What is the purpose of government?

Aristotle said “the object of a state is the good life” (Politics;1280b39).

If the purpose of government is not to make people good, then what is it?

The purpose of government is to - ideally - protect the weak.
If no one needed assistance?
There would be no need for a government.

The ACTUAL (sadly) purpose of government is to take advantage of the weak and the stupid.

Like you ignorant masses actually believe the Fed is a good institution.
Whereas, in reality, it is a staggeringly corrupt, privately-owned, for-profit corporation whose purpose is to maximize the profits of major banks/corporations and their shareholders.
But most Americans are too stupid/ignorant/lazy to figure that out.
The government/MSM tells you all that the Fed is 'good'?
And you knuckleheads believe them.

Just like the Military Industrial Complex is designed to make as much profit for themselves while satisfying the egos of the neoconservatives.
And too many Americans fall for all this nonsense simply by the government and the MSM labeling it all as 'duty' and 'honor' and whatever other words they use to con the ignorant masses into throwing GIGANTIC, shit loads of money at the Military Industrial Complex.

In 2022?
95% of what all governments do is NOTHING but harmful to humanity.

No matter which 'party' is in power.
The purpose of government is to - ideally - protect the weak.
If no one needed assistance?
There would be no need for a government.

The ACTUAL (sadly) purpose of government is to take advantage of the weak and the stupid.

Like you ignorant masses actually believe the Fed is a good institution.
Whereas, in reality, it is a staggeringly corrupt, privately-owned, for-profit corporation whose purpose is to maximize the profits of major banks/corporations and their shareholders.
But most Americans are too stupid/ignorant/lazy to figure that out.
The government/MSM tells you all that the Fed is 'good'?
And you knuckleheads believe them.

Just like the Military Industrial Complex is designed to make as much profit for themselves while satisfying the egos of the neoconservatives.
And too many Americans fall for all this nonsense simply by the government and the MSM labeling it all as 'duty' and 'honor' and whatever other words they use to con the ignorant masses into throwing GIGANTIC, shit loads of money at the Military Industrial Complex.

In 2022?
95% of what all governments do is NOTHING but harmful to humanity.

No matter which 'party' is in power.

I fully agree.