What I personally believe in regard to the Obama Legitimacy Question

cite where damo has said obama is not eligible....

Cite where I claimed he had...LOL...oh this is just too good!

Originally Posted by Damocles:
" ...it has never been my position that Obama is illegitimately President and I have never made a post that suggested that was my opinion."

I have now cited THREE different threads that prove Damo has indeed SUGGESTED several times that Obama may not be legitimate.
this is just plain embarrassing for zappa....he can't find a single post where damo says obama is not eligible

its like watching a train wreck in slow motion

What's this?

Yurtsiekins has left?

But...but...but wasn't he just here bleating how he wanted proof? And when I give it to him, he tucks tail and runs like the egg-sucker he is?

he's probably stopped by disloyal's house to strap on the ol 2x4!

it just keeps getting worse....

unless you can provide a post where damo says obama is not eligible....you got nothing bubba....all your desperate stretches of the reality in interpreting his comments are truly the most insane attempts ever at proving a point....

like i said....link up to where damo said obama is not eligible...you haven't and cannot
Cite where I claimed he had...LOL...oh this is just too good!

What a surprise...another birther now attempts to rewrite history as to their actions over the course of the past two years.

now zappa claims he never said damo believe obama is not eligible....

now come the lies and the furious desperate spinning of a man drowning in his own BS
this is just plain embarrassing for zappa....he can't find a single post where damo says obama is not eligible

its like watching a train wreck in slow motion

And you can't find one post where I said Damo had claimed Obama isn't eligible.

All I pointed out was how easy it was to disprove Damo's ridiculous assertion that he had "never made a post that suggested that was my opinion."

"claimed" and "suggested"...

Two completely different definitions.
Cite where I claimed he had...LOL...oh this is just too good!

Originally Posted by Damocles:
" ...it has never been my position that Obama is illegitimately President and I have never made a post that suggested that was my opinion."

I have now cited THREE different threads that prove Damo has indeed SUGGESTED several times that Obama may not be legitimate.

And in each you were shown to be in error, in fact two of them flat directly suggested that he could provide the document recently released and the third didn't mention it. You are attempting to empty the ocean with a pipette, my friend. It isn't going to happen.
now zappa claims he never said damo believe obama is not eligible....

now come the lies and the furious desperate spinning of a man drowning in his own BS


I gave hims some of the same hyperbolic shit you give me on a daily basis.

A pity you're so hate-filled you can't even acknowledge that simple fact.
And in each you were shown to be in error, in fact two of them flat directly suggested that he could provide the document recently released and the third didn't mention it. You are attempting to empty the ocean with a pipette, my friend. It isn't going to happen.

Whatever man, it's not like providing evidence got you to admit when you were wrong before, i didn't expect you to suddenly start with this topic.

You've shown NOTHING and I've shown a pattern wherein you've consistently made deliberately ambiguous comments and quotes that point to a pattern of thought.

One that suggests you are of the opinion Obama isn't eligible.

I gave hims some of the same hyperbolic shit you give me on a daily basis.

A pity you're so hate-filled you can't even acknowledge that simple fact.


oooops....i got busted claiming i never said damo claimed obama is not eligible

you called him a birther....by definition that means you're claiming damo has said obama is not eligible, but since you're can't prove your point, you have to wildly spin in an embarrassing train wreck with incredulous interpretation that have no basis in fact.
LOL, this is an entertaining thread.

Zappa's behavior is the perfect illustration of what happens when you habitually lie: it becomes exponentially more difficult to remember which lies were told to whom, until eventually the entire house of bullshit comes tumbling down.
On the plus side the birth certificate will put to rest the minds of many and Obama will be reelected in '12. It's all good. :)
On the plus side the birth certificate will put to rest the minds of many and Obama will be reelected in '12. It's all good. :)

There are already accusations that it is a forgery and then there are questions about his education and the question of why two people have five hands between them.
Chapter two in the 'We are not racist... just bleedin' stupid' saga is about to commence.
All in all, it was really a pathetic and lame attempt to put words in Damos mouth that he never said....

Neither post 7 or 15 say anything even close to the lie you're trying to spread as the truth.....:palm:

Actually....your attempt was worse that pathetic and lame...it was a plain dishonest lie and slanderous smear....

oooops....i got busted claiming i never said damo claimed obama is not eligible

you called him a birther....by definition that means you're claiming damo has said obama is not eligible, but since you're can't prove your point, you have to wildly spin in an embarrassing train wreck with incredulous interpretation that have no basis in fact.

Whose definition of "birther" states that anyone labeled a birther MUST believe Obama isn't eligible??

Mine? Sorry Chachi!

Yours? Now wouldn't that be a surprise??

Frank Zappa's?

My definition of a birther is anyone who has questioned the legitimacy of the documentation Obama provided back in 2008 as proof of his citizenship.

I have shown over and over how Damo easily fits that definition.

But let's all give a big round of applause to the Amazing Kreskin for another fascinating display of his mysterious MIND READING POWERS...WWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
LOL, this is an entertaining thread.

Zappa's behavior is the perfect illustration of what happens when you habitually lie: it becomes exponentially more difficult to remember which lies were told to whom, until eventually the entire house of bullshit comes tumbling down.

So says the man who's changed screen names as often as ID has changed Husbands!

Well step up..if I'm the "perfect illustration" then it should be simplicity itself for you to provide some actual PROOF...not just your tired old third party hearsay...right?
LOL....when zappa gets busted...change or make up the definition of words

what an embarrassment for you zappa

why don't you just admit you don't have squat and you made a mistake. apologize to damo.
LOL....when zappa gets busted...change or make up the definition of words

what an embarrassment for you zappa

why don't you just admit you don't have squat and you made a mistake. apologize to damo.

Well, just as a blind squirrel will eventually find a nut, or resident Yurtard the Hack got one kinda right...

My definition of what exactly constitutes a birther has EVOLVED in the past few weeks.

Too bad for the Amazing Kreskin...I guess his mind powers couldn't kelp him in this instance...ROTFLMAO!
Well, just as a blind squirrel will eventually find a nut, or resident Yurtard the Hack got one kinda right...

My definition of what exactly constitutes a birther has EVOLVED in the past few weeks.

Too bad for the Amazing Kreskin...I guess his mind powers couldn't kelp him in this instance...ROTFLMAO!

Just the "response" I'd expect from someone with nothing rational to say in defense of his position.

You show em Yurtard...show everyone what the Right resorts to when they can't win using facts.

says the guy who makes up definitions as he goes along so he doesn't have to admit what a fool he is....you got busted bad in this thread, i know you're embarrassed....and really what "facts"...that you get to make up definitions as you go...that is a "fact"
