What Have You Never Done?

So at Christmas, with all the traditional music, you never once even wondered what a white Christmas would be like? Don’t tell my you have an artificial tree
I'm sure it's nice. But living in Florida all my life, being in shorts in Dec. goes with the territory sometimes. I've had real trees and artificial but always smartly decorated.
Next question has to be why?

Firstly, this was quite some time ago and it was not as easy to do as school age kids were very much 'out of place' if not in school. Couldn't just sit at home and watch TV because my mom was a housewife (as were most other moms). Malls were a new thing around here at least.

So short answer is 'nothing to do, nowhere to go'.

But I WAS amazing at daydreaming so while I may have physically be sitting in class I was actually far far away.
LOL, that too. I can tolerate iced tea with a ton of sugar, but lots of drinks have more appeal to me. I just can't get into it.

my wife told be once when I mentioned that I like coffee that 'no, you like coffee creamer'. I use quite a lot of Sweet Italian Cream (sugar free) these days. It makes the coffee light tan. Got used to it from the odd latte.
my wife told be once when I mentioned that I like coffee that 'no, you like coffee creamer'. I use quite a lot of Sweet Italian Cream (sugar free) these days. It makes the coffee light tan. Got used to it from the odd latte.

My wife has a French press, drinks it right out of the pot. She is inhuman until that first sip. So I may not like it, but it is certainly a marital aide for me. I tried coffee one time and tried that trick of just dumping other crap into it. Still didn't work for me. I'm really not sure why, but I don't feel like I'm missing out on that much.
Which means you never built a snow man, threw a snowball, went sledding, knocked downed icecycles, drove a car during a snow storm, lived thru a white Christmas?

I miss Christmas in Minnesota. It just isn't the same in Florida. I'm really considering just going there for the week. Once the holidays are over, winter there sucks, but for the holidays, there's nothing like snow and cold.
I never saved 15% On my AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE!

No Star Wars? Well, the stuff since the Disney takeover has been shit anyway. You'll save yourself the frustration if you never become a fan.

I used to not be a beer person but it grew on me. My favorite is Margaritas though.

When I was very young, like four or five, I begged my father for a sip of his beer and took a big swig. It was so sickening it put me off beer and malted beverages for life.

No Star Wars but I used to watch Star Trek: TNG sporadically.