What I personally believe in regard to the Obama Legitimacy Question


Staff member
I figured I would post this, maybe it will ease Onceler's and Nigel's minds...

I believe that if Obama had not been legitimate that long before his election some patriotic CIA or FBI employee would have contacted somebody in the Press to release information that would have shown that he was not legitimate. That the absence of such evidence pretty much confirms that he is, and always has been, legitimate.

That, like all the major candidates and people elected as representatives from the republican party, this is a non-issue and that there are more serious issues to cover. I support my representative in dismissing it and working on policy.

It is interesting to watch those who are elected get attacked by both the left as being in "support" of this, and by the "birthers" who think they are in cahoots "for some reason" with Obama. Neither are true.

While it does excite my curiosity, mostly as to what people will believe when somebody in power appears to be "hiding" something, much like the 9/11 conspiracy theorists have always excited that same curiosity; it has never been my position that Obama is illegitimately President and I have never made a post that suggested that was my opinion.

I have always maintained that we would eventually get a peek at Obama's long form, and that he may as well get it out there "now" to avoid the buildup that would increase the scope of controversy. If I were on his team I would have suggested he simply obtain and release this long ago so that there wouldn't be eleventy-threeve other documents that he is "hiding" added to the list as it would have pretty much been a non-issue from the get go and would have underscored his willingness to be open and honest, just as he said his Administration would be.

I will admit that I have had fun "poking" the controversy, things like pointing out the "lax" laws suggested by birthers used to obtain a birth certificate in Hawaii, etc., but in almost every case I have always spoken in the terms of "birthers believe", in cases where I haven't it was later in a thread where I had already put forward the "birthers believe" portion, or in threads where I believed that I already had.

Anyway, I hope this will clarify what I actually believe so that Onceler and Nigel can stop "wondering" out loud in threads on the subject.
I figured I would post this, maybe it will ease Onceler's and Nigel's minds...

I believe that if Obama had not been legitimate that long before his election some patriotic CIA or FBI employee would have contacted somebody in the Press to release information that would have shown that he was not legitimate. That the absence of such evidence pretty much confirms that he is, and always has been, legitimate.

That, like all the major candidates and people elected as representatives from the republican party, this is a non-issue and that there are more serious issues to cover. I support my representative in dismissing it and working on policy.

It is interesting to watch those who are elected get attacked by both the left as being in "support" of this, and by the "birthers" who think they are in cahoots "for some reason" with Obama. Neither are true.

While it does excite my curiosity, mostly as to what people will believe when somebody in power appears to be "hiding" something, much like the 9/11 conspiracy theorists have always excited that same curiosity; it has never been my position that Obama is illegitimately President and I have never made a post that suggested that was my opinion.

I have always maintained that we would eventually get a peek at Obama's long form, and that he may as well get it out there "now" to avoid the buildup that would increase the scope of controversy. If I were on his team I would have suggested he simply obtain and release this long ago so that there wouldn't be eleventy-threeve other documents that he is "hiding" added to the list as it would have pretty much been a non-issue from the get go and would have underscored his willingness to be open and honest, just as he said his Administration would be.

I will admit that I have had fun "poking" the controversy, things like pointing out the "lax" laws suggested by birthers used to obtain a birth certificate in Hawaii, etc., but in almost every case I have always spoken in the terms of "birthers believe", in cases where I haven't it was later in a thread where I had already put forward the "birthers believe" portion, or in threads where I believed that I already had.

Anyway, I hope this will clarify what I actually believe so that Onceler and Nigel can stop "wondering" out loud in threads on the subject.

Onesie and Nigey will never "stop wondering out loud" in threads. If they were slammed upside the head with the truth and knocked to the ground they'd regroup, take in a huge breath, and start biting at your ankles barely missing a beat.
...it has never been my position that Obama is illegitimately President and I have never made a post that suggested that was my opinion.

What a surprise...another birther now attempts to rewrite history as to their actions over the course of the past two years.
cite where damo has said obama is not eligible....

Alrightie...here ya go!

One example of Damo suggesting that Obama may not be legitimate...from the "Lt Col Lakin Court Martial" thread:

"My question is not whether" Lakin "was wrong or right on this matter
, but whether you in the same position as the President might send over somebody with a certified copy of your original birth certificate to end this charade and let this gentleman continue his career without blemish or would you continue to reject all reasonable request for that documentation?"

Those comments certainly suggest that Damo does indeed think Obama may not be legitimate.

His entire post is here: http://www.justplainpolitics.com/sh...rt-Martial&highlight=Obama;+birth+certificate
Alrightie...here ya go!

One example of Damo suggesting that Obama may not be legitimate...from the "Lt Col Lakin Court Martial" thread:

"My question is not whether" Lakin "was wrong or right on this matter
, but whether you in the same position as the President might send over somebody with a certified copy of your original birth certificate to end this charade and let this gentleman continue his career without blemish or would you continue to reject all reasonable request for that documentation?"

Those comments certainly suggest that Damo does indeed think Obama may not be legitimate.

His entire post is here: http://www.justplainpolitics.com/sh...rt-Martial&highlight=Obama;+birth+certificate

They do not. In that very post I make it clear I believed that he had the ability to obtain a certified copy of his original birth certificate.
This should be hysterical watching the rotund-one try and roll his way out of this one!


Not as hysterical as you attempting to keep your latest boyfriend from falling into that monstrous gash between your piano legs during what passes for "lovemaking" at your house...LOL

Next time just tie a board across his ass and be done with it...a four foot length of two by four should do the trick.

Alrightie...here ya go!

One example of Damo suggesting that Obama may not be legitimate...from the "Lt Col Lakin Court Martial" thread:

"My question is not whether" Lakin "was wrong or right on this matter
, but whether you in the same position as the President might send over somebody with a certified copy of your original birth certificate to end this charade and let this gentleman continue his career without blemish or would you continue to reject all reasonable request for that documentation?"

Those comments certainly suggest that Damo does indeed think Obama may not be legitimate.

His entire post is here: http://www.justplainpolitics.com/sh...rt-Martial&highlight=Obama;+birth+certificate

No it doesn't you FAT FREAK and you whining loudly and wetly over it won't make it so. He is simply saying that rational, sane, and reasonable people would have put this to rest three freakin' years ago when it first came out.

That you assign an agenda to everyone isn't at all uncommon and is in fact just your normal, boring spiel. You are a panty-waist PRicky. Your every post you make on this board is shrill, shrieking, pointing the finger, and whining through your fat mouth, while claiming out the other side no one is entitled to do the same.

You're a bored fat man who has a job where it doesn't matter you are morbidly obese and disgusting, only that you have a voice that will get people's attention to buy $hit they don't need.

Now why don't you go reward yourself and stick a Monster Burger in it and give us all some peace and quiet.
They most certainly do.

If you believed Obama to be legitimate then you wouldn't defend the obviously insubordinate actions of that soldier.

Yet you do...which SUGGESTS you might not find Obama's Presidency legitimate.

I do not, and did not defend his actions. I specifically stated that I was not talking in that post about the wrong or right of the officer in question.

I later made it clear in an entirely different thread that I believe that the military is absolutely the wrong place to take this, and listed reasons why.

What I asked in that thread is whether you, in the same position, wouldn't release your document (I would release mine long before that, but that is a side point), to allow the gentleman to proceed in what was up to that point a stellar career rather than go to prison?
Not as hysterical as you attempting to keep your latest boyfriend from falling into that monstrous gash between your piano legs during what passes for "lovemaking" at your house...LOL

Next time just tie a board across his ass and be done with it...a four foot length of two by four should do the trick.


Oh for Chrissakes PRicky. I've seen your pictures. You couldn't come up with an insult big enough or gross enough that would ever be able to even suggest sex is something you've had since your daughter was born. The mere thought of another human being seeing your morbidly disgusting and more than likely putrid smelling fat flesh and not instantly vomitting defies logic.

Both football teams in Texas couldn't sew all their jerseys together and cover that disgusting body of yours without your fat ass hanging out. #16 doesn't even cover the 8th roll on your fat chin.
No it doesn't you FAT FREAK and you whining loudly and wetly over it won't make it so. He is simply saying that rational, sane, and reasonable people would have put this to rest three freakin' years ago when it first came out.

That you assign an agenda to everyone isn't at all uncommon and is in fact just your normal, boring spiel. You are a panty-waist PRicky. Your every post you make on this board is shrill, shrieking, pointing the finger, and whining through your fat mouth, while claiming out the other side no one is entitled to do the same.

You're a bored fat man who has a job where it doesn't matter you are morbidly obese and disgusting, only that you have a voice that will get people's attention to buy $hit they don't need.

Now why don't you go reward yourself and stick a Monster Burger in it and give us all some peace and quiet.

Well how about that?

You're entitled to your interpretation of what Damo said but you don't think I should be...well color me SURPRISED!

I'd expect just as much from a two-faced twat like you who's sole joy comes from sucking up to those in control...after all, that is how you kept ID from getting the boot isn't it?

And after all those wonderful things she said about my 4 year old daughter.
he won't...just like he never backed up his claim of plagiarism with me....but then two hours after he made the claim....he said he never made the claim :)


From the "WND: Apparently the Governor Can't Find the Birth Dertificate" thread:

Posted by Bfgrn:
"So, are you claiming the President of the United States of America may not be allowed on the ballot in some states?"

Damocles wrote:

"If he doesn't provide the documents, yes."

Once again proving you believed he wasn't legitimate at the time of the post.

this is just plain embarrassing for zappa....he can't find a single post where damo says obama is not eligible

its like watching a train wreck in slow motion

From the "WND: Apparently the Governor Can't Find the Birth Dertificate" thread:

Posted by Bfgrn:
"So, are you claiming the President of the United States of America may not be allowed on the ballot in some states?"

Damocles wrote:

"If he doesn't provide the documents, yes."

Once again proving you believed he wasn't legitimate at the time of the post.


And that again is stating what would happen if these laws pass and somebody does not supply the requested document, it in no way states that he cannot provide it. You are just whistling in the wind.

I'll give you a hint. I was truthful. I have never stated that the President is ineligible, because I have never believed he was.
he won't...just like he never backed up his claim of plagiarism with me....but then two hours after he made the claim....he said he never made the claim :)

What's this?

Yurtsiekins has left?

But...but...but wasn't he just here bleating how he wanted proof? And when I give it to him, he tucks tail and runs like the egg-sucker he is?

he's probably stopped by disloyal's house to strap on the ol 2x4!