A college degree.
looks, intelligence, a clue.
A college degree.
Following your "demand" that we all be "woke," PoliTalker has committed "microaggressions" against Republicans. Or, does being woke allow attacks on others?
Hello Flash,
Someone looking to bust her chops would have to look at minutia. Looks to me like she took an opportunity to make a good point. Counting someone as working by definition of working one hour per week hardly means they are doing OK. Sure, the unemployment rate is low, but that does not accurately reflect that people are doing OK. Some of them are working multiple jobs and still struggling. That was the point she wanted to make. If she made it sound like a misunderstanding of economics that wasn't the point, but those with a closed mind and a heap of prejudice will look for whatever they can to criticize her, while purposely overlooking her concern for struggling American workers who can't even make ends meet despite working multiple jobs.
Hello Flash,
I have attacked no one in particular, yet offered sound criticism where it was due.
That is what woke is all about. Concern for those members of society who are economically attacked by the rich and powerful, and characteristically attacked by the prejudiced and hateful.
Ask Hilary Clinton how much "going high" helped get her elected in 2016. MAGA's not respect politeness, they respect only strength.
Fine me anyone in the MAGA world who respects, "being nice". Who should I be talking to?
A person does not have to be prejudiced or dislike AOC to correct her description of how unemployment is determined. The topic was unemployment rate and had nothing to do with compassion, people struggling, or making ends meet. Misunderstanding the unemployment rate gives no help to any of these problems. Everything is not about partisan explanations; sometimes, truthful explanations and knowledge is the point.
Attacking anybody is an unacceptable microaggression (to the really woke). Microaggressions do not just apply to those who are not rich and powerful but to attacks on every person assuming you still favor civil discourse.
I'm not sure AOC is crazy smart. When explaining why unemployment was so low she said it was because many people were working 2-3 jobs--that from an economics major.
Hello Flash,
And sometimes getting hung up on a small thing makes it possible to miss the big picture.
Hello Flash,
Are you attempting to establish that it is inappropriate to criticize the Republican party?
I would have to see the quote and the context before accepting your interpretation. Do you have a link?
People say stupid shit all the time. Remember "Bushisms"? "57 states"? It's not the misstatement that matters. It's the collective statements of a person that matters.Ocasio-Cortez Wrong on Cause of Low Unemployment - FactCheck.orgI would have to see the quote and the context before accepting your interpretation. Do you have a link?
From your link -
We reached out to Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign, but we did not get a response. Chodorow-Reich, who served as an economist on the White House Council of Economic Advisers during the Obama administration, told us via email it is possible to interpret Ocasio-Cortez’s comment in a more favorable light.
“For example,” he said, “if she meant ‘The unemployment rate is low but that doesn’t mean the economy is at its potential because many people don’t have a solid job and instead are forced to work two jobs to make ends meet’, you could find economists willing to agree or disagree with the statement.”
The statement taken out of context is false. The statement in context could have different meanings which make it not false.
The "more favorable light" interpretation is more of a subjective (and partisan) evaluation of the economy. It does not change the fact that the unemployment rate does not decline if a person is working 2-3 jobs.
And your interpretation of her statement in context isn't partisan? Perhaps you need to examine your biases. The question was not about unemployment and how it was counted. It was about the bottom vs the top and whether capitalism was failing those at the bottom.
I'm not biased against AOC. I was responding to the post about determining the unemployment rate. That information is something I can learn from. Because you are sympathetic to her views about inequality does not make her information about the unemployment rate more acceptable. It just provides an opportunity for partisan cliches.
Citing the same old stuff about the evil rich v. the poor working class is tiresome and repetitive and nobody learns anything.
You are not biased and then proceed to show your bias? Did you bother to go look at the actual video? Her "information" wasn't information at all. It wasn't intended to be information. It was a comment on the way people have to work 3 jobs or long weeks to make ends meet. Taking part of that answer out of context doesn't suddenly make her contextual statement false. Rather it is an attempt to make her statement be something other than what was intended.
When looking at the actual video, it's clear she isn't saying that unemployment is based on number of jobs people have.
The question is asked at about 5:45 in the video. Her response in context is...
Reporter: You talk about the top vs the bottom not the left vs the right. Now the economy is going pretty strong, right? There's roughly 4% unemployment, 3.9% unemployment. Do you think that Capitalism has failed to deliver for working class Americans or is no longer the best vehicle for working class Americans.
AOC: Well, I think the numbers that you just talked about are part of the problem, right? Because we look at those figures, and we say, "Oh, unemployment is low. Everything is fine, right? Well unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their kids. And so, I do think right now when we have this no-holds-barred Wild West hypercapitalism, what that means is profit at any cost.
In context, she clearly is not saying that is how unemployment works. She is saying that people are working more than they should to survive. You can attack her for her choice of words that are wrong when taken out of context but you can't say she doesn't know how unemployment is calculated when you actually watch the video.