What can we do about disability and welfare fraud?

This was just posted at another forum as a solution, I think it has merit:

Originally Posted by
It is simple, pay them with a debit card that does not allow more than $20 per day cash withdrawals, with copies of all transactions going to the agency granting the disability. If you are doing things that you shouldn't, they will know.
And when you get caught, you have to pay back every dime plus 50%....
and any doctor who knowingly participates in the scam, has to pay back all he made plus 50%, and lose his medical license....

Bear in mind, tho, some disabilities are not that obvious, and a normal appearing person will have difficulty finding a job. Heart disease, diabetes, any history of cancer, and you will have a hard time getting hired

Not sure of the forum where you brought this from and since I'm unable to question the "original" poster; I'll ask you instead:

Why do you think that a person on a disability should have to survive on $20 per day?
Not sure of the forum where you brought this from and since I'm unable to question the "original" poster; I'll ask you instead:

Why do you think that a person on a disability should have to survive on $20 per day?

the post did not say that, it said "they could only draw out cash of $20", nice deflection though
the post did not say that, it said "they could only draw out cash of $20", nice deflection though

I would like to believe that you are aware that their are many places that still do not accept anything but cash or in some cases, the lines are down and debit/credit cards don't work.
Your ignorance is showing again.

Bipolar disorder was formerly called manic depression. It is a major affective disorder, or mood disorder, characterized by dramatic mood swings. Bipolar disorder is a serious condition, when mania causes sleeplessness, sometimes for days, along with hallucinations, psychosis, grandiose delusions, and/or paranoid rage.

Bipolar disorder is a complex genetic disorder. The mood swings associated with it alternate from major, or clinical, depression to mania or extreme elation. The mood swings can range from very mild to extreme, and they can happen gradually or suddenly within a timeframe of minutes to hours. When mood swings happen frequently, the process is called rapid cycling.
Along with the dramatic mood swings, patients with bipolar disorder may have disturbances in thinking. They may also have distortions of perception and impairment in social functioning.

Bipolar disorder usually appears between ages 15 and 24 and persists throughout a lifetime. It's rare that newly diagnosed mania is seen in children or in adults over age 65.
Severity of symptoms varies with individuals who have bipolar disorder. While some people have a few symptoms, others have many that impair their ability to work and live a normal life.
Marked by relapses and remissions, bipolar disorder has a high rate of recurrence if untreated. Patients with severe mania usually require hospitalization to keep them from risky behaviors. Those who are severely depressed also might need hospitalization to keep them from acting on suicidal thoughts.
About 90% of individuals with bipolar I disorder, which is the more serious form, have at least one psychiatric hospitalization. Two out of three will have two or more hospitalizations in their lifetime.

I wonder how much Pfizer paid WebMD to print that load?
it came straight from your statement, this is a message board, we don't care if you back down.

Since you and I are basically the only ones discussing this; could you possibly steer me to the statement, that allowed you to arrive at your conslusion?
Happens every day. BACK PROBLEMS! That is the key! I learned this from an old insurance fraudster who cleared over $100k per year bilking insurance companies and stayed comfortably high on pain meds while doing so. All you have to do is complain of back pain. It doesn't matter if you actually have pain, or if there is any tangible evidence of damage to your back, doctors are unable to tell if you are faking back pain. All you have to do, is keep complaining of back pain, and eventually, they will set you up with a nice disability check and give you some really cool drugs!
If you are promoting that the only way a person can be classified as disabled, is by being COMPLETELY UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING; then you have no idea of what a disability is.

Feel free to continue your rant; but don't expect to gather many supporters.
There must be a barrier that prevents them from performing physical activities.
the one it was posted too, I will not do your work for you.

I fail to see how asking you which post I made, that allowed you to arrive at your conclusion, is such an inconvience; but below is the comment I made and then your accusation.

I never said or infered:
1. anybody
2. play on a regular basis

What does it matter, what kind of Harley it is that he owns?

May I inquire which school you attended; where you recieved your degree in the diagnosis of disabilities?

So you support someone screwing working taxpayers while the pretty much do anything the want?

I still fail to see what verbage I used, that prompted you to make your accusation; but since I have reposted the exchange, could you now point out where I infered anything close to your complaint?
Something that prevents them from even getting to a job. There are sit-down jobs that don't require physical activity.

And you believe that someone who has a disability, is capable of having a "sit down job" and have no problems with their disability?

Here are some of the guidelines that Social Security use, to determine a person's ability to do even sedentary jobs:

Limitations That Prevent Sedentary Work
Here are some examples of physical exertional limitations that can result in an RFC that demonstrates you can’t do the full range of sedentary work:

•the inability to lift up to ten pounds
•the inability to stand or walk for more than a combined total of two hours a day
•the use of medically required hand-held devices to help walking
•the need to keep one leg elevated
•the inability to use an arm because of amputation above the elbow, and
•the inability to sit for six hours out of an eight hour work-day.

There are more; but I didn't want to overload your informational intake.
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Something that prevents them from even getting to a job. There are sit-down jobs that don't require physical activity.

There are "sit-down" jobs? LOL

You seem like a real moron - is Rocketman considered the thinker between you two?

What a spiteful, ignorant thread. I hope both you and the ricket develop debilitating pain and live long enough to cry all day at your "sit down" jobs from the sheer hell of it. Others here have said they don't wish it on you, they "hope" you never know.

Not me. Better the two of you than someone else.
And you believe that someone who has a disability, is capable of having a "sit down job" and have no problems with their disability?

Here are some of the guidelines that Social Security use, to determine a person's ability to do even sedentary jobs:

Limitations That Prevent Sedentary Work
Here are some examples of physical exertional limitations that can result in an RFC that demonstrates you can’t do the full range of sedentary work:

•the inability to lift up to ten pounds
•the inability to stand or walk for more than a combined total of two hours a day
•the use of medically required hand-held devices to help walking
•the need to keep one leg elevated
•the inability to use an arm because of amputation above the elbow, and
•the inability to sit for six hours out of an eight hour work-day.

There are more; but I didn't want to overload your informational intake.
Sure there are plenty of loopholes. I never said there wasn't. The bottom line here is there are a lot of people on disability who could be doing something but would rather not. Are you really trying to argue that there aren't some collecting disability -- who aren't really disabled at all?
There are "sit-down" jobs? LOL

You seem like a real moron - is Rocketman considered the thinker between you two?

What a spiteful, ignorant thread. I hope both you and the ricket develop debilitating pain and live long enough to cry all day at your "sit down" jobs from the sheer hell of it. Others here have said they don't wish it on you, they "hope" you never know.

Not me. Better the two of you than someone else.
Yes, not all jobs are physically laborious.

I'd say, if someone can play on the Internetz all day, they could be sitting at a desk working.

Waaaah. Save your emotions and fweeings about me, libtard. I don't care.
Sure there are plenty of loopholes. I never said there wasn't. The bottom line here is there are a lot of people on disability who could be doing something but would rather not. Are you really trying to argue that there aren't some collecting disability -- who aren't really disabled at all?

The problem with you is that you want to throw the baby out with the bath water. There are and will always be cheats, but to end the program because of those who cheat is wrong.
Yes, not all jobs are physically laborious.

I'd say, if someone can play on the Internetz all day, they could be sitting at a desk working.

Waaaah. Save your emotions and fweeings about me, libtard. I don't care.

No one cares what you think though. If they did then there would be very few people on disability. The cruel world you are trying to create here does exist in some countries. Find one of them and move there. Here, you lost. Too bad. :)