What can we do about disability and welfare fraud?

You know the ones I am referring to. You know the ones that limp or seem crippled in public where they live but playing volleyball on vacation or riding motorcycles on long trips.

Have you ever run into one? I have: What do you do for a living? "I am on disability" Really?:rolleyes:

For what? " I have this tingle in my back that prevents me from working" And it doesn't tingle when you are riding on these rough roads for 8 hours/day? or all that walking while here in Sturgis? WOW! that is amazing!

Has anyone else noticed the trend?

I think things like you tube and the local news stations would be interested in some of these cases, especially the guys and gals that walk perfectly ok when out of their home area. We need to band together as a nation and get this under control.

We do not owe them a living.


My thoughts...you're an asshole. Need any other 'thoughts'? How about this: The overwhelming majority of medical fraud of the taxpayers is perpetrated by people who don't have a limp. It is perpetrated by doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals and medical device suppliers.

All the people whose ass you would lick...

Let me know when you need some more 'thoughts'...
My thoughts...you're an asshole. Need any other 'thoughts'? How about this: The overwhelming majority of medical fraud of the taxpayers is perpetrated by people who don't have a limp. It is perpetrated by doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals and medical device suppliers.

All the people whose ass you would lick...

Let me know when you need some more 'thoughts'...

Doesn't really matter who commits more fraud, the idea is to stop it everywhere in govt. Agreed?
Rana: The application process for welfare and disability are a lot more thorough than they once were. It took my veteran friend five years to prove that his PTSD is so severe he is unable to work as a result.

I have trouble believing that a person receives full disability for a "tingle" in his back.

Happens every day. BACK PROBLEMS! That is the key! I learned this from an old insurance fraudster who cleared over $100k per year bilking insurance companies and stayed comfortably high on pain meds while doing so. All you have to do is complain of back pain. It doesn't matter if you actually have pain, or if there is any tangible evidence of damage to your back, doctors are unable to tell if you are faking back pain. All you have to do, is keep complaining of back pain, and eventually, they will set you up with a nice disability check and give you some really cool drugs!
I have a sister who currently receives disability for her "bi-polar" condition. She is perfectly healthy, and able to work, she held a full-time job for over 20 years. Back when Oprah and other TV talk show hosts brought "bi-polar" to our attention, she went and had a quack doctor diagnose her as "bi-polar" and started her on meds. At first, her insurance covered her meds and all was fine, but as time went by, she continued to complain of her "condition" to every family member or anyone who would listen. Eventually, she had her quack doctor fill out the necessary forms, and she started drawing short-term disability, which evolved into long-term disability, and that is what she does today... sits at home watching Oprah, drawing a nice disability check for her "bi-polar" condition.

I now see people posting on their facebook pages everyday, about how these conditions are real and people shouldn't judge them or make mean comments because they are really sick and can't help it. I have to think our 'system' is paying for a LOT of these people to sit on their asses and complain, rather than to work and be productive members of society. I'm sorry if you think that makes me cruel or uncaring. I see babies in the hospital with terminal cancer, quadriplegic veterans who had their limbs blown off, elderly people suffering the indignity of Alzheimer's, and to me, those are the "disabled" people who need our assistance in society. Those with "bi-polar" or ADHD, or the ever-popular "chronic pain" need to take a fucking Tylenol and suck it up, Buttercup! I do not want or intend to pay for your FREE RIDE!
I have been, chose not to go that route as I could still work and perform. I did have to change careers though.

If a person feels good enough to do fun stuff, they can be working. America has to fix this enormous drain on society

If you are promoting that the only way a person can be classified as disabled, is by being COMPLETELY UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING; then you have no idea of what a disability is.

Feel free to continue your rant; but don't expect to gather many supporters.
My thoughts...you're an asshole. Need any other 'thoughts'? How about this: The overwhelming majority of medical fraud of the taxpayers is perpetrated by people who don't have a limp. It is perpetrated by doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals and medical device suppliers.

All the people whose ass you would lick...

Let me know when you need some more 'thoughts'...

It is always easy to draw the feeloading society out, thanks for taking the first step!:good4u:
If you are promoting that the only way a person can be classified as disabled, is by being COMPLETELY UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING; then you have no idea of what a disability is.

Feel free to continue your rant; but don't expect to gather many supporters.

I am promoting that if you are having fun while the rest of us carry your ass, that you could be working. Dixie's example above is a perfect example of what is going on and it is getting worse. Anyone that is doing it has no integrity or honesty about them.
I have a sister who currently receives disability for her "bi-polar" condition. She is perfectly healthy, and able to work, she held a full-time job for over 20 years. Back when Oprah and other TV talk show hosts brought "bi-polar" to our attention, she went and had a quack doctor diagnose her as "bi-polar" and started her on meds. At first, her insurance covered her meds and all was fine, but as time went by, she continued to complain of her "condition" to every family member or anyone who would listen. Eventually, she had her quack doctor fill out the necessary forms, and she started drawing short-term disability, which evolved into long-term disability, and that is what she does today... sits at home watching Oprah, drawing a nice disability check for her "bi-polar" condition.

I now see people posting on their facebook pages everyday, about how these conditions are real and people shouldn't judge them or make mean comments because they are really sick and can't help it. I have to think our 'system' is paying for a LOT of these people to sit on their asses and complain, rather than to work and be productive members of society. I'm sorry if you think that makes me cruel or uncaring. I see babies in the hospital with terminal cancer, quadriplegic veterans who had their limbs blown off, elderly people suffering the indignity of Alzheimer's, and to me, those are the "disabled" people who need our assistance in society. Those with "bi-polar" or ADHD, or the ever-popular "chronic pain" need to take a fucking Tylenol and suck it up, Buttercup! I do not want or intend to pay for your FREE RIDE!

Post of the Day!
I am promoting that if you are having fun while the rest of us carry your ass, that you could be working. Dixie's example above is a perfect example of what is going on and it is getting worse. Anyone that is doing it has no integrity or honesty about them.

So, according to you, anyone on disability, is to not do anything that is "fun".
So, according to you, anyone on disability, is to not do anything that is "fun".

No, anybody that is on disability that feels good enough to play on a regular basis could be working. Your post on my introduction thread brought to mind a guy I encounter every weekend during riding season and on my days off as well.

He rides a Harley-CVO no less, see him on it almost every day, why? He has some type of degenerative back disorder and gets disability after working for a local plant in this area that closed. He can push that bike, changes his own rear tires, services it, goes to Sturgis but he can't work.

THAT my friend is crap. At the very least he should be required to do something for the state if it is nothing more than driving a garbage truck or school bus.
No, anybody that is on disability that feels good enough to play on a regular basis could be working. Your post on my introduction thread brought to mind a guy I encounter every weekend during riding season and on my days off as well.

He rides a Harley-CVO no less, see him on it almost every day, why? He has some type of degenerative back disorder and gets disability after working for a local plant in this area that closed. He can push that bike, changes his own rear tires, services it, goes to Sturgis but he can't work.

THAT my friend is crap. At the very least he should be required to do something for the state if it is nothing more than driving a garbage truck or school bus.

I never said or infered:
1. anybody
2. play on a regular basis

What does it matter, what kind of Harley it is that he owns?

May I inquire which school you attended; where you recieved your degree in the diagnosis of disabilities?
I never said or infered:
1. anybody
2. play on a regular basis

What does it matter, what kind of Harley it is that he owns?

May I inquire which school you attended; where you recieved your degree in the diagnosis of disabilities?

So you support someone screwing working taxpayers while the pretty much do anything the want?
This was just posted at another forum as a solution, I think it has merit:

Originally Posted by
It is simple, pay them with a debit card that does not allow more than $20 per day cash withdrawals, with copies of all transactions going to the agency granting the disability. If you are doing things that you shouldn't, they will know.
And when you get caught, you have to pay back every dime plus 50%....
and any doctor who knowingly participates in the scam, has to pay back all he made plus 50%, and lose his medical license....

Bear in mind, tho, some disabilities are not that obvious, and a normal appearing person will have difficulty finding a job. Heart disease, diabetes, any history of cancer, and you will have a hard time getting hired