what do you like about the person above you

Don't forget the uberclever and unbelievably original "I'm rubber" knee slapper. A real guffaw inducer.

LOL, seriously. Have you ever noticed their tag teaming efforts? Even more juvenille. Its like, at least be clever with your insults.
Look buddy, you can't pwn anyone. Stop trying. We know all your punchlines, "whore", "jizz", "face", etc.... and they're just never that good.

I'm not trying to pwn you.
Your pimp wants to much for you.
He said that even though you're a two bit whore, those quarters really add up.
I'm not trying to pwn you.
Your pimp wants to much for you.
He said that even though you're a two bit whore, those quarters really add up.

I think Jesus would disapprove. In fact, I think he'd rather be re-crucified than have to read your jokes.
Threedee and I agree that boobs and beer are the essence of life.

This is true everyone, take notes please.










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SouthernKlan as per ususal, misses the point.
Hey bigot I have my view preferences set last post first, so now you're above me, and I like that you're fat and I'm not. Prior to that there was no one so I went to the members list and Soc is the next active poster above me. So why don't you go down to the beach and pound black sand up your ass?
What I like about the person above me is that he is sauve and debanaire, highly intelligent with ecclectic taste and a well developed sense of humor and not to mention his devastating good looks. :)
∞zo;466646 said:
awesome my thread went to shit in the first few posts, I think that's a new record for me.
What I like about Grind besides being an unopolegetic cynic is that he's one hell of a poet. (See, your post isn't dead yet.)
That canary-yellow shirt makes drunken pasty face look even whiter... That's what I like about 3D...
