What is Christmas Dinner?

Apple Crisp is out.

The Little Woman just (like ten minutes ago) decided that she is in the mood for cheesecake.

Making her happy often works out for me.
I'm not eating sugar. I bake and make fudge because I enjoy the challenge, not to eat it. My diet doesn't consist of sugar but I'm not carb free by any stretch.

This is rare, you getting a reply from me so consider it your Christmas present.

You are unstable, ugly acting and mean spirited. No one I care to converse with. Back to no reply for you.

Seriously why do you respond to her? I don't see the sad old trollope anymore unless somebody quotes her.
We became cyber friends after you posted your childhood trauma. This was before I posted on the TOP thread.

Sadly I have no memory of this, and I dont see how it explains or justifies your behaviour towards me.

I am off to my movie.

Shit on a shingle for dinner tonight. I haven't had that in over 20 years! Put 1/2 lb. (over $8.00) of dried beef in the gravy and it was excellent.

Turkey and all the fixings at cousin's for Christmas Too many deserts to mention. Then after dinner, heading to GF's sister's for round two. They will be having ham. Again, too many deserts to mention.
Diet starts Jan. 2...
Sadly I have no memory of this, and I dont see how it explains or justifies your behaviour towards me.

I am off to my movie.

You detailed your childhood trauma to me upon my arrival. That makes you a friend for life.
Shit on a shingle for dinner tonight. I haven't had that in over 20 years! Put 1/2 lb. (over $8.00) of dried beef in the gravy and it was excellent.

Turkey and all the fixings at cousin's for Christmas Too many deserts to mention. Then after dinner, heading to GF's sister's for round two. They will be having ham. Again, too many deserts to mention.
Diet starts Jan. 2...
I raise your shit on a shingle to quality bread covered with meat gravy and a sprinkle of cheese.
City ham, cornbread dressing with chicken, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, mashed taters, red eye gravy, cranberry salad, whippoorwill peas … Pecan pie (pronounced puh-kahn), mincemeat pie, coconut meringue pie, pumpkin bread … all to be served with plenty of calf slobber in a can.
Have a lovely and very much deserved Christmas break and time with family and friends along with your delicious meal...I agree with puh-kahn and mincemeat wholeheartedly...calf slobber...I had to look that up...that's awesome and accurate....;)