I figured I would post this, maybe it will ease Onceler's and Nigel's minds...
I believe that if Obama had not been legitimate that long before his election some patriotic CIA or FBI employee would have contacted somebody in the Press to release information that would have shown that he was not legitimate. That the absence of such evidence pretty much confirms that he is, and always has been, legitimate.
That, like all the major candidates and people elected as representatives from the republican party, this is a non-issue and that there are more serious issues to cover. I support my representative in dismissing it and working on policy.
It is interesting to watch those who are elected get attacked by both the left as being in "support" of this, and by the "birthers" who think they are in cahoots "for some reason" with Obama. Neither are true.
While it does excite my curiosity, mostly as to what people will believe when somebody in power appears to be "hiding" something, much like the 9/11 conspiracy theorists have always excited that same curiosity; it has never been my position that Obama is illegitimately President and I have never made a post that suggested that was my opinion.
I have always maintained that we would eventually get a peek at Obama's long form, and that he may as well get it out there "now" to avoid the buildup that would increase the scope of controversy. If I were on his team I would have suggested he simply obtain and release this long ago so that there wouldn't be eleventy-threeve other documents that he is "hiding" added to the list as it would have pretty much been a non-issue from the get go and would have underscored his willingness to be open and honest, just as he said his Administration would be.
I will admit that I have had fun "poking" the controversy, things like pointing out the "lax" laws suggested by birthers used to obtain a birth certificate in Hawaii, etc., but in almost every case I have always spoken in the terms of "birthers believe", in cases where I haven't it was later in a thread where I had already put forward the "birthers believe" portion, or in threads where I believed that I already had.
Anyway, I hope this will clarify what I actually believe so that Onceler and Nigel can stop "wondering" out loud in threads on the subject.