What do you call 49 dead muslimes in New Zealand?

Sure you are, you’re refusing to answer. You are a pussy. Afraid to stand behind your political beliefs.

I have been explicitly clear GayRod. I answer with all of the specificity that you answer with when asked questions.

I will repeat, while I do not condone this act in general, I do understand why one would want to kill as many muslimes as possible given the atrocities that muslimes have committed over the decades. How much more are people supposed to take?

It is kind of like understanding how ANTIFA can attack white nationalists like you do? Get the analogy GayRod?
I have been explicitly clear GayRod. I answer with all of the specificity that you answer with when asked questions.

I will repeat, while I do not condone this act in general, I do understand why one would want to kill as many muslimes as possible given the atrocities that muslimes have committed over the decades. How much more are people supposed to take?

It is kind of like understanding how ANTIFA can attack white nationalists like you do? Get the analogy GayRod?

I categorically condem any violence committed by ANTIFA.

Do you condemn the violence in New Zealand yesterday?
I want your true colors shown, but you continue to hide.

You like Muslims being murdered, you are no better than this terrorists, in fact worse because you are a coward about it.

That’s what you want? How bad do you want it? Are you willing to say “pretty please”?

Do you know yet what lesson you are being taught?
I want your true colors shown, but you continue to hide.

You like Muslims being murdered, you are no better than this terrorists, in fact worse because you are a coward about it.

I am not hiding GayRod. I have been explicitly clear. Maybe you aren’t smart enough to understand? Too nuanced for you?

Let’s see if you realize the lesson you are being taught.
Look at all the fake hand wringers. Islam is a death cult masquerading as a religion.


The so called "moderate" (lol) Muzzies cheer on their own committing mass terrorist attacks and even justify them.

So take those crocodile tears somewhere else. No one cares about your faux outrage.
I am not hiding GayRod. I have been explicitly clear. Maybe you aren’t smart enough to understand? Too nuanced for you?

Let’s see if you realize the lesson you are being taught.

You are hiding your position because it’s not politically correct.