What can we do about disability and welfare fraud?

Doesn't really matter who commits more fraud, the idea is to stop it everywhere in govt. Agreed?

More of my 'thoughts'...

There are probably more people who should receive disability that are refused benefits, than people who are able to cheat the system. A very good friend of mine was a commercial electrician. He fell 30 feet when the ladder he was on collapsed. He damaged his spine so severely that he had to have numerous operations just to be able to stand upright. It took him YEARS to finally get disability. He had to hire a lawyer and fight in court for his benefits.

As far as mental illness, it is the most undiagnosed disease in America. But the rise in disability claims has nothing to do with Obama. And the increase in mental illnesses covered goes back to changes in the law during the Reagan administration.

Glad my 'thoughts' could destroy your idiotic thread...

Social Security Disability Enrollment Rising Due To Demographic Trends: CBO

CBO - Policy Options for the Social Security Disability Insurance Program

"The study, by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, found that the biggest jumps in the disabled population came from aging Baby Boomers. From 1996 through 2009 -- "the approximate period during which the baby-boom generation entered their 50s -- the share of disabled worker benefits awarded to older workers (age 45 and older) rose from 67 percent to 76 percent," the report said.

Meanwhile, the share of benefits going to younger workers -- between the ages of 25 to 44 -- fell from 31 percent to 22 percent.

"Baby boomers' aging would have boosted enrollment in the DI program even if no other factors had changed," the report said.

Add to that the fact that more women have entered the workforce since 1970, boosting the working population and creating a larger pool of people who can become disabled.

A change in the law during the Reagan administration that allowed more people with mental disabilities and musculoskeletal problems to qualify also increased the number of people on disability. In 1990, such people accounted for 38 percent of workers in the SSDI program. In 2010, the number had risen to 54 percent."
More of my 'thoughts'...

There are probably more people who should receive disability that are refused benefits, than people who are able to cheat the system. A very good friend of mine was a commercial electrician. He fell 30 feet when the ladder he was on collapsed. He damaged his spine so severely that he had to have numerous operations just to be able to stand upright. It took him YEARS to finally get disability. He had to hire a lawyer and fight in court for his benefits.

As far as mental illness, it is the most undiagnosed disease in America. But the rise in disability claims has nothing to do with Obama. And the increase in mental illnesses covered goes back to changes in the law during the Reagan administration.

Glad my 'thoughts' could destroy your idiotic thread...

Social Security Disability Enrollment Rising Due To Demographic Trends: CBO

CBO - Policy Options for the Social Security Disability Insurance Program

"The study, by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, found that the biggest jumps in the disabled population came from aging Baby Boomers. From 1996 through 2009 -- "the approximate period during which the baby-boom generation entered their 50s -- the share of disabled worker benefits awarded to older workers (age 45 and older) rose from 67 percent to 76 percent," the report said.

Meanwhile, the share of benefits going to younger workers -- between the ages of 25 to 44 -- fell from 31 percent to 22 percent.

"Baby boomers' aging would have boosted enrollment in the DI program even if no other factors had changed," the report said.

Add to that the fact that more women have entered the workforce since 1970, boosting the working population and creating a larger pool of people who can become disabled.

A change in the law during the Reagan administration that allowed more people with mental disabilities and musculoskeletal problems to qualify also increased the number of people on disability. In 1990, such people accounted for 38 percent of workers in the SSDI program. In 2010, the number had risen to 54 percent."

Great post. You are talking though to the same vicious, mindless, idiots who want to raise the SS age because "people are living longer". When in fact, average people are not living longer, and it's very easy to say "work till you're 68 or 69" when your job is being a Senator. If everyone's job consisted of half the year off and being petted, sucked up to, taken to the best restaurants, going on the best vacations (which they call business trips) and interviewed on television, then we could all work until we were 90!

Out in the real world, people's bodies once they hit 60 can make even the most desk-bound job painful. The idea of a physical laborer working past 65 is a joke, and not many make it til then. Of course they are on disability.

My closest friend is only in her 40's and I don't know what has happened to her or how, but she has been diagnosed with severe arthritis, herniated disks, something else with her neck I forget, and knots in her back. It's really messed up, she looks totally normal. She went on disability for six months two years ago and did physical therapy. She is always at the doctor getting shots for pain flairups. How is she going to make it another 20 or 25 years? Hers is a desk job, and of course the constant repetitive motions and having to look down (a terrible stress on your neck) are torture for her. I hate these morons, they are just vicious, and mean. That is all they are. Vicious, mean, spiteful people. That's not an ideology, and it's not a difference of opinion. It's a personality disorder.
I didn't mention autism or any 'real' disabilities, did I?

ADHD, Bi-polar. I've known people with these alleged conditions and neither are disabilities.

So you claim these are not "real" disabilities? Hmmm, you say they arent but the AMA and the APA say they are. I wonder who we should listen to and trust?
So you claim these are not "real" disabilities? Hmmm, you say they arent but the AMA and the APA say they are. I wonder who we should listen to and trust?
Well golly gee, I'm sure those kick-backs doctors get for over-prescribing these drugs have NOTHING to do with them supporting these faux 'illnesses'. LOL

And I couldn't care less whom you 'listen to and trust' -- there's a sucker born every minute. Gullibility should be listed as a disability.
Have you noticed that the latest influx of knuckledraggers are even more stupid than Howie's Harlots!!
Don't know 'bout all that. I only know it takes a gullible simpleton to believe disability fraud doesn't exist and everyone collecting it is barely functioning.

