What is Christmas Dinner?

I keep my frig very cold and I rarely drink milk anymore because of all of that sugar but once in awhile I crave something like that. I actually just last week did milk and cookies and my milk had ice in it. My Grandparents Crozier spent much of their life drinking dried milk on the farm for a couple of reasons, and they always served it over ice to make it taste better. When ever I drink milk over ice I think of them.
There is nothing that makes dried milk taste better, nasty stuff!
We don't eat pork so its Smoked Turkey for us. My wife freezes fresh blackeyes every summer for New Years and Thanksgiving.I don't know if you smoke turkeys or not. If you don't you should try a Greenberg Smoked Turkey out of Tyler Texas sometime..GobbleGobble.com They will UPS them to your front door. Oprah said it was the best smoked Turkey she had ever eaten.

Anyway if you don't inject with 40% butter and 60% Chicken broth before you roast you should try it. When Combined with the brine it makes a moist tender bird.

I'm from the Dallas area. My mom taught my wife how to make cornbread dressing.
Cornbread dressing is the bomb, especially with apples, sausage and fennel!
I've been in and out of San Diego for more than 30 years. We have some of the best seafood in the world but the deer are inedible. Southern California is basically a desert that ends at the pacific ocean.
You’re wrong, Alaska has the best seafood in the world ;)
Shit on a shingle for dinner tonight. I haven't had that in over 20 years! Put 1/2 lb. (over $8.00) of dried beef in the gravy and it was excellent.

Turkey and all the fixings at cousin's for Christmas Too many deserts to mention. Then after dinner, heading to GF's sister's for round two. They will be having ham. Again, too many deserts to mention.
Diet starts Jan. 2...
I love SoS it’s sadly under appreciated. Do you ever make creamed tuna on toast?
Back to Christmas dinner discussions... I am surely glad that we got everything smoked ahead of time... bunch of baking to finiah today... and Hope that the traveling gets a little bit easier....
Today’s lunch … left over fried deer (fried some the other day for my boy who is home from college…hadn’t fried any in 8 months), freshly fried mountain oysters and left over chili from last night (it was 4° here and the wife made chili) … topped off with pumpkin bread a glass of Braum’s egg nog. Not planning on checking my cholesterol any time soon. ;)
Depends on what meat is used. I prefer dried beef.
Homemade bread goes bad after 2 days but toasting it extends the life by a day or 2. When I was learning how to make artisanal bread, I ate a lot of SoS rather than throw away stale bread.
Free? Is that because you spend a lot money gambling?
I'm a numbers guy. I understand the odds favor the casino. But I love the lights and the sounds of people losing money. Sitting down at a high stakes poker table is a riveting experience. They bring you anything you want right to the table, and throw in a free room to boot.
Kroger Brand multi flavor factory cheese cake might have been a mistake. This tastes exactly like the cheese Cake my brother gave me in Texas....that was from HEB....and I did not like it then!
I'm a numbers guy. I understand the odds favor the casino. But I love the lights and the sounds of people losing money. Sitting down at a high stakes poker table is a riveting experience. They bring you anything you want right to the table, and throw in a free room to boot.
Nice! I have a friend who makes his living at high stakes poker. It’s what I thought you meant, but thought I better check.
The problem of course with small chunks of Prime Rib is that too much of it is well done.

Eat Like Trump
just try the the high heat and then turn off the oven method... everything stays nicely rare... except for the outside...