What do you call 49 dead muslimes in New Zealand?

It is here 24/7

its blatantly racist

it is a russo bot hole designed to disrupt America and to divide us

its not human

its a program that cost Russia about 12 cents an hour to operate

the most cost effective GRU (the new KGB) program ever operated

can you stop being retarded please?

ILA can pass the turing test pretty easily

You don't know the first thing about programming. you are a fucking retard.
I hate America is proud to show his hate and it fired up many just like him. Such nasty and petty little haters. Disgusting.
So, basically, you were trolling. Is that the "lesson" that you were being so "cryptic" about? :troll: Either that or you decided to backpedal when everyone started getting pissed. Give me a fucking break.
Nice try. I have been here longer than you. I am the real deal. But, I see muslimes for what they are. Even the ones that don't commit terrorist acts support them. Take our resident muslime moony. He supports every suicide bomber. He never denounces muslime terrorism. You can fake your concern, but deep down you agree with me.

I guarantee many across the world said "good, serves the muslimes right for all the terrorist acts they have committed"

Maybe if muslimes would not commit terrorist acts this wouldn't have happened. Just sayin

You're just like the jihadis. That's the irony of it.
He has never been a leftist, he is stain on humanity and its sad you can’t just call him out without making a false claim about his being a leftist. He is seriously mentally ill and nothing more. I won’t even blame conservatives for him because the fine conservatives I know would be horrified by his posts.

He is truly scum.
Nice try. I have been here longer than you. I am the real deal. But, I see muslimes for what they are. Even the ones that don't commit terrorist acts support them. Take our resident muslime moony. He supports every suicide bomber. He never denounces muslime terrorism. You can fake your concern, but deep down you agree with me.

I guarantee many across the world said "good, serves the muslimes right for all the terrorist acts they have committed"

Maybe if muslimes would not commit terrorist acts this wouldn't have happened. Just sayin


subhuman goyim filth
NZ is demanding action!

When Blacks demanded action America should have listened.

White supremist have been called out for decades.

America did nothing about them. They swept them under the rug and underestimated the destruction they would cause.

America was too busy locking up Black and Mexicans.
So, basically, you were trolling. Is that the "lesson" that you were being so "cryptic" about? :troll: Either that or you decided to backpedal when everyone started getting pissed. Give me a fucking break.

First things first. I never ever backpedal.

Don’t be such a binary thinker.
You're just like the jihadis. That's the irony of it.

I didn’t kill anyone in the name of religion

I don’t condone what happened but I understand why someone would. Also I am not broken hearted about dead muslimes. Fewer terrorists in the world is not a bad thing.
From the manifesto: "Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump?" the author of the manifesto wrote. "As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure."

And this is why trump didn't condemn the far right white supremacist terrorist. He made excuses about not knowing what was in the manifesto and denied that white nationalist crime was on the rise in the world.

He's still sticking to his ' very fine people' defence of white supremacists, nazis and the KKK.

Cohen is right. trump IS A RACIST.