What can we do about disability and welfare fraud?

bi polar is often a real disability. For you to say it is not displays you ignorance for all to see.

I lived with ADHD all my life and only fairly recently has it diagnosed. It is a disability but not a debilating one if you keep on fighting.

One thing the more intelligent one is the more likely they are to have mental issues.
You are safe.

ADHD, that is usually diagnosed because of parenting or lack of.
I didn't mention autism or any 'real' disabilities, did I?

ADHD, Bi-polar. I've known people with these alleged conditions and neither are disabilities.

There are degrees of the illness. I know functioning bi polar people and I know people who are disabled by the disease.

I am not as familiar with ADHD and have not researched it, therefore, I can not address it.
A record 5.4 million workers and their dependents have signed up to collect federal disability checks since President Obama took office, according to the latest official government data, as discouraged workers increasingly give up looking for jobs and take advantage of the federal program.

How many of these ppl are aging baby boomers nearing retirement?
it never did open, what are your thoughts?

There are reasons or the increase in people applying for disability and a aging population is one of them. Certain age groups, young adults, the number has decreased.

It isn't just "lazy" people on the take and has nothing to do with Obama.

It is just the fact that a huge chuck of our population is getting older! Disabilities increase with age.
bi polar is often a real disability. For you to say it is not displays you ignorance for all to see.

I lived with ADHD all my life and only fairly recently has it diagnosed. It is a disability but not a debilating one if you keep on fighting.

One thing the more intelligent one is the more likely they are to have mental issues.
You are safe.

So libs are always telling us how intelligent they are. Does that mean I have always been right that liberalism is a mental disorder?

Thanks for confirming
bi polar is often a real disability. For you to say it is not displays you ignorance for all to see.

I lived with ADHD all my life and only fairly recently has it diagnosed. It is a disability but not a debilating one if you keep on fighting.

One thing the more intelligent one is the more likely they are to have mental issues.
You are safe.
I'm safe because I don't have a familial history of mental illness.

But hey, I have trouble concentrating, I may have ADHD. Maybe I should go get diagnosed and get on disability.
I'm safe because I don't have a familial history of mental illness.

But hey, I have trouble concentrating, I may have ADHD. Maybe I should go get diagnosed and get on disability.

No, you aren't safe, not all mental illness is genetic. Making light of this subject is pathetic. These conditions and illnesses can be devastating to people's lives.
No, you aren't safe, not all mental illness is genetic. Making light of this subject is pathetic. These conditions and illnesses can be devastating to people's lives.
Save the poutrage. ADHD is not a 'mental illness'. It's another made-up 'illness' to benefit the drugs corps. Bi-polar is nothing but manic depression with a new label.
Save the poutrage. ADHD is not a 'mental illness'. It's another made-up 'illness' to benefit the drugs corps. Bi-polar is nothing but manic depression with a new label.

Well, unless you have the education to back up your diagnosis, I will go with the pros.
You know the ones I am referring to. You know the ones that limp or seem crippled in public where they live but playing volleyball on vacation or riding motorcycles on long trips.

Have you ever run into one? I have: What do you do for a living? "I am on disability" Really?:rolleyes:

For what? " I have this tingle in my back that prevents me from working" And it doesn't tingle when you are riding on these rough roads for 8 hours/day? or all that walking while here in Sturgis? WOW! that is amazing!

Has anyone else noticed the trend?

I think things like you tube and the local news stations would be interested in some of these cases, especially the guys and gals that walk perfectly ok when out of their home area. We need to band together as a nation and get this under control.

We do not owe them a living.


Okey-dokey then.
Looks like we're getting back to square one. :palm:

While I agree with some of what you say; may I suggest that you wait until you're diagnosed with a disability, before you try and determine what someone can or can not do.
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I didn't mention autism or any 'real' disabilities, did I?

ADHD, Bi-polar. I've known people with these alleged conditions and neither are disabilities.

Your ignorance is showing again.

Bipolar disorder was formerly called manic depression. It is a major affective disorder, or mood disorder, characterized by dramatic mood swings. Bipolar disorder is a serious condition, when mania causes sleeplessness, sometimes for days, along with hallucinations, psychosis, grandiose delusions, and/or paranoid rage.

Bipolar disorder is a complex genetic disorder. The mood swings associated with it alternate from major, or clinical, depression to mania or extreme elation. The mood swings can range from very mild to extreme, and they can happen gradually or suddenly within a timeframe of minutes to hours. When mood swings happen frequently, the process is called rapid cycling.
Along with the dramatic mood swings, patients with bipolar disorder may have disturbances in thinking. They may also have distortions of perception and impairment in social functioning.

Bipolar disorder usually appears between ages 15 and 24 and persists throughout a lifetime. It's rare that newly diagnosed mania is seen in children or in adults over age 65.
Severity of symptoms varies with individuals who have bipolar disorder. While some people have a few symptoms, others have many that impair their ability to work and live a normal life.
Marked by relapses and remissions, bipolar disorder has a high rate of recurrence if untreated. Patients with severe mania usually require hospitalization to keep them from risky behaviors. Those who are severely depressed also might need hospitalization to keep them from acting on suicidal thoughts.
About 90% of individuals with bipolar I disorder, which is the more serious form, have at least one psychiatric hospitalization. Two out of three will have two or more hospitalizations in their lifetime.

All Baby Boomers are disturbed in one form or another! :D

Anyway, I hope there aren't going to be a ton of threads generated about disability, because it's already beyond tiresome after two threads...
I do have a disability insurance policy through Northwestern Mutual (along with my Whole Life and a Roth annuity), so I'm covered should I ever become disabled before I reach retirement age...
Okey-dokey then.
Looks like we're getting back to square one. :palm:

While I agree with some of what you say; may I suggest that you wait until you're diagnosed with a disability, before you try and determine what someone can or can not do.

I have been, chose not to go that route as I could still work and perform. I did have to change careers though.

If a person feels good enough to do fun stuff, they can be working. America has to fix this enormous drain on society