What Is Wrong With 68 Million Americans?

You fuckers have had five years to figure out what is going on..why we are rebelling against the Elite Class..the fact that you have failed to this point means one of two things.....you are incredibly stupid....or you dont want to.

You are rebelling by following a billionaire who gave huge tax cuts for the wealthy. He also used EOs to give them more. He walked into Mira Lago and announced|'I made you all a lot richer'. That is how you rebel against the elite? How is the fight been going for the last 4 years?
You fuckers have had five years to figure out what is going on..why we are rebelling against the Elite Class..the fact that you have failed to this point means one of two things.....you are incredibly stupid....or you dont want to.

The Elite Class feeds you parasites with Blue State tax money.
On your own, you're third world.
Disagreed. Tech is a tool. Why be afraid of a tool unless it's a tool you don't understand? Does Arthur C. Clarke's rule about magic and technology apply here?

It's not a fear of tech. I just don't think it's the answer. You can increase technology in the system, but if the people using the tech have bad motives, then you've just given them more power.

Tech is never the problem. The problem always is and always was people. The X factor of humanity. The best cure for that is people working together to the satisfaction of all concerned. Tech helps with those issues. This is why we have such a great system in the United States of America. Not all countries of the world have such freedom and a system to protect it.

I used to believe that. Now, I think it's a matter of elites with the wrong motives. This isn't just a matter of the US. The entire West seems to have this problem.
You are rebelling by following a billionaire who gave huge tax cuts for the wealthy. He also used EOs to give them more. He walked into Mira Lago and announced|'I made you all a lot richer'. That is how you rebel against the elite? How is the fight been going for the last 4 years?

I'm not particularly wealthy and I got a pretty good sized tax cut. Trump also nixed the idiotic EPA "Waters of the United States" EPA regulation that would have suddenly, somehow, made the intermittent dry washes on some of my property into something they regulated along with every irrigation ditch, pond, and any other small body of water in the US. Dodged that train wreck. That's just one of many regulations that saved a lot of people a lot of heartburn they didn't need that Obama was letting the alphabet soup run amok with.
It's not a fear of tech. I just don't think it's the answer. You can increase technology in the system, but if the people using the tech have bad motives, then you've just given them more power.

I used to believe that. Now, I think it's a matter of elites with the wrong motives. This isn't just a matter of the US. The entire West seems to have this problem.

It's a combination. When you let the Left have power they want to grab total power. They fundamentally believe they have all the answers and if you don't shut the hell up and obey everything they dictate it's off to the gulag for you. They've done that everywhere they've gotten in control of for over 200 years. Why should anyone expect something different from them now?
It's a combination. When you let the Left have power they want to grab total power. They fundamentally believe they have all the answers and if you don't shut the hell up and obey everything they dictate it's off to the gulag for you. They've done that everywhere they've gotten in control of for over 200 years. Why should anyone expect something different from them now?

Did you say power grab? You mean like the Republicans did with gerrymandering and SCOTUS stacking? That power grab?????
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It's not a fear of tech. I just don't think it's the answer. You can increase technology in the system, but if the people using the tech have bad motives, then you've just given them more power.

I used to believe that. Now, I think it's a matter of elites with the wrong motives. This isn't just a matter of the US. The entire West seems to have this problem.
People misusing power is as old as written history. The good news is most people are good and a good system of checks and balances controls the assholes.

As you just admitted, tech isn't the problem, it's the people. Tech solves a lot of problems but the people problem is solved with oversight.
Figured you for a Lefty. ;)

I am...I am a progressive lefty....a Zen Socialist I call myself I call myself and I proclaim my guts to be classically liberal.

I find myself looking for Righties to bond with in the hope that both the Regressive Leftists and the Chinese might be fended off.
I am...I am a progressive lefty....a Zen Socialist I call myself I call myself and I proclaim my guts to be classically liberal.

I find myself looking for Righties to bond with in the hope that both the Regressive Leftists and the Chinese might be fended off.

Yet you're also a staunch defender of Trump and his agenda. Go figure. :)
You are rebelling by following a billionaire who gave huge tax cuts for the wealthy. He also used EOs to give them more. He walked into Mira Lago and announced|'I made you all a lot richer'. That is how you rebel against the elite? How is the fight been going for the last 4 years?

You should let Hawk tell you the hilarious story about how he became a tRump fanatic. It is hilarious.
Hawk has significant bipolar tendencies. He flips and flops with the wind.

He does seem to go back and forth quite a bit. Frankly, political forums are chocked full of mental cases. Some more than others.

Like the old saying goes "You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it certainly helps". Same for being on a political forum.

Yes, I'm talking about all of us. :D
Agreed. I was being funny since he's living on a Lefty city of a Lefty state.

For sometime, he provided "comic relief" on DP. Much like Truth Detector does here. After a while, he realized that members were laughing at him and not with him. Somehow, he wound up here.