What can we do about disability and welfare fraud?

The problem with you is that you want to throw the baby out with the bath water. There are and will always be cheats, but to end the program because of those who cheat is wrong.

Yep kinda like ending the military because sometimes one freaks out and kills innocent people?
Or like ending gun ownershhip becuase some misuses guns?
There are "sit-down" jobs? LOL

You seem like a real moron - is Rocketman considered the thinker between you two?

What a spiteful, ignorant thread. I hope both you and the ricket develop debilitating pain and live long enough to cry all day at your "sit down" jobs from the sheer hell of it. Others here have said they don't wish it on you, they "hope" you never know.

Not me. Better the two of you than someone else.

Yep kinda hard for me to wodk when on morphine and such.
Not been able to drive for well over a year even with a wheelchair capable van.

I will trade places with the pocket rocket or the stargrazer guy any day.
He can even have my couple of million of net worth.
Would be nice to be able to drive around and work and have all my parts work and NO PAIN!

And yes I am on SS disability because it was the only way I could get health ins.
No one would sell private insurance to me.
Since I have outlived my doctors estimates by quite a bit I should I have spent all my money by now instead of taking advantage of an insurance policy (SS) I had been paynig into all my working life?
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Yep kinda hard for me to wodk when on morphine and such.
Not been able to drive for well over a year even with a wheelchair capable van.

I will trade places with the pocket rocket guy any day.
He can even have my couple of million of net worth.
Would be nice to be able to drive around and work and have all my parts work and NO PAIN!

And yes I am on SS disability because it was the only way I could get health ins.
No one would sell private insurance to me.
Since I have outlived my doctors estimates by quite a bit I should I have spent all my money by now instead of taking advantage of an insurance policy (SS) I had been paynig into all my working life?

Big hugs to you...
I do when they are with honesty and integrity. The crap we are seeing today does not involve either of those qualities

Maybe you should deep six your broad brush, unless IRL you're a private investigator who's collected millions of fraud files on the "crap" we're seeing today.
Agreed we need more enforcement of fraud in disability, medicare billilng by health care providers, taxes, the military spending, and all goverment.

But that would cost more....

My proposed fix is that anyone defrauding the govt would face an automatic 200% fine of the amount defrauded.
It would keep business from getting millions illegally and then paying a fraction of that in a settlement.
aka a cost of doing business.
Happens every day. BACK PROBLEMS! That is the key! I learned this from an old insurance fraudster who cleared over $100k per year bilking insurance companies and stayed comfortably high on pain meds while doing so. All you have to do is complain of back pain. It doesn't matter if you actually have pain, or if there is any tangible evidence of damage to your back, doctors are unable to tell if you are faking back pain. All you have to do, is keep complaining of back pain, and eventually, they will set you up with a nice disability check and give you some really cool drugs!

Why didn't you turn in the old fraudster, if you knew for sure what he was doing?
I have a sister who currently receives disability for her "bi-polar" condition. She is perfectly healthy, and able to work, she held a full-time job for over 20 years. Back when Oprah and other TV talk show hosts brought "bi-polar" to our attention, she went and had a quack doctor diagnose her as "bi-polar" and started her on meds. At first, her insurance covered her meds and all was fine, but as time went by, she continued to complain of her "condition" to every family member or anyone who would listen. Eventually, she had her quack doctor fill out the necessary forms, and she started drawing short-term disability, which evolved into long-term disability, and that is what she does today... sits at home watching Oprah, drawing a nice disability check for her "bi-polar" condition.

I now see people posting on their facebook pages everyday, about how these conditions are real and people shouldn't judge them or make mean comments because they are really sick and can't help it. I have to think our 'system' is paying for a LOT of these people to sit on their asses and complain, rather than to work and be productive members of society. I'm sorry if you think that makes me cruel or uncaring. I see babies in the hospital with terminal cancer, quadriplegic veterans who had their limbs blown off, elderly people suffering the indignity of Alzheimer's, and to me, those are the "disabled" people who need our assistance in society. Those with "bi-polar" or ADHD, or the ever-popular "chronic pain" need to take a fucking Tylenol and suck it up, Buttercup! I do not want or intend to pay for your FREE RIDE!

Why haven't you turned in both the quack doctor and your sis?
Dixie can't turn his drinking buddy.

I guess it is ok for dixie to talk poorly about his own family menbers on here?
I fail to see how asking you which post I made, that allowed you to arrive at your conclusion, is such an inconvience; but below is the comment I made and then your accusation.

I still fail to see what verbage I used, that prompted you to make your accusation; but since I have reposted the exchange, could you now point out where I infered anything close to your complaint?

Because you have already stated that you do not have a problem with someone out riding for fun when they could be working. That makes YOU part of the problem
I would like to believe that you are aware that their are many places that still do not accept anything but cash or in some cases, the lines are down and debit/credit cards don't work.

Damn someone might have to find places that do and plan for 1 in 1 million chance the lines are down. The sky is falling, the sky is falling
And you believe that someone who has a disability, is capable of having a "sit down job" and have no problems with their disability?

Here are some of the guidelines that Social Security use, to determine a person's ability to do even sedentary jobs:

Limitations That Prevent Sedentary Work
Here are some examples of physical exertional limitations that can result in an RFC that demonstrates you can’t do the full range of sedentary work:

•the inability to lift up to ten pounds
•the inability to stand or walk for more than a combined total of two hours a day
•the use of medically required hand-held devices to help walking
•the need to keep one leg elevated
•the inability to use an arm because of amputation above the elbow, and
•the inability to sit for six hours out of an eight hour work-day.

There are more; but I didn't want to overload your informational intake.

Almost all of those would keep one off a motorcycle
The problem with you is that you want to throw the baby out with the bath water. There are and will always be cheats, but to end the program because of those who cheat is wrong.

Nobody stated the program should end, anymore strawmen in your bag?
Because you have already stated that you do not have a problem with someone out riding for fun when they could be working. That makes YOU part of the problem

So, in your world disabled people on disability need to sit at home all day and do nothing...

I suppose Stargazer and yourself think vets suffering from PTSD are fakers?
There are "sit-down" jobs? LOL

You seem like a real moron - is Rocketman considered the thinker between you two?

What a spiteful, ignorant thread. I hope both you and the ricket develop debilitating pain and live long enough to cry all day at your "sit down" jobs from the sheer hell of it. Others here have said they don't wish it on you, they "hope" you never know.

Not me. Better the two of you than someone else.

That's nice, it appears you are more spiteful than either of us. You should quit before looking even more stupid.
So, in your world disabled people on disability need to sit at home all day and do nothing...

I suppose Stargazer and yourself think vets suffering from PTSD are fakers?

Again kudos for the deflection veterans are a totally separate discussion, they are not trying to get out of work, they SERVED their country. Damn, it is evident you will do or write anyting to discuss anythign but the actual thread topic. How old are you?
Yep kinda hard for me to wodk when on morphine and such.
Not been able to drive for well over a year even with a wheelchair capable van.

I will trade places with the pocket rocket or the stargrazer guy any day.
He can even have my couple of million of net worth.
Would be nice to be able to drive around and work and have all my parts work and NO PAIN!

And yes I am on SS disability because it was the only way I could get health ins.
No one would sell private insurance to me.
Since I have outlived my doctors estimates by quite a bit I should I have spent all my money by now instead of taking advantage of an insurance policy (SS) I had been paynig into all my working life?

WOW! so you are not out water skiing, fishing, and motorcyle riding like the people this thread is about. You delflected and injected yourself into the thread when it is not about you at all. Grow the hell up.
No, anybody that is on disability that feels good enough to play on a regular basis could be working. Your post on my introduction thread brought to mind a guy I encounter every weekend during riding season and on my days off as well.

He rides a Harley-CVO no less, see him on it almost every day, why? He has some type of degenerative back disorder and gets disability after working for a local plant in this area that closed. He can push that bike, changes his own rear tires, services it, goes to Sturgis but he can't work.

THAT my friend is crap. At the very least he should be required to do something for the state if it is nothing more than driving a garbage truck or school bus.

Why haven't you turned him in