What Have You Never Done?

Street Glider

Verified User
Real simple:

What have you never done that most people you know have done?

I'll start: I've never watched a John Wayne movie.

Most of the people you know have been skydiving??

Yes. The last time a friend tried to talk me into it, he broke his leg on his first jump. That's all it took for me never to be interested in trying it.

Now, I have gone parasailing and I'm glad I did that.
I have only watch PARTS of three or four (at most) MASH episodes and not a single episode or part of an episode of House, Friends, Seinfeld, The X Files, Lost, or Cheers.
Yes. The last time a friend tried to talk me into it, he broke his leg on his first jump. That's all it took for me never to be interested in trying it.

Now, I have gone parasailing and I'm glad I did that.

Wow, I know countless people.

Maybe a dozen of them have been skydiving...
I have never played the groan or report game.


Thanks for weighing in, Debbie Downer. :laugh: