What do you call 49 dead muslimes in New Zealand?

I don't condone what happened GayRod, but I do understand someone wanting to slaughter muslimes. What isn't cleat about that to you?

You don't realize that you are receiving a lesson do you GayRod?

Why do you not condone it? You keep avoiding that question...??!?
Our system chose Trump, the majority of American voters preferred Hillary Clinton.

Our system TRUMPS majority rule and wisely so. Last thing we need is the rest of the country being dictated to by a bunch of whiny low IQ leftists in two or three states. ;)
What do you call 49 dead muslimes in New Zealand?

I call it a tragedy that Donald Trump is responsible for because of his calling of arms tweets and hate speeches!

Donald Trump is inciting violence with his tweets and by running his reckless mouth.
“He does not condone it....”

What a pussy.

Ha, but he does, with his political philosophy almost daily, just wont admit it when it actually happens.

Luckily most of these nationalists are too wimpy to take the kind of action they promote.
What do you call 49 dead muslimes in New Zealand?

I call it a tragedy that Donald Trump is responsible for because of his calling of arms tweets and hate speeches!

Donald Trump is inciting violence with his tweets and by running his reckless mouth.

This is moronic and borderline lunatic. You liberals have definitely lost your sanity. I am loving it. When you morons start blaming deaths occurring in New Zealand on Trump, we know you have lost the argument.

“He does not condone it....”

What a pussy.

Ha, but he does, with his political philosophy almost daily, just wont admit it when it actually happens.

Luckily most of these nationalists are too wimpy to take the kind of action they promote.

LIE and LAME. But hey, I get it. Your ideology is based on lies which forces you to lie on a daily basis. More proof that you have lost the debate.

This is moronic and borderline lunatic. You liberals have definitely lost your sanity. I am loving it. When you morons start blaming deaths occurring in New Zealand on Trump, we know you have lost the argument.


You are the embarrassment to intelligence here in the forum.

If you are too stupid to not recognize the recklessness and potential danger of Donald Trump's hate speeches on the stump and his many racist tweets over the last 3 years, then that is on you!
You are an idiot
There are good and bad in every race and religion.
There is a percentage of the population that is pure evil, a wire loose in the brain.
We have had a percentage of evil since the beginning of time and unfortunately it will never change.

Your comment leads me to believe you are the one with a loose wire.

Too right. I think he ought to be on a watch list- along with his insane extremist daisy-chainers.