But I find it odd how many say they know for sure someone's playing the system, and then make excuses for why they won't blow the whistle.
"The study, by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, found that the biggest jumps in the disabled population came from aging Baby Boomers.

Thanks for proving my point. Of course, they won't listen.

I never said or implied such; but even then, doing so would be better then you sucking at the Government Cock.

You haven't?????

The next time I wake up and have to take my meds, just to be able to get dressed and walk, I'll be thinking of you and feeling pity for you.
By the same token; the next time I'm having a "good day" and go for a ride on my trike, I'll be laughing at you.

Have you noticed that the latest influx of knuckledraggers are even more stupid than Howie's Harlots!!

With disability, it's not just that fraud is rampant, it's that we've allowed so many things to be declared disability. It's not fraudulent to collect a check for your ADHD if we've defined ADHD as a disability. That's the point I was making to Rana, there is nothing to "turn these people in" for, they've not broken any law. My sister is a prime example, she worked for 20 years, she was obviously able to work, but as soon as she was diagnosed as "bi-polar" she hasn't hit a lick at anything, she just collects her check each month and complains. We've created the system that allows this, it's not the fault of those who are capitalizing on it.

I see what you are saying, but not everyone is compelled to do something just because they can