Actually, I don’t know he couldn’t build a cardboard box, and neither do you. I don’t care if he’s simply multiplied what his father financed him or left him. In America that’s absolutely legal and expected.
Actually the top 1% of America’s wealthy pay the overwhelming amount of income taxes. The top 50% pay 99% of the taxes. And after refunds, the bottom 50% of wage earners pay nothing but minimal payroll taxes based as a % of their wages and some even pay no taxes after they receive child care credits and rewards from the government.
I don’t care if he ever publishes his tax returns. There’s no legal requirement for him to do so. I only care about what he does relative to governing the nation, and so far, he’s on the PLUS side of that equation qwith me.
Actually, in the name of honesty, he’s only held in contempt by around half of the people. The other half are damned well pleased with what he’s doing.
Actually, I live on a pension and am nowhere near starving to death. I worked for my pension and I invested wisely.
Our “crappy” system, warts and all is still the best on earth and that’s why millions want to come here and even illegally sneak into our country.
NO! Actually what the question is, is “what other system is better” a question you never could answer.