What do you call 49 dead muslimes in New Zealand?


its whole gig is to make you think racists numbers are massive compared to what they really are

that is why racists are killing people

the fucking braindead idiots actually think their numbers are not tiny because there are russo bot holes like this everywhere and are about to take things over

its the most effective and cheapest program the GRU (the new KGB) has ever used

other nations are now starting these programs such as China

its dirt fucking cheap folks and because of the NEWNESS of on line communication people will fall for it VERY EASILY
Interesting that the board's biggest Rumpper is supporting this terrorist attack.

I am not surprised, emotion over facts.
What do you expect?

America selected a white supremist to run the country and refuse to impeach him.

That sends a message that it's ok to be a white racist fuck.
a good start

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

I came by today thinking we'd definitely have some losers pissing on graves, and I was 100 million percent correct. I'm also predicting your local zoo has a lonely gorilla, that's in need of some "servicing". Go down long, and hard, you piss stain on America.
Another leftist posing as a "conservative". Fucking loser.

The assertion that ILA is representing the left or the right is easily resolved.

Why don't you take a look at the history of his "thanks" notifications. He has received over five thousand thanks.

My guess is that about 99 percent of his thanks notifications are from conservatives and Trump supporters.

And that he has almost exactly zero, or very close to zero, thanks notifications from liberals on this board.

Let me know what the final tally is after you calculate it.
Again, get some help. You need it.

It is here 24/7

its blatantly racist

it is a russo bot hole designed to disrupt America and to divide us

its not human

its a program that cost Russia about 12 cents an hour to operate

the most cost effective GRU (the new KGB) program ever operated
ILA, are you man enough to tell us if you believe any of these "invaders" are truly innocent?
The assertion that ILA is representing the left or the right is easily resolved.

Why don't you take a look at the history of his "thanks" notifications. He has received over five thousand thanks.

My guess is that about 99 percent of his thanks notifications from conservatives and Trump supporters.
And that he has almost exactly zero thanks notifications from liberals on this board.

Let me know what the final tally is after you calculate it.

Ila is a ReTrumplican.
He has never been a leftist, he is stain on humanity and its sad you can’t just call him out without making a false claim about his being a leftist. He is seriously mentally ill and nothing more. I won’t even blame conservatives for him because the fine conservatives I know would be horrified by his posts.

His post seemed fake to me. But thanks for the reminder that I'm not allowed to have an opinion. Silly me, what WAS I thinking?
His post seemed fake to me. But thanks for the reminder that I'm not allowed to have an opinion. Silly me, what WAS I thinking?
You are allowed your opinion, but I am also allowed to point out the errors in your thinking. You are part of the problem, youbsee everything evil as left, thatvis very flawed reasoning not based in fact.
Nice try. I have been here longer than you. I am the real deal. But, I see muslimes for what they are. Even the ones that don't commit terrorist acts support them. Take our resident muslime moony. He supports every suicide bomber. He never denounces muslime terrorism. You can fake your concern, but deep down you agree with me.

I guarantee many across the world said "good, serves the muslimes right for all the terrorist acts they have committed"

Maybe if muslimes would not commit terrorist acts this wouldn't have happened. Just sayin

The "real deal"? What, "real deal" would that be? Either way, POE or Stormfronter, equals POS. That's the only "real deal".